Aaron Copland
Abadie, Daniel
Abeles, Anne L.
Abend, Anna Davis
Abend, George
Abrams, Harry N.
Accademia Italia
Accademia Italia delle ar
Acquavella Galleries Inc
Acquavella, William R.
Adams, Brooks
Addison Wesley Longman
Addison-Wesley Publishing
Adelson, Lois P.
Adley, James
Adley, Jim; James Adley
Akai, Masatomo
Albany Mall (Albany, N.Y.
Albright Art Gallery
Albright Art Gallery; Bu
Albright, Thomas
Albright-Knox Art Galle
Albuquerque United Artist
Alfonso A. Ossorio
Alfred Kazin
Alison E. McMaugh
Allen, Gary
Allen, Robert F.
Alloway, Lawrence
Alter, Stewart
American Academy and Inst
American Academy of Arts
American Art Review
American Federation of Ar
Anderson, Earl
Anderson, Harry W.
Anderson, Jeremy
Andreae, Christopher
Anfam, David
Anna Davis Abend
Anne L. Abeles
Antliff, Allan
Architectural Digest
Archives of American Art
Ardrey, Elizabeth
Armstrong III, Thomas N.
Art & Auction Magazine
Art Digest Inc.
Art in America
Art Institute of Chicago
Art International
Art Now
Art of this Century Gall
Art of This Century Galle
Art Students League (New
Art Students' League
Art World, The
Arthur Tooth & Sons, Ltd
Arts Magazine
Ashbery, John
Ashton, Dore
Askman, Allegra B
Atkinson, Ti-Grace
Auping, Michael
Baker, Kenneth
Balbach, Charles
Balliett, Whitney
Baltimore Museum of Art
Baltimore Sun
Bannard, Walter Darby
Bannon, Anthony
Banta, Charles
Banta, Lucy
Barbara Rose
Barnett Newman
Barre, Jean B.
Baur, Christian
Beaux Arts Magazine
Beck, James H
Beck, Martha
Benezra, Neal David
Benezra, Neil
Berkeley Daily Gazette (
Berman, Edgar
Bernard Malamud
Bert Stern
Betty Parsons Gallery
Beyeler, Ernst
Bice, Jack
Bill Gaw
Blew Neuhaus, Maryly LaF
Blew, Earle
Bloomfield, Arthur
Bonfand, Alain
Boocock, Elizabeth Biss
Bready, Christopher H
Breeskin, Adelyn Dohme
Bremer, Nina
Brenson, Michael
Breuer, Mala
Briggs, Ernest
Brooks Adams
Brown, Chelsea
Brown, J. Carter (John C
Brown, Mariyln
Bruner, Miriam
Brush, Evelyn J.
Buck, Robert T.
Bud Leake
Buffalo Albright-Knox-Gu
Buffalo Courier Express
Buffalo Evening News
Buffalo Fine Arts Acade
Burden, William A. M. (W
Butler, Joseph T
Butterfield, Deborah
Butterfield, Jan
Byrd, Signa
C&M Arts (Gallery)
Cahill, Holger
California School of Fin
Cambridge University Pres
Cambridge, Harvard Art Re
Campbell, Robert R.
Campbell, Sandra L. St
Canaday, John
Canepa, Sara
Carey, Hugh L.
Carroll County Times
Cary Welch
Catalano, Laura
Catlin, Stanton L.
Cheever, John
Chicago Art Institute
Christian Science Monito
Christian Science Monito
City College of San Franc
Clarkson, Madeleine
Clarkson, Max B. E.
Clement Greenberg
Clyfford Still
Clyfford Still Estate
Clyfford Still; Still,
Coe, Joe Ann
Coffelt, Beth
Cohen, Norman
Cole, Thomas B.
Condé Nast Publications
Contemporary Arts Associ
Contemporary Arts Museum
Cooper, Harry
Copland, Aaron
Corbett, Edward M.
Corcoran Gallery of Art
Corcoran Gallery of Art
Corral, María de
Corry, John
Cowley, Malcolm
Crehan, Hubert
Cueff, Alain
Curtis Freed
Dallas Museum of Art
David McKee Gallery
Davis, Douglas
Dayton Art Institute
De Menil, John
De Montebello, Philippe
Deborah Butterfield
Decker, Andrew
Dee Ardrey
Demenil, Jean
Demetrion, James
Demetrion, James T.
Des Moines Art Center
Devree, Howard
Diamond, Harold
Diane Still Knox
Diane Still Knox; Diane
Dickinson, Sidney E.
Dobrzynski, Judith H.
Dodds, III, Robert J.
Donna Schneier Fine Arts
Doolittle, R. William
Dotremont, Phillippe
Douglas G. Schultz
Douglas MacAgy
Dreyfuss, Carol
Dugmore, Edward
Duncan Macguigan
Duncan, Michael
Dunham, Judith
Edgar Berman
Edward M. Corbett; Edwar
Edwards, Ellen
Elderfield, John
Elfvin, Peggy
Elizabeth Bissel Boococ
Elliott, James H.
Ellison, Ralph
Ellsworth Kelly
Erle Loran
Ethel Moore; Ethel Moore
Evergreen Review
Falkenstein, Claire
Farber, Manny
Faust, Gretchen
Felicia Geffen
Ferris, Philip
Fischer, Harry
Fitzsimmons, James
Flash Art
Flickinger, Genevieve
Forge, Andrew
Fosburgh, Lacey
Francis, Sam
Frank Lloyd
Frank Perls Gallery
Frankenthaler, Helen
Franklin, John C.
Franklin, Ruth Stephan
Freed, Curt R.
Freed, Nancy Steeper
Freed, Penny C.
Freeman, Betty
Freeman, Stanley
Friedman, B.H.
Friedman, Bernard Harper
Friedman, Martin
Gachnang, Johannes
Gagosian Gallery
Gagosian, Larry
Gallery 6M
Gallichio, Mariol
Garske Freed, Joyce
Garske, Alice Patricia
Garske, Patricia Alice
Garske, Patricia; Patri
Garske, Patricia; Patr
Gaw, William A.
Geffen, Felicia
Geldzahler, Henry
George Abend; George A A
Gerald Nordland
Ghent, Henri
Gibson, Ann
Glueck, Grace
Godfrey, Thomas Barham A
Goldberg, Eli
Goldberg, Gary
Goodnough, Robert
Goodrich, Lloyd
Goossen, Eugene C
Gordon Smith
Governor Nelson A. Rockef
Grace Hartigan
Greenberg, Clement
Greenberg, Ronald K.
Griffis, Larry W.
Guggenheim Museum
Guggenheim, Marguerite;
Guggenheim, Peggy
Haas, Evelyn
Hammer, Armand
Hans Namuth
Harithas, James
Harnack, Curtis
Harold Rosenberg
Harper and Row
Harrison, Charles
Harry N. Abrams
Harry N. Abrams, Inc.
Hartigan, Grace
Hartigan, Lynda Rosco
Hartzler, Byron
Hausman, Jerome J.
Hearst Corporation
Helen Frankenthaler
Heller, Ben
Heller, Benjamin; Ben He
Henderson, Harriet
Henry T. Hopkins
Hess, Phillip
Hess, Thomas B.
Hibbs, Jr., Henry H. (Hen
Hildreth, Alice
Hillebrand, Terrell
Hilton Kramer
Hirshhorn Museum and Scu
Hirshhorn, Joseph H.
Hitch, Annie
Hobart Lyle Williams
Hoffmann, Uta
Holger Cahill; Bjarnason
Hopkins, Henry
Hopkins, Henry T.
Hopps, Walter
Horizon Magazine
Hoving, Thomas
Hughes, Robert
Hunk Anderson
Hunter, Sam
Institute of Contemporar
J. Benjamin Townsend; Ja
Jack Franklin
Jackson Pollock
James R. Mellow
James T. Demetrion
Janis, Harriet Grossman
Janis, Sidney
Jean Read
Jean Reeves
Jeffers, Wendy
Jeffrey H. Loria
Jennifer Small
Jennings, Martin G.
Jermayne MacAgy; Jerry M
Jewell, Edward Alden
Joffe, Sue
John Richardson
John Russell
John Simon Guggenheim Mem
Johns Hopkins University
Jon R. Schueler
Joseph H. Hirshhorn Muse
Joshua C. Taylor; Joshua
Journal of the American M
Karlstrom, Paul J
Kasper Koenig
Katharine Kuh
Katzen, Lila
Katzenbach, Lois
Katzenbach, William E.
Kay, Jane Holtz
Kazin, Alfred
Keener, Paul
Kellein, Thomas
Kelly, Ellsworth
Kershner, Jim
Kimmelman, Michael
Kinney, Ann
Kinney, Gilbert H.
Knox II, Seymour H.
Knox, Avery F.
Knox, Diane Still
Knox, Jean
Knox, Morris B.
Knox, Northrup
Kootz, Samuel Melvin
Koshalek, Richard
Kozloff, Max
Kramer, Hilton
Krasner, Lee
Krasner, Lenore; Krasner
Krens, Thomas
Kuh, Katharine
Kunitz, Daniel
Kunsthalle Basel
Kuspit, Donald B
Kynaston McShine
König, Kasper
La Follette, Maryly
Laisner, George
Lamarr, Hedy
Landauer, Susan
Lane, John R.
Lannan, J. Patrick (Jose
Lansford, Alonzo
Larousse (Firm)
Laudermilch, Jeanne
Laurie, Janice
Lawrence Alloway
Lawrence, Sophie
Leake, Eugene
Lee, Sheila
Leen, Nina
Levai, Pierre
Levin, Audrey
Levin, Sam
Lewis, James
Lewis, Jo Ann
Lieberman, William S.
Life Magazine
Lippes, Gerald S.
Living Arts
Lloyd, Francis
Lloyd, Gilbert
Lockwood, Monica
Lockwood, Roy
Lohwasser, Beverly
Lois P. Adelson
Loran, Erle
Loria, Jeffrey H.
Los Angeles County Museu
Los Angeles Museum of Con
Los Angeles Times
Low, Markus
Lund Humphries
Lyons, Florine E.
M. Knoedler & Co.
M. Knoedler and Co.; M.
MacAgy, Douglas
MacAgy, Jermayne
Macguigan, Duncan
Macomber, William B.
Maggie Mills
Malamud, Bernard
Marioni, Joseph
Marks, Randolph A.
Marlborough Fine Art Ltd
Marlborough Gallery
Marlborough Gallery, In
Marlborough-Gerson Gall
Marmer, Nancy
Martha Baer
Martin, Fred
Mary Boone Gallery
Maryland Institute, Col
Masatomo Akai
Mayer, Musa
Mayo, Alberta
McCandless, Judith
McCaughey, Patrick
McCray, Porter
McKee, David
McKinney, Donald M.
McMaugh, Alison E.
McQuillan, Melissa
McShine, Kynaston
Megrew, Alden F.
Mellow, James R.
Memorial Sloan-Kettering
Metropolitan Museum of
Metropolitan Museum of Ar
Meyerhoff, Robert and Jan
Michael Auping
Millard, Charles W.
Miller, Dorothy C.
Miller, Dorothy Canning;
Miller, Richard N.
Mills, Margaret
Mitchell, Shirley
Molotsky, Irvin
Mondale, Joan
Monte, James
Moore, Ethel
Morris, Richard Allen
Mortimer Brandt Gallery
Motherwell, Robert
Motherwell, Robert Burns
Mrs. John T. Elfvin
Mrs. Peter B Flickinger
Museo Nacional Centro de
Museum Ludwig
Museum Magazine
Museum of Fine Arts, Hous
Museum of Modern Art, N
Naggy, Michael F.
Namuth, Hans
Nash, Steven A.
National Collection of F
National Gallery of Art
Neagoe, Peter
Neal David Benezra; Neal
Neff, John Hallmark
Nelson, Erna Bert
Neufville, Baroness Gene
Neuhaus, Robert
New York
New York : Arcade Publish
New York Art Gazette
New York Herald Tribune
New York Magazine
New York State Council o
New York State Museum
New York Times
New York Times, The
New York, NY : Foundation
New York: Skira Rizzoli
New Yorker
Newhouse, Samuel Iriving
Newman, Barnett
News American
Newsweek, Inc.
Nicolò Panepinto
Nordland, Gerald
Ohio State University
Onnasch, Reinhard
Ossel, Annabel
Ossorio, Alfonso A.
Pace Gallery
Pace, Eric
Panepinto, Nicolò
Paris: Presses Universita
Parker, Wilma
Parkhurst, Charles
Parsons, Betty
Parsons, Betty Bierne; B
Partisan Review
Perl, Jed
Philippe De Montebello;
Phillips, Laughlin
Phillips, Marjorie
Pincus, David
Pincus-Witten, Robert
Polcari, Stephen
Polley, Robert L.
Pollock, Jackson
Portfolio & ARTnews annua
Potter, Frank F.
Powell, Earl A.
Power, Alan
Prestel ; New York, NY
Price, Dr. Winston
Price, Vincent
Rand, Harry
Ratcliff, Carter
Reed, Judith Kaye
Reeves, Jean
Regan, Kate
Reina Sofia Art Center;
Ribicoff, Belle Krasne
Richardson, John
Richmond Professional Ins
Rickey, George
Righter, Jim
Riordan, Kathy
Roach, Karen
Robert Elkon Gallery
Robert T. Buck
Rose, Barbara
Rosen, Dr. Israel
Rosenberg, Harold
Rosenblum, Robert
Rothko, Mark
Rothkowitz, Marcus Yako
Rouzer, Patricia A.
Royal Academy of Arts
Rubin, Lawrence Edward
Rubin, William
Rudlinger, Arnold
Russell, John
Salemme, Attilio
Salvesen, Magda
Sam Francis
Sam Hunter
San Francisco Art Associ
San Francisco Art Instit
San Francisco Chronicle
San Francisco Chronicle
San Francisco Examiner
San Francisco Museum of
San Francisco Museum of
San Francisco Sunday Exam
Sandberg, Robert
Sanders, Jacquin
Sandler, Irving
Sandra L. Still Campbel
Sandra Still
Sandra Still Campbell
Saul, Andrew and Denise
Sawyer, Kenneth
Sawyer, Kenneth B
Schjeldahl, Peter
Schmid, Max
Schneier, Donna F.
Schopplein, Joe
Schueler, Elise
Schueler, Jon R.
Schulman, Daniel
Schultz, Douglas G.
Scull, Robert C. and Ethe
Seiberling, Dorothy
Selz, Peter
Seymour H. Knox II; Kno
SFMOMA; San Francisco M
Shank, J. William
Sharpless, Ti-Grace
Sheets, Hilarie M
Shirey, David
Shirey, David L
Shore Studio Galleries
Short, Kenneth D.
Sidney Janis
Sidney Janis Gallery
Sims, Lowery
Sims, Lowery S
Siskind, Aaron
Small, Jennifer
Smith, Gordon
Smith, Hassel
Smith, Roberta
Solomon R. Guggenheim Mu
Speyer, A. James
Spokane Review
Stack, Elizabeth
Stalfort, Frederick H. a
Stamos, Theodoros
Stanley, Helen Ferris
Stephan, Ineko
Stephan, John J.
Stephan, John Walter
Stephen Polcari
Stern, Bert
Steven A. Nash
Stevens, Elisabeth
Stevens, Mark
Still, A. Patricia
Still, Clyfford
Still, Clyfford, Myers,
Still, Lillian Augusta Ba
Still, Patricia
Still, Patricia A.
Still, Patricia Alice
Stille, Alexander
Stroud, Daisy
Studio International
Sunami, Soichi
Sunday Sun
Sury, Rose M
Tapié, Michel
Tapié de Céleyran, Miche
Tarshis, Jerome
Taschen (Firm)
Taschen Verlag aus Köln;
Taylor, Joshua Charles
Temko, Allan
The American Academy and
The Art Digest
The Baltimore Sun
The Burlington Magazine
The Carroll County Times
The Christian Science Mon
The Connoisseur
The Greenberg Gallery
The League
The Nation
The New Republic
The Observer
The Pace Gallery
The Sun
The Times
The Washington Post
Theodoros Stamos
This World
Thomas Albright
Thomas B. Hess
Thomas Gibson Fine Art L
Thomas Hoving
Thomas Kellein
Thomas Krens
Thomas, Frank J.
Time Magazine
Time, Inc.
Tomlin, Bradley Walker
Topper, David R.
Tousley, Nancy
Townsend, Benjamin
Townsend, J. Benjamin
Tuchman, Barbara W.
Tuchman, Maurice
Tuchman, Phyllis
United States. Governmen
University of Buffalo
University of Colorado,
University of Pennsylvan
Uta Hoffman
Van Devanter, Ann C.
Virginia Commonwealth Uni
Virginia Museum of Fine
Vogue Magazine
Volkmann, Mark
Walker Art Center
Walker, James Faure
Wall Street Journal (Fir
Walter Hopps
Ward, Eleanor
Washington Post
Washington State Universi
Washington, D.C. : Hirshh
Weil, Rex
Weisgall, Hugo
Weisman, Frederick R.
Weisman, Marcia Simon
Welch, Stuart Cary
Weller, Robert
Westerbeck, Colin
White, John
Whitney Museum of Americ
William R. Acquavella
Williams, Andy
Williams, Hobart Lyle
Wilson, William
Wolfe, Mary T.
Wolff, Theodore F.
Wolk, Marion
Wyss, Kurt
Yaddo (Artists' colony)
Yarrow, Andrew
Work Type
[correspondence, postcards, note, ephemera (general)]
Work Creator Name
[Briggs, Ernest, Still, Patricia Alice Garske, Still, Clyfford, New York Times]
Work Type
[correspondence, postcards, note, ephemera (general)]
Work Creator Name
[Briggs, Ernest, Still, Patricia Alice Garske, Still, Clyfford, New York Times]
Work Type
[correspondence, postcards, note, ephemera (general)]
Work Creator Name
[Briggs, Ernest, Still, Patricia Alice Garske, Still, Clyfford, New York Times]
Work Type
[correspondence, postcards, note, ephemera (general)]
Work Creator Name
[Briggs, Ernest, Still, Patricia Alice Garske, Still, Clyfford, New York Times]
Work Type
[correspondence, postcards, note, ephemera (general)]
Work Creator Name
[Briggs, Ernest, Still, Patricia Alice Garske, Still, Clyfford, New York Times]
Work Type
[correspondence, postcards, note, ephemera (general)]
Work Creator Name
[Briggs, Ernest, Still, Patricia Alice Garske, Still, Clyfford, New York Times]
Work Type
[correspondence, postcards, note, ephemera (general)]
Work Creator Name
[Briggs, Ernest, Still, Patricia Alice Garske, Still, Clyfford, New York Times]
Work Type
[correspondence, postcards, note, ephemera (general)]
Work Creator Name
[Briggs, Ernest, Still, Patricia Alice Garske, Still, Clyfford, New York Times]
Work Type
[correspondence, postcards, note, ephemera (general)]
Work Creator Name
[Briggs, Ernest, Still, Patricia Alice Garske, Still, Clyfford, New York Times]
Work Type
[correspondence, postcards, note, ephemera (general)]
Work Creator Name
[Briggs, Ernest, Still, Patricia Alice Garske, Still, Clyfford, New York Times]
Work Type
[correspondence, postcards, note, ephemera (general)]
Work Creator Name
[Briggs, Ernest, Still, Patricia Alice Garske, Still, Clyfford, New York Times]
Work Type
[correspondence, postcards, note, ephemera (general)]
Work Creator Name
[Briggs, Ernest, Still, Patricia Alice Garske, Still, Clyfford, New York Times]
Work Type
[correspondence, postcards, note, ephemera (general)]
Work Creator Name
[Briggs, Ernest, Still, Patricia Alice Garske, Still, Clyfford, New York Times]
Work Type
[correspondence, postcards, note, ephemera (general)]
Work Creator Name
[Briggs, Ernest, Still, Patricia Alice Garske, Still, Clyfford, New York Times]
Work Type
[correspondence, postcards, note, ephemera (general)]
Work Creator Name
[Briggs, Ernest, Still, Patricia Alice Garske, Still, Clyfford, New York Times]
Work Type
[correspondence, postcards, note, ephemera (general)]
Work Creator Name
[Briggs, Ernest, Still, Patricia Alice Garske, Still, Clyfford, New York Times]
Work Type
[correspondence, postcards, note, ephemera (general)]
Work Creator Name
[Briggs, Ernest, Still, Patricia Alice Garske, Still, Clyfford, New York Times]
Work Type
[correspondence, postcards, note, ephemera (general)]
Work Creator Name
[Briggs, Ernest, Still, Patricia Alice Garske, Still, Clyfford, New York Times]
Work Type
[correspondence, postcards, note, ephemera (general)]
Work Creator Name
[Briggs, Ernest, Still, Patricia Alice Garske, Still, Clyfford, New York Times]
Work Type
[correspondence, postcards, note, ephemera (general)]
Work Creator Name
[Briggs, Ernest, Still, Patricia Alice Garske, Still, Clyfford, New York Times]
Work Type
[correspondence, postcards, note, ephemera (general)]
Work Creator Name
[Briggs, Ernest, Still, Patricia Alice Garske, Still, Clyfford, New York Times]
Work Type
[correspondence, postcards, note, ephemera (general)]
Work Creator Name
[Briggs, Ernest, Still, Patricia Alice Garske, Still, Clyfford, New York Times]
Work Type
[correspondence, postcards, note, ephemera (general)]
Work Creator Name
[Briggs, Ernest, Still, Patricia Alice Garske, Still, Clyfford, New York Times]
Work Type
[correspondence, postcards, note, ephemera (general)]
Work Creator Name
[Briggs, Ernest, Still, Patricia Alice Garske, Still, Clyfford, New York Times]
Work Type
[correspondence, postcards, note, ephemera (general)]
Work Creator Name
[Briggs, Ernest, Still, Patricia Alice Garske, Still, Clyfford, New York Times]
Work Type
[correspondence, postcards, note, ephemera (general)]
Work Creator Name
[Briggs, Ernest, Still, Patricia Alice Garske, Still, Clyfford, New York Times]
Work Type
[correspondence, postcards, note, ephemera (general)]
Work Creator Name
[Briggs, Ernest, Still, Patricia Alice Garske, Still, Clyfford, New York Times]
Work Type
[correspondence, postcards, note, ephemera (general)]
Work Creator Name
[Briggs, Ernest, Still, Patricia Alice Garske, Still, Clyfford, New York Times]
Work Type
[correspondence, postcards, note, ephemera (general)]
Work Creator Name
[Briggs, Ernest, Still, Patricia Alice Garske, Still, Clyfford, New York Times]
Work Type
[correspondence, postcards, note, ephemera (general)]
Work Creator Name
[Briggs, Ernest, Still, Patricia Alice Garske, Still, Clyfford, New York Times]
Work Type
[correspondence, postcards, note, ephemera (general)]
Work Creator Name
[Briggs, Ernest, Still, Patricia Alice Garske, Still, Clyfford, New York Times]
Work Type
[correspondence, postcards, note, ephemera (general)]
Work Creator Name
[Briggs, Ernest, Still, Patricia Alice Garske, Still, Clyfford, New York Times]
Work Type
[correspondence, postcards, note, ephemera (general)]
Work Creator Name
[Briggs, Ernest, Still, Patricia Alice Garske, Still, Clyfford, New York Times]
Work Type
[correspondence, postcards, note, ephemera (general)]
Work Creator Name
[Briggs, Ernest, Still, Patricia Alice Garske, Still, Clyfford, New York Times]
Work Type
[correspondence, postcards, note, ephemera (general)]
Work Creator Name
[Briggs, Ernest, Still, Patricia Alice Garske, Still, Clyfford, New York Times]
Work Type
[correspondence, postcards, note, ephemera (general)]
Work Creator Name
[Briggs, Ernest, Still, Patricia Alice Garske, Still, Clyfford, New York Times]
Work Type
[correspondence, postcards, note, ephemera (general)]
Work Creator Name
[Briggs, Ernest, Still, Patricia Alice Garske, Still, Clyfford, New York Times]
Work Type
[correspondence, postcards, note, ephemera (general)]
Work Creator Name
[Briggs, Ernest, Still, Patricia Alice Garske, Still, Clyfford, New York Times]
Work Type
[correspondence, postcards, note, ephemera (general)]
Work Creator Name
[Briggs, Ernest, Still, Patricia Alice Garske, Still, Clyfford, New York Times]
Work Type
[correspondence, postcards, note, ephemera (general)]
Work Creator Name
[Briggs, Ernest, Still, Patricia Alice Garske, Still, Clyfford, New York Times]
Work Type
[correspondence, postcards, note, ephemera (general)]
Work Creator Name
[Briggs, Ernest, Still, Patricia Alice Garske, Still, Clyfford, New York Times]
Work Type
[correspondence, postcards, note, ephemera (general)]
Work Creator Name
[Briggs, Ernest, Still, Patricia Alice Garske, Still, Clyfford, New York Times]
Work Type
[correspondence, postcards, note, ephemera (general)]
Work Creator Name
[Briggs, Ernest, Still, Patricia Alice Garske, Still, Clyfford, New York Times]
Work Type
[correspondence, postcards, note, ephemera (general)]
Work Creator Name
[Briggs, Ernest, Still, Patricia Alice Garske, Still, Clyfford, New York Times]
Work Type
[correspondence, postcards, note, ephemera (general)]
Work Creator Name
[Briggs, Ernest, Still, Patricia Alice Garske, Still, Clyfford, New York Times]
Work Type
[correspondence, postcards, note, ephemera (general)]
Work Creator Name
[Briggs, Ernest, Still, Patricia Alice Garske, Still, Clyfford, New York Times]
Work Type
[correspondence, postcards, note, ephemera (general)]
Work Creator Name
[Briggs, Ernest, Still, Patricia Alice Garske, Still, Clyfford, New York Times]
Work Type
[correspondence, photographs (visual works), exhibition catalogs (object)]
Work Creator Name
[Falkenstein, Claire, Still, Clyfford, Still, Patricia Alice Garske, Tapié, Michel]
Falkenstein, Claire
Work Type
[correspondence, photographs (visual works), exhibition catalogs (object)]
Work Creator Name
[Falkenstein, Claire, Still, Clyfford, Still, Patricia Alice Garske, Tapié, Michel]
Falkenstein, Claire
Work Type
[correspondence, photographs (visual works), exhibition catalogs (object)]
Work Creator Name
[Falkenstein, Claire, Still, Clyfford, Still, Patricia Alice Garske, Tapié, Michel]
Falkenstein, Claire