Browse All : sky and hats and villas and stairs and neckties and Yaddo

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photographs (visual wor...
Still, Clyfford
Portrait of Douglas Mac...
Work Type
photographs (visual works)
Work Creator Name
Still, Clyfford
Portrait of Douglas MacAgy and Jermayne MacAgy posing before a beach in Ensenada, Mexico
Creation Date
color slides
[Still, Patricia, Still...
Slides of the Maryland ...
circa 1972 November
Work Type
color slides
Work Creator Name
[Still, Patricia, Still, Clyfford]
Slides of the Maryland landscape seen along Carroll County roads, circa 1972 November
Creation Date
circa 1972 November
color slides
[Still, Patricia, Still...
Slides of PH-1024 in Cl...
1976 October 5-8
Work Type
color slides
Work Creator Name
[Still, Patricia, Still, Clyfford]
Slides of PH-1024 in Clyfford Still's barn studio in Maryland and the landscape along the road to Buffalo, New York, 1976 October 5-8
Creation Date
1976 October 5-8
color slides
[Still, Patricia, Still...
Slides of Clyfford and ...
circa 1978 October
Work Type
color slides
Work Creator Name
[Still, Patricia, Still, Clyfford]
Slides of Clyfford and Patricia Still on their farm near Westminster, Maryland, circa 1978 October
Creation Date
circa 1978 October
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