1. Abadie, Daniel (19)
  2. Albany Mall (Albany, N.Y. … (5)
  3. Albright Art Gallery (42)
  4. Albright, Thomas (60)
  5. Albright-Knox Art Galler … (42)
  6. Alfonso A. Ossorio (34)
  7. Alfred Kazin (25)
  8. Alloway, Lawrence (28)
  9. American Academy of Arts … (6)
  10. Art in America (34)
  11. Art Now (35)
  12. Art of this Century Gall … (27)
  13. Art World, The (6)
  14. Art/World (6)
  15. ARTnews (165)
  16. Ashton, Dore (28)
  17. Baltimore Museum of Art (39)
  18. Baltimore Sun (182)
  19. Barbara Rose (6)
  20. Barnett Newman (27)
  21. Barre, Jean B. (20)
  22. Berman, Edgar (35)
  23. Bernard Malamud (25)
  24. Betty Parsons Gallery (52)
  25. Breeskin, Adelyn Dohme (39)
  26. Brenson, Michael (72)
  27. Briggs, Ernest (87)
  28. Brooks Adams (14)
  29. Brown, J. Carter (John C … (51)
  30. Buffalo Evening News (20)
  31. Buffalo Fine Arts Academ … (14)
  32. Burden, William A. M. (W … (43)
  33. Butterfield, Jan (60)
  34. Cahill, Holger (28)
  35. Campbell, Sandra L. Sti … (230)
  36. Canaday, John (27)
  37. Carroll County Times (35)
  38. Christian Science Monito … (47)
  39. Christian Science Monito … (47)
  40. Clyfford Still Estate (60)
  41. Clyfford Still; Still, … (953)
  42. Corcoran Gallery of Art (41)
  43. Corcoran Gallery of Art, … (41)
  44. Corral, María de (41)
  45. Corry, John (6)
  46. Cowley, Malcolm (25)
  47. Dallas Museum of Art (7)
  48. Devree, Howard (15)
  49. Diane Still Knox; Diane … (201)
  50. Dobrzynski, Judith H. (25)
  51. Dreyfuss, Carol (52)
  52. Edgar Berman (35)
  53. Elliott, James H. (83)
  54. Fosburgh, Lacey (1)
  55. Francis, Sam (14)
  56. Frankenthaler, Helen (28)
  57. Franklin, John C. (24)
  58. Franklin, Ruth Stephan (24)
  59. Garske, Patricia; Patri … (786)
  60. Geldzahler, Henry (7)
  61. Glueck, Grace (179)
  62. Governor Nelson A. Rockef … (5)
  63. Guggenheim, Marguerite; … (27)
  64. Guggenheim, Peggy (27)
  65. Haas, Evelyn (60)
  66. Hammer, Armand (12)
  67. Harnack, Curtis (25)
  68. Harold Rosenberg (9)
  69. Hartigan, Lynda Rosco (39)
  70. Helen Frankenthaler (28)
  71. Heller, Ben (65)
  72. Heller, Benjamin; Ben He … (65)
  73. Henry T. Hopkins (99)
  74. Hess, Thomas B. (76)
  75. Hilton Kramer (106)
  76. Holger Cahill; Bjarnason … (28)
  77. Hopkins, Henry T. (99)
  78. Hoving, Thomas (10)
  79. Jack Franklin (24)
  80. James R. Mellow (34)
  81. Janis, Harriet Grossman (35)
  82. Janis, Sidney (35)
  83. Jean Reeves (20)
  84. Jennings, Martin G. (41)
  85. Jewell, Edward Alden (1)
  86. Joffe, Sue (20)
  87. John Russell (72)
  88. Joshua C. Taylor; Joshua … (39)
  89. Kasper Koenig (5)
  90. Katharine Kuh (100)
  91. Kazin, Alfred (25)
  92. Kimmelman, Michael (26)
  93. Knox, Diane Still (201)
  94. Koshalek, Richard (6)
  95. Kramer, Hilton (109)
  96. Krasner, Lee (41)
  97. Krasner, Lenore; Krasner … (41)
  98. Kuh, Katharine (100)
  99. König, Kasper (5)
  100. Lane, John R. (21)
  101. Lannan, J. Patrick (Jose … (41)
  102. Lawrence Alloway (28)
  103. Life (14)
  104. Life Magazine (14)
  105. Lockwood, Monica (52)
  106. Los Angeles County Museu … (83)
  107. Los Angeles Museum of Con … (6)
  108. Lyons, Florine E. (39)
  109. M. Knoedler & Co. (41)
  110. M. Knoedler and Co.; M. … (41)
  111. Malamud, Bernard (25)
  112. Marioni, Joseph (60)
  113. Marlborough Gallery (14)
  114. Marlborough Gallery, In … (143)
  115. Marlborough-Gerson Galle … (14)
  116. Martha Baer (10)
  117. Mary Boone Gallery (10)
  118. Maryland Institute, Colle … (9)
  119. Mayer, Musa (1)
  120. Mayo, Alberta (60)
  121. McCandless, Judith (6)
  122. Mellow, James R. (34)
  123. Metropolitan Museum of A … (44)
  124. Meyerhoff, Robert and Jan … (3)
  125. Miller, Dorothy C. (28)
  126. Miller, Dorothy Canning; … (28)
  127. MoMA (109)
  128. Motherwell, Robert (44)
  129. Motherwell, Robert Burns … (44)
  130. Museo Nacional Centro de … (41)
  131. Museum of Fine Arts, Hous … (6)
  132. Museum of Modern Art, N … (109)
  133. National Collection of F … (39)
  134. National Gallery of Art (51)
  135. Neagoe, Peter (4)
  136. Neff, John Hallmark (4)
  137. New York Art Gazette (9)
  138. New York Herald Tribune … (100)
  139. New York Magazine (100)
  140. New York State Museum (5)
  141. New York Times, The (1362)
  142. New Yorker (71)
  143. Newman, Barnett (27)
  144. Newsweek, Inc. (270)
  145. Ossorio, Alfonso A. (34)
  146. Pace, Eric (6)
  147. Parkhurst, Charles (51)
  148. Parsons, Betty (52)
  149. Parsons, Betty Bierne; B … (52)
  150. Rand, Harry (39)
  151. Regan, Kate (60)
  152. Reina Sofia Art Center; … (41)
  153. Rose, Barbara (6)
  154. Rosenberg, Harold (9)
  155. Rothko, Mark (27)
  156. Rothkowitz, Marcus Yakov … (27)
  157. Rubin, Lawrence Edward (41)
  158. Rubin, William (19)
  159. Russell, John (73)
  160. Sam Francis (14)
  161. San Francisco Chronicle (160)
  162. San Francisco Chronicle … (160)
  163. San Francisco Examiner (35)
  164. San Francisco Museum of … (81)
  165. Sandler, Irving (1)
  166. Sandra L. Still Campbel … (230)
  167. Schjeldahl, Peter (20)
  168. Scull, Robert C. and Ethe … (4)
  169. SFMOMA; San Francisco Mu … (81)
  170. Shirey, David L (2)
  171. Short, Kenneth D. (60)
  172. Sidney Janis (35)
  173. Smith, Roberta (1)
  174. Stack, Elizabeth (39)
  175. Stephan, John J. (24)
  176. Stephan, John Walter (83)
  177. Stevens, Elisabeth (20)
  178. Still, Clyfford (953)
  179. Still, Patricia Alice G … (786)
  180. Stille, Alexander (21)
  181. Sunday Sun (182)
  182. Tarshis, Jerome (20)
  183. Taylor, Joshua Charles (39)
  184. The American Academy and … (6)
  185. The Nation (3)
  186. The Sun (80)
  187. Thomas Albright (60)
  188. Thomas B. Hess (76)
  189. Thomas Hoving (10)
  190. Time (139)
  191. Time Magazine (139)
  192. Time, Inc. (298)
  193. Tuchman, Maurice (83)
  194. Van Devanter, Ann C. (39)
  195. Vogue Magazine (60)
  196. Wall Street Journal (Fir … (91)
  197. Washington Post (92)
  198. Whitney Museum of Americ … (38)
  199. Yaddo (Artists' colony) (25)
  200. Yarrow, Andrew (25)

Browse All : Images by New York Times

1,151-1,200 of 1,376
clippings (information ...
[Still, Clyfford, Knox,...
Rothko, Mark, Clippings
Work Type
clippings (information artifacts)
Work Creator Name
[Still, Clyfford, Knox, Diane Still, New York Herald Tribune (Firm), New York Times, San Francisco Chronicle, Newsweek, Inc., Marlborough Gallery, Inc., Kuh, Katharine, New York Magazine, Time, Inc., ARTnews, Baltimore Sun]
Rothko, Mark, Clippings
Creation Date
clippings (information ...
[Still, Clyfford, Knox,...
Rothko, Mark, Clippings
Work Type
clippings (information artifacts)
Work Creator Name
[Still, Clyfford, Knox, Diane Still, New York Herald Tribune (Firm), New York Times, San Francisco Chronicle, Newsweek, Inc., Marlborough Gallery, Inc., Kuh, Katharine, New York Magazine, Time, Inc., ARTnews, Baltimore Sun]
Rothko, Mark, Clippings
Creation Date
clippings (information ...
[Still, Clyfford, Knox,...
Rothko, Mark, Clippings
Work Type
clippings (information artifacts)
Work Creator Name
[Still, Clyfford, Knox, Diane Still, New York Herald Tribune (Firm), New York Times, San Francisco Chronicle, Newsweek, Inc., Marlborough Gallery, Inc., Kuh, Katharine, New York Magazine, Time, Inc., ARTnews, Baltimore Sun]
Rothko, Mark, Clippings
Creation Date
clippings (information ...
[Still, Clyfford, Knox,...
Rothko, Mark, Clippings
Work Type
clippings (information artifacts)
Work Creator Name
[Still, Clyfford, Knox, Diane Still, New York Herald Tribune (Firm), New York Times, San Francisco Chronicle, Newsweek, Inc., Marlborough Gallery, Inc., Kuh, Katharine, New York Magazine, Time, Inc., ARTnews, Baltimore Sun]
Rothko, Mark, Clippings
Creation Date
clippings (information ...
[Still, Clyfford, Knox,...
Rothko, Mark, Clippings
Work Type
clippings (information artifacts)
Work Creator Name
[Still, Clyfford, Knox, Diane Still, New York Herald Tribune (Firm), New York Times, San Francisco Chronicle, Newsweek, Inc., Marlborough Gallery, Inc., Kuh, Katharine, New York Magazine, Time, Inc., ARTnews, Baltimore Sun]
Rothko, Mark, Clippings
Creation Date
clippings (information ...
[Still, Clyfford, Knox,...
Rothko, Mark, Clippings
Work Type
clippings (information artifacts)
Work Creator Name
[Still, Clyfford, Knox, Diane Still, New York Herald Tribune (Firm), New York Times, San Francisco Chronicle, Newsweek, Inc., Marlborough Gallery, Inc., Kuh, Katharine, New York Magazine, Time, Inc., ARTnews, Baltimore Sun]
Rothko, Mark, Clippings
Creation Date
clippings (information ...
[Still, Clyfford, Knox,...
Rothko, Mark, Clippings
Work Type
clippings (information artifacts)
Work Creator Name
[Still, Clyfford, Knox, Diane Still, New York Herald Tribune (Firm), New York Times, San Francisco Chronicle, Newsweek, Inc., Marlborough Gallery, Inc., Kuh, Katharine, New York Magazine, Time, Inc., ARTnews, Baltimore Sun]
Rothko, Mark, Clippings
Creation Date
clippings (information ...
[Still, Clyfford, Knox,...
Rothko, Mark, Clippings
Work Type
clippings (information artifacts)
Work Creator Name
[Still, Clyfford, Knox, Diane Still, New York Herald Tribune (Firm), New York Times, San Francisco Chronicle, Newsweek, Inc., Marlborough Gallery, Inc., Kuh, Katharine, New York Magazine, Time, Inc., ARTnews, Baltimore Sun]
Rothko, Mark, Clippings
Creation Date
clippings (information ...
[Still, Clyfford, Knox,...
Rothko, Mark, Clippings
Work Type
clippings (information artifacts)
Work Creator Name
[Still, Clyfford, Knox, Diane Still, New York Herald Tribune (Firm), New York Times, San Francisco Chronicle, Newsweek, Inc., Marlborough Gallery, Inc., Kuh, Katharine, New York Magazine, Time, Inc., ARTnews, Baltimore Sun]
Rothko, Mark, Clippings
Creation Date
clippings (information ...
[Still, Clyfford, Knox,...
Rothko, Mark, Clippings
Work Type
clippings (information artifacts)
Work Creator Name
[Still, Clyfford, Knox, Diane Still, New York Herald Tribune (Firm), New York Times, San Francisco Chronicle, Newsweek, Inc., Marlborough Gallery, Inc., Kuh, Katharine, New York Magazine, Time, Inc., ARTnews, Baltimore Sun]
Rothko, Mark, Clippings
Creation Date
clippings (information ...
[Still, Clyfford, Knox,...
Rothko, Mark, Clippings
Work Type
clippings (information artifacts)
Work Creator Name
[Still, Clyfford, Knox, Diane Still, New York Herald Tribune (Firm), New York Times, San Francisco Chronicle, Newsweek, Inc., Marlborough Gallery, Inc., Kuh, Katharine, New York Magazine, Time, Inc., ARTnews, Baltimore Sun]
Rothko, Mark, Clippings
Creation Date
clippings (information ...
[Still, Clyfford, Knox,...
Rothko, Mark, Clippings
Work Type
clippings (information artifacts)
Work Creator Name
[Still, Clyfford, Knox, Diane Still, New York Herald Tribune (Firm), New York Times, San Francisco Chronicle, Newsweek, Inc., Marlborough Gallery, Inc., Kuh, Katharine, New York Magazine, Time, Inc., ARTnews, Baltimore Sun]
Rothko, Mark, Clippings
Creation Date
clippings (information ...
[Still, Clyfford, Knox,...
Rothko, Mark, Clippings
Work Type
clippings (information artifacts)
Work Creator Name
[Still, Clyfford, Knox, Diane Still, New York Herald Tribune (Firm), New York Times, San Francisco Chronicle, Newsweek, Inc., Marlborough Gallery, Inc., Kuh, Katharine, New York Magazine, Time, Inc., ARTnews, Baltimore Sun]
Rothko, Mark, Clippings
Creation Date
clippings (information ...
[Still, Clyfford, Knox,...
Rothko, Mark, Clippings
Work Type
clippings (information artifacts)
Work Creator Name
[Still, Clyfford, Knox, Diane Still, New York Herald Tribune (Firm), New York Times, San Francisco Chronicle, Newsweek, Inc., Marlborough Gallery, Inc., Kuh, Katharine, New York Magazine, Time, Inc., ARTnews, Baltimore Sun]
Rothko, Mark, Clippings
Creation Date
clippings (information ...
[Still, Clyfford, Knox,...
Rothko, Mark, Clippings
Work Type
clippings (information artifacts)
Work Creator Name
[Still, Clyfford, Knox, Diane Still, New York Herald Tribune (Firm), New York Times, San Francisco Chronicle, Newsweek, Inc., Marlborough Gallery, Inc., Kuh, Katharine, New York Magazine, Time, Inc., ARTnews, Baltimore Sun]
Rothko, Mark, Clippings
Creation Date
clippings (information ...
[Still, Clyfford, Knox,...
Rothko, Mark, Clippings
Work Type
clippings (information artifacts)
Work Creator Name
[Still, Clyfford, Knox, Diane Still, New York Herald Tribune (Firm), New York Times, San Francisco Chronicle, Newsweek, Inc., Marlborough Gallery, Inc., Kuh, Katharine, New York Magazine, Time, Inc., ARTnews, Baltimore Sun]
Rothko, Mark, Clippings
Creation Date
clippings (information ...
[Still, Clyfford, Knox,...
Rothko, Mark, Clippings
Work Type
clippings (information artifacts)
Work Creator Name
[Still, Clyfford, Knox, Diane Still, New York Herald Tribune (Firm), New York Times, San Francisco Chronicle, Newsweek, Inc., Marlborough Gallery, Inc., Kuh, Katharine, New York Magazine, Time, Inc., ARTnews, Baltimore Sun]
Rothko, Mark, Clippings
Creation Date
clippings (information ...
[Still, Clyfford, Knox,...
Rothko, Mark, Clippings
Work Type
clippings (information artifacts)
Work Creator Name
[Still, Clyfford, Knox, Diane Still, New York Herald Tribune (Firm), New York Times, San Francisco Chronicle, Newsweek, Inc., Marlborough Gallery, Inc., Kuh, Katharine, New York Magazine, Time, Inc., ARTnews, Baltimore Sun]
Rothko, Mark, Clippings
Creation Date
clippings (information ...
[Still, Clyfford, Knox,...
Rothko, Mark, Clippings
Work Type
clippings (information artifacts)
Work Creator Name
[Still, Clyfford, Knox, Diane Still, New York Herald Tribune (Firm), New York Times, San Francisco Chronicle, Newsweek, Inc., Marlborough Gallery, Inc., Kuh, Katharine, New York Magazine, Time, Inc., ARTnews, Baltimore Sun]
Rothko, Mark, Clippings
Creation Date
clippings (information ...
[Still, Clyfford, Knox,...
Rothko, Mark, Clippings
Work Type
clippings (information artifacts)
Work Creator Name
[Still, Clyfford, Knox, Diane Still, New York Herald Tribune (Firm), New York Times, San Francisco Chronicle, Newsweek, Inc., Marlborough Gallery, Inc., Kuh, Katharine, New York Magazine, Time, Inc., ARTnews, Baltimore Sun]
Rothko, Mark, Clippings
Creation Date
clippings (information ...
[Still, Clyfford, Knox,...
Rothko, Mark, Clippings
Work Type
clippings (information artifacts)
Work Creator Name
[Still, Clyfford, Knox, Diane Still, New York Herald Tribune (Firm), New York Times, San Francisco Chronicle, Newsweek, Inc., Marlborough Gallery, Inc., Kuh, Katharine, New York Magazine, Time, Inc., ARTnews, Baltimore Sun]
Rothko, Mark, Clippings
Creation Date
clippings (information ...
[Still, Clyfford, Knox,...
Rothko, Mark, Clippings
Work Type
clippings (information artifacts)
Work Creator Name
[Still, Clyfford, Knox, Diane Still, New York Herald Tribune (Firm), New York Times, San Francisco Chronicle, Newsweek, Inc., Marlborough Gallery, Inc., Kuh, Katharine, New York Magazine, Time, Inc., ARTnews, Baltimore Sun]
Rothko, Mark, Clippings
Creation Date
clippings (information ...
[Still, Clyfford, Knox,...
Rothko, Mark, Clippings
Work Type
clippings (information artifacts)
Work Creator Name
[Still, Clyfford, Knox, Diane Still, New York Herald Tribune (Firm), New York Times, San Francisco Chronicle, Newsweek, Inc., Marlborough Gallery, Inc., Kuh, Katharine, New York Magazine, Time, Inc., ARTnews, Baltimore Sun]
Rothko, Mark, Clippings
Creation Date
clippings (information ...
[Still, Clyfford, Knox,...
Rothko, Mark, Clippings
Work Type
clippings (information artifacts)
Work Creator Name
[Still, Clyfford, Knox, Diane Still, New York Herald Tribune (Firm), New York Times, San Francisco Chronicle, Newsweek, Inc., Marlborough Gallery, Inc., Kuh, Katharine, New York Magazine, Time, Inc., ARTnews, Baltimore Sun]
Rothko, Mark, Clippings
Creation Date
clippings (information ...
[Still, Clyfford, Knox,...
Rothko, Mark, Clippings
Work Type
clippings (information artifacts)
Work Creator Name
[Still, Clyfford, Knox, Diane Still, New York Herald Tribune (Firm), New York Times, San Francisco Chronicle, Newsweek, Inc., Marlborough Gallery, Inc., Kuh, Katharine, New York Magazine, Time, Inc., ARTnews, Baltimore Sun]
Rothko, Mark, Clippings
Creation Date
clippings (information ...
[Still, Clyfford, Knox,...
Rothko, Mark, Clippings
Work Type
clippings (information artifacts)
Work Creator Name
[Still, Clyfford, Knox, Diane Still, New York Herald Tribune (Firm), New York Times, San Francisco Chronicle, Newsweek, Inc., Marlborough Gallery, Inc., Kuh, Katharine, New York Magazine, Time, Inc., ARTnews, Baltimore Sun]
Rothko, Mark, Clippings
Creation Date
clippings (information ...
[Still, Clyfford, Knox,...
Rothko, Mark, Clippings
Work Type
clippings (information artifacts)
Work Creator Name
[Still, Clyfford, Knox, Diane Still, New York Herald Tribune (Firm), New York Times, San Francisco Chronicle, Newsweek, Inc., Marlborough Gallery, Inc., Kuh, Katharine, New York Magazine, Time, Inc., ARTnews, Baltimore Sun]
Rothko, Mark, Clippings
Creation Date
clippings (information ...
[Still, Clyfford, Knox,...
Rothko, Mark, Clippings
Work Type
clippings (information artifacts)
Work Creator Name
[Still, Clyfford, Knox, Diane Still, New York Herald Tribune (Firm), New York Times, San Francisco Chronicle, Newsweek, Inc., Marlborough Gallery, Inc., Kuh, Katharine, New York Magazine, Time, Inc., ARTnews, Baltimore Sun]
Rothko, Mark, Clippings
Creation Date
clippings (information ...
[Still, Clyfford, Knox,...
Rothko, Mark, Clippings
Work Type
clippings (information artifacts)
Work Creator Name
[Still, Clyfford, Knox, Diane Still, New York Herald Tribune (Firm), New York Times, San Francisco Chronicle, Newsweek, Inc., Marlborough Gallery, Inc., Kuh, Katharine, New York Magazine, Time, Inc., ARTnews, Baltimore Sun]
Rothko, Mark, Clippings
Creation Date
clippings (information ...
[Still, Clyfford, Knox,...
Rothko, Mark, Clippings
Work Type
clippings (information artifacts)
Work Creator Name
[Still, Clyfford, Knox, Diane Still, New York Herald Tribune (Firm), New York Times, San Francisco Chronicle, Newsweek, Inc., Marlborough Gallery, Inc., Kuh, Katharine, New York Magazine, Time, Inc., ARTnews, Baltimore Sun]
Rothko, Mark, Clippings
Creation Date
clippings (information ...
[Still, Clyfford, Knox,...
Rothko, Mark, Clippings
Work Type
clippings (information artifacts)
Work Creator Name
[Still, Clyfford, Knox, Diane Still, New York Herald Tribune (Firm), New York Times, San Francisco Chronicle, Newsweek, Inc., Marlborough Gallery, Inc., Kuh, Katharine, New York Magazine, Time, Inc., ARTnews, Baltimore Sun]
Rothko, Mark, Clippings
Creation Date
clippings (information ...
[Still, Clyfford, Knox,...
Rothko, Mark, Clippings
Work Type
clippings (information artifacts)
Work Creator Name
[Still, Clyfford, Knox, Diane Still, New York Herald Tribune (Firm), New York Times, San Francisco Chronicle, Newsweek, Inc., Marlborough Gallery, Inc., Kuh, Katharine, New York Magazine, Time, Inc., ARTnews, Baltimore Sun]
Rothko, Mark, Clippings
Creation Date
[correspondence, newspa...
[Still, Patricia Alice ...
Barr, Alfred
1965, 1981
Work Type
[correspondence, newspaper]
Work Creator Name
[Still, Patricia Alice Garske, New York Times]
Barr, Alfred
Creation Date
1965, 1981
[correspondence, newspa...
[Still, Patricia Alice ...
Barr, Alfred
1965, 1981
Work Type
[correspondence, newspaper]
Work Creator Name
[Still, Patricia Alice Garske, New York Times]
Barr, Alfred
Creation Date
1965, 1981
[correspondence, newspa...
[Still, Patricia Alice ...
Barr, Alfred
1965, 1981
Work Type
[correspondence, newspaper]
Work Creator Name
[Still, Patricia Alice Garske, New York Times]
Barr, Alfred
Creation Date
1965, 1981
[correspondence, postca...
[Elliott, James H., Sti...
Los Angeles County Muse...
1960-1986 (Bulk 1961-19...
Work Type
[correspondence, postcards, ephemera (general), magazine papers, serial (object)]
Work Creator Name
[Elliott, James H., Still, Patricia Alice Garske, Still, Clyfford, Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Stephan, John Walter, New York Times, Tuchman, Maurice]
Los Angeles County Museum
Creation Date
1960-1986 (Bulk 1961-1965)
[correspondence, postca...
[Elliott, James H., Sti...
Los Angeles County Muse...
1960-1986 (Bulk 1961-19...
Work Type
[correspondence, postcards, ephemera (general), magazine papers, serial (object)]
Work Creator Name
[Elliott, James H., Still, Patricia Alice Garske, Still, Clyfford, Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Stephan, John Walter, New York Times, Tuchman, Maurice]
Los Angeles County Museum
Creation Date
1960-1986 (Bulk 1961-1965)
[correspondence, postca...
[Elliott, James H., Sti...
Los Angeles County Muse...
1960-1986 (Bulk 1961-19...
Work Type
[correspondence, postcards, ephemera (general), magazine papers, serial (object)]
Work Creator Name
[Elliott, James H., Still, Patricia Alice Garske, Still, Clyfford, Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Stephan, John Walter, New York Times, Tuchman, Maurice]
Los Angeles County Museum
Creation Date
1960-1986 (Bulk 1961-1965)
[correspondence, postca...
[Elliott, James H., Sti...
Los Angeles County Muse...
1960-1986 (Bulk 1961-19...
Work Type
[correspondence, postcards, ephemera (general), magazine papers, serial (object)]
Work Creator Name
[Elliott, James H., Still, Patricia Alice Garske, Still, Clyfford, Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Stephan, John Walter, New York Times, Tuchman, Maurice]
Los Angeles County Museum
Creation Date
1960-1986 (Bulk 1961-1965)
[correspondence, postca...
[Elliott, James H., Sti...
Los Angeles County Muse...
1960-1986 (Bulk 1961-19...
Work Type
[correspondence, postcards, ephemera (general), magazine papers, serial (object)]
Work Creator Name
[Elliott, James H., Still, Patricia Alice Garske, Still, Clyfford, Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Stephan, John Walter, New York Times, Tuchman, Maurice]
Los Angeles County Museum
Creation Date
1960-1986 (Bulk 1961-1965)
[correspondence, postca...
[Elliott, James H., Sti...
Los Angeles County Muse...
1960-1986 (Bulk 1961-19...
Work Type
[correspondence, postcards, ephemera (general), magazine papers, serial (object)]
Work Creator Name
[Elliott, James H., Still, Patricia Alice Garske, Still, Clyfford, Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Stephan, John Walter, New York Times, Tuchman, Maurice]
Los Angeles County Museum
Creation Date
1960-1986 (Bulk 1961-1965)
[correspondence, postca...
[Elliott, James H., Sti...
Los Angeles County Muse...
1960-1986 (Bulk 1961-19...
Work Type
[correspondence, postcards, ephemera (general), magazine papers, serial (object)]
Work Creator Name
[Elliott, James H., Still, Patricia Alice Garske, Still, Clyfford, Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Stephan, John Walter, New York Times, Tuchman, Maurice]
Los Angeles County Museum
Creation Date
1960-1986 (Bulk 1961-1965)
[correspondence, postca...
[Elliott, James H., Sti...
Los Angeles County Muse...
1960-1986 (Bulk 1961-19...
Work Type
[correspondence, postcards, ephemera (general), magazine papers, serial (object)]
Work Creator Name
[Elliott, James H., Still, Patricia Alice Garske, Still, Clyfford, Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Stephan, John Walter, New York Times, Tuchman, Maurice]
Los Angeles County Museum
Creation Date
1960-1986 (Bulk 1961-1965)
[correspondence, postca...
[Elliott, James H., Sti...
Los Angeles County Muse...
1960-1986 (Bulk 1961-19...
Work Type
[correspondence, postcards, ephemera (general), magazine papers, serial (object)]
Work Creator Name
[Elliott, James H., Still, Patricia Alice Garske, Still, Clyfford, Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Stephan, John Walter, New York Times, Tuchman, Maurice]
Los Angeles County Museum
Creation Date
1960-1986 (Bulk 1961-1965)
[correspondence, postca...
[Elliott, James H., Sti...
Los Angeles County Muse...
1960-1986 (Bulk 1961-19...
Work Type
[correspondence, postcards, ephemera (general), magazine papers, serial (object)]
Work Creator Name
[Elliott, James H., Still, Patricia Alice Garske, Still, Clyfford, Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Stephan, John Walter, New York Times, Tuchman, Maurice]
Los Angeles County Museum
Creation Date
1960-1986 (Bulk 1961-1965)
[correspondence, postca...
[Elliott, James H., Sti...
Los Angeles County Muse...
1960-1986 (Bulk 1961-19...
Work Type
[correspondence, postcards, ephemera (general), magazine papers, serial (object)]
Work Creator Name
[Elliott, James H., Still, Patricia Alice Garske, Still, Clyfford, Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Stephan, John Walter, New York Times, Tuchman, Maurice]
Los Angeles County Museum
Creation Date
1960-1986 (Bulk 1961-1965)
[correspondence, postca...
[Elliott, James H., Sti...
Los Angeles County Muse...
1960-1986 (Bulk 1961-19...
Work Type
[correspondence, postcards, ephemera (general), magazine papers, serial (object)]
Work Creator Name
[Elliott, James H., Still, Patricia Alice Garske, Still, Clyfford, Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Stephan, John Walter, New York Times, Tuchman, Maurice]
Los Angeles County Museum
Creation Date
1960-1986 (Bulk 1961-1965)
[correspondence, postca...
[Elliott, James H., Sti...
Los Angeles County Muse...
1960-1986 (Bulk 1961-19...
Work Type
[correspondence, postcards, ephemera (general), magazine papers, serial (object)]
Work Creator Name
[Elliott, James H., Still, Patricia Alice Garske, Still, Clyfford, Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Stephan, John Walter, New York Times, Tuchman, Maurice]
Los Angeles County Museum
Creation Date
1960-1986 (Bulk 1961-1965)
[correspondence, postca...
[Elliott, James H., Sti...
Los Angeles County Muse...
1960-1986 (Bulk 1961-19...
Work Type
[correspondence, postcards, ephemera (general), magazine papers, serial (object)]
Work Creator Name
[Elliott, James H., Still, Patricia Alice Garske, Still, Clyfford, Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Stephan, John Walter, New York Times, Tuchman, Maurice]
Los Angeles County Museum
Creation Date
1960-1986 (Bulk 1961-1965)
[correspondence, postca...
[Elliott, James H., Sti...
Los Angeles County Muse...
1960-1986 (Bulk 1961-19...
Work Type
[correspondence, postcards, ephemera (general), magazine papers, serial (object)]
Work Creator Name
[Elliott, James H., Still, Patricia Alice Garske, Still, Clyfford, Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Stephan, John Walter, New York Times, Tuchman, Maurice]
Los Angeles County Museum
Creation Date
1960-1986 (Bulk 1961-1965)
1,151-1,200 of 1,376