Browse All : sky and girls and women and doors and children

1-31 of 31
contact sheets
Campbell, Sandra L. Sti...
Contact sheet with eigh...
after 1961
Work Type
contact sheets
Work Creator Name
Campbell, Sandra L. Still
Contact sheet with eight images of the Westminster farm and 312 Church Street
Creation Date
after 1961
photographs (visual wor...
Rooftop view of the nei...
Work Type
photographs (visual works)
Rooftop view of the neighborhood surrounding 312 Church Street
Creation Date
photographs (visual wor...
Rooftop view of the nei...
Work Type
photographs (visual works)
Rooftop view of the neighborhood surrounding Church Street
Creation Date
photographs (visual wor...
Rooftop view of the nei...
Work Type
photographs (visual works)
Rooftop view of the neighborhood surrounding Church Street
Creation Date
photographs (visual wor...
Rooftop view of the nei...
ca. 1967
Work Type
photographs (visual works)
Rooftop view of the neighborhood surrounding Church Street
Creation Date
ca. 1967
photographs (visual wor...
View of a Maryland land...
after 1961
Work Type
photographs (visual works)
View of a Maryland landscape from car interior
Creation Date
after 1961
photographs (visual wor...
Still, Clyfford
View of a house
between circa 1929 and ...
Work Type
photographs (visual works)
Work Creator Name
Still, Clyfford
View of a house
Creation Date
between circa 1929 and circa 1941
color slides
Still, Patricia
Slides of 312 Church St...
Work Type
color slides
Work Creator Name
Still, Patricia
Slides of 312 Church Street, 1966
Creation Date
color slides
Still, Patricia
Slides of the Still fam...
circa 1983 November
Work Type
color slides
Work Creator Name
Still, Patricia
Slides of the Still family's homes and landscapes along Westminster Road in Carroll County, Maryland, circa 1983 November
Creation Date
circa 1983 November
photographs (visual wor...
Portrait of Clyfford St...
Work Type
photographs (visual works)
Portrait of Clyfford Still posing on the roof at 312 Church Street
Creation Date
color negatives
Color negative of Clyff...
Circa 1960 - 1965
Work Type
color negatives
Color negative of Clyfford Still's barn studio property in Westminster, Maryland
Creation Date
Circa 1960 - 1965
color negatives
Color negative of Still...
Circa 1960 - 1965
Work Type
color negatives
Color negative of Still's farmhouse property in Westminster, Maryland
Creation Date
Circa 1960 - 1965
color negatives
Color negative of the l...
Circa 1960 - 1965
Work Type
color negatives
Color negative of the landscape near the Still farmhouse in Westminster, Maryland
Creation Date
Circa 1960 - 1965
color negatives
Color negative of the l...
Circa 1960 - 1965
Work Type
color negatives
Color negative of the landscape near the Still farmhouse property in Westminster, Maryland
Creation Date
Circa 1960 - 1965
color negatives
Color negative of the l...
Circa 1960 - 1965
Work Type
color negatives
Color negative of the landscape surrounding the Still farmhouse in Westminster, Maryland
Creation Date
Circa 1960 - 1965
color negatives
Color negative of the l...
Circa 1960 - 1965
Work Type
color negatives
Color negative of the landscape surrounding the Still farmhouse property
Creation Date
Circa 1960 - 1965
color negatives
[Still, Patricia Alice ...
Color negative of the f...
1985 August
Work Type
color negatives
Work Creator Name
[Still, Patricia Alice Garske, Campbell, Sandra L. Still]
Color negative of the field where Clyfford Still's studio used to stand with a sedan automobile in the background near Westminster, Maryland
Creation Date
1985 August
color negatives
Still, Patricia Alice G...
Color negative of a gar...
Work Type
color negatives
Work Creator Name
Still, Patricia Alice Garske
Color negative of a garden and flowers along the driveway of 312 Church Street in New Windsor, Maryland
color negatives
Still, Patricia Alice G...
Color negative of the b...
Work Type
color negatives
Work Creator Name
Still, Patricia Alice Garske
Color negative of the back fence at 312 Church Street in New Windsor, Maryland
color negatives
Still, Patricia Alice G...
Color negative of the b...
Work Type
color negatives
Work Creator Name
Still, Patricia Alice Garske
Color negative of the back fence at 312 Church Street in New Windsor, Maryland
color negatives
Still, Patricia Alice G...
Color negative of the b...
Work Type
color negatives
Work Creator Name
Still, Patricia Alice Garske
Color negative of the back fence at 312 Church Street in New Windsor, Maryland with a cherry blossom tree, gardens, and lawn
color negatives
Still, Patricia Alice G...
Color negative of the b...
Work Type
color negatives
Work Creator Name
Still, Patricia Alice Garske
Color negative of the back fence at 312 Church Street in New Windsor, Maryland with a cherry blossom tree, gardens, and lawn
color negatives
Still, Patricia Alice G...
Color negative of the b...
Work Type
color negatives
Work Creator Name
Still, Patricia Alice Garske
Color negative of the back fence at 312 Church Street in New Windsor, Maryland with a cherry blossom tree, gardens, and lawn
color negatives
Still, Patricia Alice G...
Color negative of the b...
Work Type
color negatives
Work Creator Name
Still, Patricia Alice Garske
Color negative of the back garden at 312 Church Street in New Windsor, Maryland with the back fence in the background
color negatives
Still, Patricia Alice G...
Color negative of the b...
Work Type
color negatives
Work Creator Name
Still, Patricia Alice Garske
Color negative of the back lawn and fence at 312 Church Street in New Windsor, Maryland
color negatives
Still, Patricia Alice G...
Color negative of the b...
Work Type
color negatives
Work Creator Name
Still, Patricia Alice Garske
Color negative of the back lawn at 312 Church Street in New Windsor, Maryland
color negatives
Still, Patricia Alice G...
Color negative of the b...
Work Type
color negatives
Work Creator Name
Still, Patricia Alice Garske
Color negative of the back lawn, garden, and fence at 312 Church Street in New Windsor, Maryland
color negatives
Still, Patricia Alice G...
Color negative of the f...
Work Type
color negatives
Work Creator Name
Still, Patricia Alice Garske
Color negative of the fence and cherry blossom tree in the back of 312 Church Street in New Windsor, Maryland
color negatives
Still, Patricia Alice G...
Color negative of the f...
Work Type
color negatives
Work Creator Name
Still, Patricia Alice Garske
Color negative of the fence and cherry blossom tree in the back of 312 Church Street in New Windsor, Maryland
color negatives
Still, Patricia Alice G...
Color negative of the f...
Work Type
color negatives
Work Creator Name
Still, Patricia Alice Garske
Color negative of the fence in the back of 312 Church Street in New Windsor, Maryland
color negatives
Still, Patricia Alice G...
Color negative of the g...
Work Type
color negatives
Work Creator Name
Still, Patricia Alice Garske
Color negative of the garden, trees, and lawn of the back of 312 Church Street in New Windsor, Maryland
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