Browse All : sitting and neckties and boys and sky and dresses (garments) and automobiles and backdrops
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Work Type
photographs (visual works)
Work Creator Name
Campbell, Sandra L. Still
Portrait of Clyfford Still posing outdoors at the Westminster farm, with long coat
Creation Date
Work Type
photographs (visual works)
Work Creator Name
Campbell, Sandra L. Still
Portrait of Clyfford Still with rifle and beret
Creation Date
between 1961 - 1965
Work Type
contact sheets
Work Creator Name
Campbell, Sandra L. Still
Contact sheet with three images of Clyfford Still posing before his Westminster studio
Creation Date
ca. 1963
Work Type
photographs (visual works)
Portrait of Clyfford Still seated outdoors at the Westminster farm
Creation Date
between 1970 - 1975
Work Type
photographs (visual works)
Portrait of Clyfford Still posing before the Westminster farmhouse
Creation Date
between 1975 - 1979
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