Browse All : doors and porches and shadows and trees and rock

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photographs (visual wor...
Still, Clyfford
View of California coas...
between circa 1929 and ...
Work Type
photographs (visual works)
Work Creator Name
Still, Clyfford
View of California coast
Creation Date
between circa 1929 and circa 1941
black-and-white negativ...
Still, Clyfford
Black and white negativ...
between 1929 - 1960
Work Type
black-and-white negatives
Work Creator Name
Still, Clyfford
Black and white negative of the California coastline with cliffs overlooking the beach and some houses in the background
Creation Date
between 1929 - 1960
black-and-white negativ...
Still, Clyfford
Black and white negativ...
circa 1951
Work Type
black-and-white negatives
Work Creator Name
Still, Clyfford
Black and white negative of Lillian, Diane, and Sandra Still on a rocky beach
Creation Date
circa 1951
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