1. arbors (1)
  2. art (fine art) (1)
  3. art galleries (institutio … (1)
  4. art museums (1)
  5. artists (visual artists) (19)
  6. atmospheric perspective (1)
  7. automobiles (4)
  8. barns (1)
  9. baseball (field sport) (1)
  10. bedrooms (4)
  11. berets (3)
  12. black-and-white film (19)
  13. branches (plant component … (1)
  14. buildings (structures) (2)
  15. bushes (2)
  16. cardigans (2)
  17. close-up views (2)
  18. clouds (1)
  19. coats (garments) (2)
  20. collectors (3)
  21. color film (film) (6)
  22. concrete block (1)
  23. crates (1)
  24. curators (2)
  25. daughters (1)
  26. doorways (3)
  27. exhibitions (events) (1)
  28. exterior views (5)
  29. eyeglasses (17)
  30. families (3)
  31. family portraits (1)
  32. farmhouses (4)
  33. farms (2)
  34. fedoras (1)
  35. fences (1)
  36. fields (land) (3)
  37. floral patterns (4)
  38. forests (plant communitie … (2)
  39. galleries (display spaces … (8)
  40. geometric patterns (2)
  41. gloves (3)
  42. hats (5)
  43. houses (2)
  44. installations (exhibition … (5)
  45. interior views (13)
  46. Jaguar Mark series automo … (1)
  47. ladders (3)
  48. landscapes (representatio … (1)
  49. men (male humans) (19)
  50. moustaches (4)
  51. neckties (17)
  52. New York, New York (1)
  53. paintings (visual works) (7)
  54. patterns (design elements … (4)
  55. plants (3)
  56. profiles (figures) (5)
  57. purses (ladies' accessori … (3)
  58. rifles (long guns) (3)
  59. roads (1)
  60. rubbish (1)
  61. scarves (costume accessor … (1)
  62. sheds (storage structures … (1)
  63. skirts (garments) (1)
  64. sky (5)
  65. spouses (4)
  66. studios (work spaces) (3)
  67. suits (main garments) (16)
  68. sunlight (2)
  69. sweaters (3)
  70. three-quarter views (4)
  71. tie clasps (6)
  72. trees (7)
  73. trimming (material) (8)
  74. utility poles (1)
  75. Visual Works (hierarchy … (25)
  76. wallpapers (4)
  77. windows (5)
  78. women (5)
  79. wood products (1)
  80. woods (plant communities) (1)
  81. workers (1)
  82. yards (areas) (3)

Browse All : portraits from 1961

1-25 of 25
photographs (visual wor...
Portrait of Betty Freem...
Work Type
photographs (visual works)
Portrait of Betty Freeman, Clyfford Still, and Patricia Still at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art
Creation Date
photographs (visual wor...
Portrait of Betty Freem...
Work Type
photographs (visual works)
Portrait of Betty Freeman, Clyfford Still, and Patricia Still at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art
Creation Date
photographs (visual wor...
Portrait of Clyfford St...
Work Type
photographs (visual works)
Portrait of Clyfford Still installing PH-246 at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art
Creation Date
photographs (visual wor...
Portrait of Clyfford St...
Work Type
photographs (visual works)
Portrait of Clyfford Still posing with PH-246 at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art
Creation Date
photographs (visual wor...
Portrait of Clyfford St...
Work Type
photographs (visual works)
Portrait of Clyfford Still, James Elliot, and Patricia Still installing artwork at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art
Creation Date
photographs (visual wor...
Portrait of Clyfford St...
Work Type
photographs (visual works)
Portrait of Clyfford Still, Patricia Still, Betty Freeman, and James Elliot at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art
Creation Date
photographs (visual wor...
Portrait of Clyfford St...
Work Type
photographs (visual works)
Portrait of Clyfford Still with PH-225 at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art
Creation Date
photographs (visual wor...
Portrait of Clyfford St...
Work Type
photographs (visual works)
Portrait of Clyfford Still posing with PH-246 at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art
Creation Date
photographs (visual wor...
Portrait of Clyfford St...
after 1961
Work Type
photographs (visual works)
Portrait of Clyfford Still posing outdoors in coat, hat, and glasses
Creation Date
after 1961
photographs (visual wor...
Portrait of Clyfford St...
after 1961
Work Type
photographs (visual works)
Portrait of Clyfford Still with Sandra Still at the Westminster farmhouse
Creation Date
after 1961
color slides
[Still, Patricia, Knox,...
Slides of the Still fam...
circa 1961 April
Work Type
color slides
Work Creator Name
[Still, Patricia, Knox, Diane Still, Still, Clyfford, Myers, Dick]
Slides of the Still family in Washington D.C. and New York city, circa 1961 April
Creation Date
circa 1961 April
color slides
Still, Patricia
Slides of Clyfford, Pat...
1961 June
Work Type
color slides
Work Creator Name
Still, Patricia
Slides of Clyfford, Patricia, and Sandra Still's drive south toward Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, 1961 June
Creation Date
1961 June
color slides
Still, Patricia
Slides of Clyfford and ...
circa 1961 October
Work Type
color slides
Work Creator Name
Still, Patricia
Slides of Clyfford and Sandra Still at the farm near Westminster, Maryland, circa 1961 October
Creation Date
circa 1961 October
color slides
[Still, Patricia, Knox,...
Slides of Clyfford, San...
circa 1961 November
Work Type
color slides
Work Creator Name
[Still, Patricia, Knox, Diane Still, Still, Clyfford, Still, Clyfford, Myers, Dick]
Slides of Clyfford, Sandra, and Patricia Still at the farm near Westminster, Maryland, circa 1961 November
Creation Date
circa 1961 November
photographs (visual wor...
Campbell, Sandra L. Sti...
Portrait of Clyfford St...
ca. 1961 - 1962
Work Type
photographs (visual works)
Work Creator Name
Campbell, Sandra L. Still
Portrait of Clyfford Still against a white backdrop
Creation Date
ca. 1961 - 1962
photographs (visual wor...
Campbell, Sandra L. Sti...
Portrait of Clyfford St...
ca. 1961 - 1962
Work Type
photographs (visual works)
Work Creator Name
Campbell, Sandra L. Still
Portrait of Clyfford Still against a white backdrop
Creation Date
ca. 1961 - 1962
photographs (visual wor...
Campbell, Sandra L. Sti...
Portrait of Clyfford St...
ca. 1961- 1962
Work Type
photographs (visual works)
Work Creator Name
Campbell, Sandra L. Still
Portrait of Clyfford Still against floral wallpaper
Creation Date
ca. 1961- 1962
photographs (visual wor...
Campbell, Sandra L. Sti...
Portrait of Clyfford St...
ca. 1961- 1962
Work Type
photographs (visual works)
Work Creator Name
Campbell, Sandra L. Still
Portrait of Clyfford Still against floral wallpaper, with glasses
Creation Date
ca. 1961- 1962
photographs (visual wor...
Campbell, Sandra L. Sti...
Portrait of Clyfford St...
between 1961 - 1965
Work Type
photographs (visual works)
Work Creator Name
Campbell, Sandra L. Still
Portrait of Clyfford Still with car and rifle at the Westminster farm
Creation Date
between 1961 - 1965
photographs (visual wor...
Campbell, Sandra L. Sti...
Portrait of Clyfford St...
between 1961 - 1965
Work Type
photographs (visual works)
Work Creator Name
Campbell, Sandra L. Still
Portrait of Clyfford Still with rifle and beret
Creation Date
between 1961 - 1965
photographs (visual wor...
Campbell, Sandra L. Sti...
Portrait of Clyfford St...
between 1961 - 1965
Work Type
photographs (visual works)
Work Creator Name
Campbell, Sandra L. Still
Portrait of Clyfford Still with rifle and beret
Creation Date
between 1961 - 1965
color negatives
Color negative of Clyff...
c. 1959
Work Type
color negatives
Color negative of Clyfford Still standing outside of his Studio at 128 West 23rd Street in New York City
Creation Date
c. 1959
color negatives
Color negative of Patri...
c. 1959
Work Type
color negatives
Color negative of Patricia Still posing outside of Clyfford Still's studio at 128 West 23rd Street in New York City.
Creation Date
c. 1959
photographs (visual wor...
Campbell, Sandra L. Sti...
Close-up portrait of Cl...
ca. 1961- 1962
Work Type
photographs (visual works)
Work Creator Name
Campbell, Sandra L. Still
Close-up portrait of Clyfford Still, with glasses
Creation Date
ca. 1961- 1962
photographs (visual wor...
Campbell, Sandra L. Sti...
Close-up portrait of Cl...
ca. 1961- 1962
Work Type
photographs (visual works)
Work Creator Name
Campbell, Sandra L. Still
Close-up portrait of Clyfford Still, with glasses
Creation Date
ca. 1961- 1962
1-25 of 25