Browse All : windows and women and daughters and girls and hats

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photographs (visual wor...
Still, Clyfford
Portrait of Patricia Ga...
between 1946 - 1950
Work Type
photographs (visual works)
Work Creator Name
Still, Clyfford
Portrait of Patricia Garske posing in the courtyard at the California School of Fine Arts
Creation Date
between 1946 - 1950
photographs (visual wor...
Campbell, Sandra L. Sti...
Close-up portrait of Cl...
Work Type
photographs (visual works)
Work Creator Name
Campbell, Sandra L. Still
Close-up portrait of Clyfford Still with beret, three-quarter view
Creation Date
photographs (visual wor...
Still, Clyfford
Portrait of Bernard Hag...
ca. 1934-35
Work Type
photographs (visual works)
Work Creator Name
Still, Clyfford
Portrait of Bernard Haggin and two unidentified women with rocks at Yaddo
Creation Date
ca. 1934-35
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