1. artists (visual artists) (2)
  2. aunts (1)
  3. baby carriages (1)
  4. barns (1)
  5. benches (furniture) (1)
  6. black-and-white film (9)
  7. blouses (main garments) (3)
  8. boys (2)
  9. branches (plant component … (2)
  10. brick (clay product) (1)
  11. buildings (structures) (1)
  12. bushes (5)
  13. children (3)
  14. clouds (1)
  15. coats (garments) (3)
  16. color film (film) (1)
  17. columns (architectural el … (2)
  18. curtains (window hangings … (1)
  19. daughters (3)
  20. dogs (animals) (1)
  21. doors (4)
  22. dresses (garments) (2)
  23. exterior views (9)
  24. eyeglasses (3)
  25. families (kinship groups) (4)
  26. farmhouses (1)
  27. fathers (1)
  28. fedoras (1)
  29. fields (land) (1)
  30. floral patterns (1)
  31. fronts (architectural) (1)
  32. girls (2)
  33. grandmothers (2)
  34. Greenwich, Connecticut (1)
  35. group portraits (2)
  36. hats (2)
  37. hills (1)
  38. infants (1)
  39. ladders (1)
  40. landscapes (representatio … (1)
  41. men (male humans) (6)
  42. mothers (3)
  43. neckties (2)
  44. neighborhoods (1)
  45. plants (8)
  46. portraits (8)
  47. roads (1)
  48. scarves (costume accessor … (1)
  49. shadows (7)
  50. sheds (storage structures … (1)
  51. sidewalks (1)
  52. silhouettes (1)
  53. skirts (garments) (6)
  54. sky (1)
  55. spouses (4)
  56. stairs (2)
  57. studios (work spaces) (1)
  58. suits (main garments) (3)
  59. sunlight (6)
  60. sweaters (1)
  61. tie clasps (2)
  62. trees (5)
  63. trimming (material) (1)
  64. utility poles (1)
  65. vests (garments) (1)
  66. Visual Works (hierarchy … (10)
  67. wells (structures) (1)
  68. windows (5)
  69. winter (1)
  70. wood products (1)
  71. woods (plant communities) (1)
  72. woodwork (1)
  73. yards (areas) (7)

Browse All : porches and houses and women

1-10 of 10
contact sheets
Campbell, Sandra L. Sti...
Contact sheet with eigh...
after 1961
Work Type
contact sheets
Work Creator Name
Campbell, Sandra L. Still
Contact sheet with eight images of the Westminster farm and 312 Church Street
Creation Date
after 1961
photographs (visual wor...
Early group portrait wi...
between 1907 - 1910
Work Type
photographs (visual works)
Early group portrait with Sarah Johnson Still, Clyfford Still, and unidentified man, women, and children
Creation Date
between 1907 - 1910
photographs (visual wor...
Early portrait of an in...
ca. 1904
Work Type
photographs (visual works)
Early portrait of an infant Clyfford Still with Sarah Johnson Still and Alice Johnson
Creation Date
ca. 1904
photographs (visual wor...
Early portrait of Clyff...
between 1908 - 1912
Work Type
photographs (visual works)
Early portrait of Clyfford Still with Sarah Johnson Still and John Elmer Still at his childhood home in Spokane
Creation Date
between 1908 - 1912
photographs (visual wor...
Still, Clyfford
Portrait of Johnnie Ste...
1956 April 11
Work Type
photographs (visual works)
Work Creator Name
Still, Clyfford
Portrait of Johnnie Stephan, Patricia Still, and John Stephan at the Stephans' house in Greenwich, Connecticut
Creation Date
1956 April 11
photographs (visual wor...
Still, Clyfford
Portrait of Lillian Bat...
ca. 1946
Work Type
photographs (visual works)
Work Creator Name
Still, Clyfford
Portrait of Lillian Battan Still, Diane Still, and Sandra Still before the Westlock, Alberta house
Creation Date
ca. 1946
photographs (visual wor...
Still, Clyfford
Portrait of Lillian Bat...
Work Type
photographs (visual works)
Work Creator Name
Still, Clyfford
Portrait of Lillian Battan Still, Helen Ferris, and Phil Ferris seated before a house
Creation Date
photographs (visual wor...
Stephan, John Walter
Portrait of Patricia St...
1956 April 11
Work Type
photographs (visual works)
Work Creator Name
Stephan, John Walter
Portrait of Patricia Still, Clyfford Still, Johnnie Stephan, and Ruth Stephan at the Stephans' house in Greenwich, Connecticut
Creation Date
1956 April 11
photographs (visual wor...
Portrait of Sandra Stil...
Work Type
photographs (visual works)
Portrait of Sandra Still at 312 Church Street
Creation Date
photographs (visual wor...
Portrait of Susie Still...
between 1920 - 1940
Work Type
photographs (visual works)
Portrait of Susie Still Abbott and Mary O'Neil Still
Creation Date
between 1920 - 1940
1-10 of 10