1. plants


  1. airplanes (2)
  2. airports (1)
  3. arbors (2)
  4. arcades (structural assem … (1)
  5. art museums (2)
  6. artists (visual artists … (104)
  7. athletes (4)
  8. atmospheric perspective (8)
  9. audiences (4)
  10. aunts (1)
  11. authors (2)
  12. automobiles (45)
  13. autumn (2)
  14. baby carriages (1)
  15. backdrops (1)
  16. balconies (22)
  17. banks (landforms) (17)
  18. barns (51)
  19. barriers (23)
  20. baseball (field sport) (5)
  21. beaches (6)
  22. beards (21)
  23. benches (furniture) (13)
  24. berets (11)
  25. birds (animals) (4)
  26. black-and-white film (265)
  27. black-and-white photogra … (10)
  28. blouses (main garments) (12)
  29. bow ties (1)
  30. boys (14)
  31. branches (plant componen … (66)
  32. brick (clay product) (41)
  33. bridges (built works) (4)
  34. buildings (structures) (79)
  35. bushes (149)
  36. cabins (houses) (2)
  37. campuses (8)
  38. cardigans (2)
  39. chairs (furniture forms) (10)
  40. Chevrolet Corvair automob … (1)
  41. children (12)
  42. churches (buildings) (2)
  43. cityscapes (representatio … (1)
  44. cliffs (2)
  45. close-up views (8)
  46. clotheslines (1)
  47. clouds (20)
  48. coastlines (5)
  49. coats (garments) (61)
  50. coffers (ceiling compone … (10)
  51. colleges (buildings) (8)
  52. color film (film) (58)
  53. colors (hues or tints) (4)
  54. columns (architectural e … (62)
  55. combines (1)
  56. commencements (9)
  57. common willow (species) (2)
  58. composers (1)
  59. concrete block (35)
  60. construction equipment (1)
  61. construction sites (4)
  62. cornstalk (6)
  63. courtyards (1)
  64. cows (animals) (2)
  65. cranes (equipment) (5)
  66. cupolas (7)
  67. curators (6)
  68. curtains (window hangings … (4)
  69. daughters (16)
  70. demolition (process) (1)
  71. detail views (6)
  72. dogs (animals) (2)
  73. domes (architectural ele … (11)
  74. doors (63)
  75. doorways (2)
  76. dresses (garments) (19)
  77. drinking fountains (1)
  78. driveways (31)
  79. erosion (1)
  80. exterior views (238)
  81. eyeglasses (61)
  82. factories (structures) (2)
  83. families (kinship groups) (4)
  84. farmers (5)
  85. farmhouses (19)
  86. farming (12)
  87. farms (44)
  88. farmyards (2)
  89. fathers (2)
  90. fedoras (6)
  91. fences (38)
  92. fences (site elements) (2)
  93. fields (land) (98)
  94. figures (representations) (1)
  95. flags (8)
  96. floral patterns (4)
  97. flower (plant material) (4)
  98. forests (plant communiti … (52)
  99. fountains (6)
  100. freight cars (20)
  101. fronts (architectural) (28)
  102. garages (29)
  103. gardens (open spaces) (29)
  104. geese (animals) (1)
  105. geometric patterns (30)
  106. girls (5)
  107. gloves (7)
  108. grain elevators (6)
  109. grand hotels (1)
  110. grandmothers (2)
  111. graphite pencils (6)
  112. Greenwich, Connecticut (1)
  113. group portraits (6)
  114. groves (plant communities … (9)
  115. guardian lions (2)
  116. hats (54)
  117. hay (material) (3)
  118. hills (31)
  119. home movies (2)
  120. horizon line (45)
  121. horses (animals) (11)
  122. houses (102)
  123. infants (1)
  124. ink (2)
  125. interior views (1)
  126. Jaguar Mark series automo … (2)
  127. labor (1)
  128. ladders (9)
  129. lakes (bodies of water) (1)
  130. lamps (lighting devices) (27)
  131. landscapes (representat … (115)
  132. landscaping (10)
  133. license plates (10)
  134. Lincoln Continental autom … (2)
  135. machinery (14)
  136. mansions (4)
  137. Maverick automobile (1)
  138. men (male humans) (144)
  139. models (representations) (1)
  140. monuments (2)
  141. mothers (3)
  142. motifs (1)
  143. mountains (1)
  144. moustaches (29)
  145. musicians (1)
  146. neckties (53)
  147. neighborhoods (48)
  148. Nespelem (1)
  149. notes (4)
  150. oceans (7)
  151. oil pastels (2)
  152. outdoor sculpture (8)
  153. overalls (main garments) (1)
  154. paintings (visual works) (1)
  155. parking lots (2)
  156. parks (recreation areas) (10)
  157. partial views (16)
  158. paths (16)
  159. pens (drawing and writing … (6)
  160. pergolas (1)
  161. photographers (5)
  162. physicians (1)
  163. pillars (6)
  164. pipes (smoking equipment) (7)
  165. platforms (general) (10)
  166. plows (agricultural equip … (3)
  167. podiums (platforms) (6)
  168. polo (field sport) (4)
  169. polo clubs (built complex … (4)
  170. polo fields (4)
  171. porches (76)
  172. portraits (137)
  173. profiles (figures) (23)
  174. public sculpture (4)
  175. purses (ladies' accessori … (9)
  176. quarries (extracting comp … (2)
  177. railings (balustrades) (44)
  178. railroad stations (7)
  179. railroads (27)
  180. rails (transit system el … (22)
  181. reapers (3)
  182. reflections (perceived pr … (9)
  183. rifles (long guns) (7)
  184. rivers (8)
  185. roads (42)
  186. robes (main garments) (8)
  187. rock (58)
  188. rooftops (11)
  189. rose gardens (1)
  190. rubbish (15)
  191. rugs (textiles) (3)
  192. San Francisco, California (2)
  193. scaffolds (4)
  194. scarves (costume accesso … (18)
  195. seascapes (5)
  196. service stations (4)
  197. shades (coverings) (9)
  198. shadows (80)
  199. sheds (storage structure … (28)
  200. ships (1)
  201. shipyards (1)
  202. side views (13)
  203. sidewalks (49)
  204. signs (declatory or adve … (23)
  205. silhouettes (5)
  206. silver gelatin (32)
  207. sitting (14)
  208. skirts (garments) (13)
  209. sky (216)
  210. snow (precipitation) (16)
  211. soil (46)
  212. spectators (event observe … (3)
  213. sports uniforms (4)
  214. spouses (22)
  215. stables (animal housing) (1)
  216. stages (performances spac … (6)
  217. stained glass (material) (17)
  218. stairs (45)
  219. statues (7)
  220. stools (seating furniture … (1)
  221. Streaming Video (2)
  222. streets (20)
  223. students (3)
  224. studies (4)
  225. studio portraits (1)
  226. studios (work spaces) (41)
  227. suits (main garments) (28)
  228. sunglasses (10)
  229. sunlight (92)
  230. sweaters (2)
  231. three-quarter views (30)
  232. tie clasps (11)
  233. tile (materials) (5)
  234. tipis (1)
  235. tools (5)
  236. towers (building divisio … (13)
  237. towers (single built work … (1)
  238. townscapes (representatio … (3)
  239. toys (recreational artifa … (1)
  240. tractors (agricultural e … (12)
  241. train sheds (7)
  242. trains (vehicle grouping … (22)
  243. travel (4)
  244. trees (258)
  245. trimming (material) (3)
  246. trucks (15)
  247. uniforms (7)
  248. utility poles (61)
  249. valleys (landforms) (1)
  250. vests (garments) (1)
  251. villas (4)
  252. Visual Works (hierarchy … (352)
  253. Visual works (hierarchy n … (4)
  254. wagons (cargo vehicles) (2)
  255. water (5)
  256. water tanks (1)
  257. waterfalls (natural bodie … (4)
  258. wells (structures) (2)
  259. wheat (1)
  260. wheels (components) (13)
  261. windows (120)
  262. winter (9)
  263. women (44)
  264. wood (2)
  265. wood products (15)
  266. woods (plant communities … (42)
  267. woodwork (2)
  268. workers (15)
  269. wrecks (sites) (14)
  270. wrist watches (5)
  271. Yaddo (11)
  272. yards (areas) (151)
  273. yards (open spaces) (4)
  274. yellow (1)

Browse All : farms and trees from 1935 and 1909

351-359 of 359
  6 7 8
black-and-white negativ...
[Still, Clyfford, Still...
Black and white negativ...
c. 1956
Work Type
black-and-white negatives
Work Creator Name
[Still, Clyfford, Still, Patricia Alice Garske]
Black and white negative of Patricia Still sitting along a river bank with next to a waterfall
Creation Date
c. 1956
black-and-white negativ...
[Still, Clyfford, Still...
Black and white negativ...
1956 April 11
Work Type
black-and-white negatives
Work Creator Name
[Still, Clyfford, Still, Patricia Alice Garske]
Black and white negative of Patricia Still sitting in the drivers seat of a Jaguar automobile in front of John Stephans' house in Greenwich, Connecticut
Creation Date
1956 April 11
black-and-white negativ...
[Still, Clyfford, Still...
Black and white negativ...
c. 1956
Work Type
black-and-white negatives
Work Creator Name
[Still, Clyfford, Still, Patricia Alice Garske]
Black and white negative of Patricia Still standing along a river bank with next to a waterfall
Creation Date
c. 1956
black-and-white negativ...
[Still, Clyfford, Still...
Black and white negativ...
c. 1956
Work Type
black-and-white negatives
Work Creator Name
[Still, Clyfford, Still, Patricia Alice Garske]
Black and white negative of two geese and four goslings swimming on a river
Creation Date
c. 1956
photographs (visual wor...
Still, Clyfford
Landscape view of Clyff...
between 1920 - 1930
Work Type
photographs (visual works)
Work Creator Name
Still, Clyfford
Landscape view of Clyfford Still's land in Killam, Alberta
Creation Date
between 1920 - 1930
photographs (visual wor...
Side view of Clyfford S...
after 1966
Work Type
photographs (visual works)
Side view of Clyfford Still's home at 312 Church Street
Creation Date
after 1966
black-and-white negativ...
Black and white negativ...
circa 1944
Work Type
black-and-white negatives
Black and white negative of young Diane and Sandra Still holding hands in a yard
Creation Date
circa 1944
black-and-white negativ...
Still, Clyfford
Black and white negativ...
circa 1942
Work Type
black-and-white negatives
Work Creator Name
Still, Clyfford
Black and white negative of Lillian Still and young Diane Still holding hands
Creation Date
circa 1942
photographs (visual wor...
Campbell, Sandra L. Sti...
Portrait of Clyfford St...
Work Type
photographs (visual works)
Work Creator Name
Campbell, Sandra L. Still
Portrait of Clyfford Still posing before his Westminster studio
Creation Date
351-359 of 359
  6 7 8