1. ink


  1. Aaron Copland (20)
  2. Abadie, Daniel (19)
  3. Abeles, Anne L. (39)
  4. Abend, Anna Davis (12)
  5. Abend, George (50)
  6. Abrams, Harry N. (9)
  7. Accademia Italia (1)
  8. Accademia Italia delle ar … (1)
  9. Acquavella Galleries Inc … (18)
  10. Acquavella, William R. (18)
  11. Addison Wesley Longman (2)
  12. Addison-Wesley Publishing … (2)
  13. Adelson, Lois P. (2)
  14. Adley, James (46)
  15. Adley, Jim; James Adley (46)
  16. Akai, Masatomo (7)
  17. Albany Mall (Albany, N.Y. … (5)
  18. Albright Art Gallery (307)
  19. Albright Art Gallery; Bu … (22)
  20. Albright, Thomas (125)
  21. Albright-Knox Art Galle … (307)
  22. Albuquerque United Artist … (1)
  23. Alfonso A. Ossorio (85)
  24. Alfred Kazin (25)
  25. Alison E. McMaugh (46)
  26. Allen, Gary (1)
  27. Allen, Robert F. (1)
  28. Alloway, Lawrence (35)
  29. Alter, Stewart (1)
  30. American Academy of Arts … (80)
  31. Anderson, Earl (2)
  32. Anderson, Harry W. (39)
  33. Anderson, Jeremy (3)
  34. Anna Davis Abend (12)
  35. Anne L. Abeles (39)
  36. Architectural Digest (8)
  37. Ardrey, Elizabeth (10)
  38. Armstrong III, Thomas N. (42)
  39. Art & Auction Magazine (8)
  40. Art Digest Inc. (8)
  41. Art in America (34)
  42. Art Institute of Chicago (13)
  43. Art of this Century Gall … (27)
  44. Art Students' League (5)
  45. Art World, The (9)
  46. Art/World (9)
  47. Arthur Tooth & Sons, Ltd … (11)
  48. ARTnews (180)
  49. Ashbery, John (4)
  50. Ashton, Dore (27)
  51. Atkinson, Ti-Grace (1)
  52. Auping, Michael (24)
  53. Balbach, Charles (22)
  54. Balliett, Whitney (80)
  55. Baltimore Museum of Art (39)
  56. Baltimore Sun (236)
  57. Bannon, Anthony (39)
  58. Banta, Charles (11)
  59. Banta, Lucy (17)
  60. Barbara Rose (14)
  61. Barnett Newman (64)
  62. Barre, Jean B. (20)
  63. Beck, Martha (5)
  64. Berkeley Daily Gazette ( … (72)
  65. Berman, Edgar (45)
  66. Bernard Malamud (25)
  67. Betty Parsons Gallery (52)
  68. Beyeler, Ernst (3)
  69. Bice, Jack (3)
  70. Bill Gaw (1)
  71. Blew Neuhaus, Maryly LaF … (72)
  72. Blew, Earle (72)
  73. Boocock, Elizabeth Bisse … (75)
  74. Breeskin, Adelyn Dohme (39)
  75. Brenson, Michael (72)
  76. Breuer, Mala (44)
  77. Briggs, Ernest (87)
  78. Brooks Adams (14)
  79. Brown, Chelsea (12)
  80. Brown, J. Carter (John C … (51)
  81. Brown, Mariyln (39)
  82. Buck, Robert T. (18)
  83. Bud Leake (146)
  84. Buffalo Albright-Knox-Gu … (22)
  85. Buffalo Evening News (25)
  86. Buffalo Fine Arts Acade … (219)
  87. Burden, William A. M. (W … (60)
  88. Butterfield, Deborah (54)
  89. Butterfield, Jan (126)
  90. Byrd, Signa (2)
  91. C&M Arts (Gallery) (5)
  92. Cahill, Holger (69)
  93. California School of Fin … (65)
  94. Campbell, Robert R. (2)
  95. Campbell, Sandra L. Sti … (444)
  96. Canaday, John (27)
  97. Canepa, Sara (96)
  98. Carey, Hugh L. (1)
  99. Cary Welch (26)
  100. Catalano, Laura (23)
  101. Catlin, Stanton L. (1)
  102. Cheever, John (12)
  103. Chicago Art Institute (13)
  104. Christian Science Monito … (47)
  105. Christian Science Monito … (47)
  106. City College of San Franc … (1)
  107. Clarkson, Madeleine (29)
  108. Clarkson, Max B. E. (29)
  109. Clement Greenberg (24)
  110. Clyfford Still (6)
  111. Clyfford Still Estate (60)
  112. Clyfford Still; Still, … (5104)
  113. Coe, Joe Ann (1)
  114. Cohen, Norman (2)
  115. Condé Nast Publications … (19)
  116. Contemporary Arts Associ … (50)
  117. Contemporary Arts Museum (50)
  118. Copland, Aaron (20)
  119. Corbett, Edward M. (44)
  120. Corcoran Gallery of Art (135)
  121. Corcoran Gallery of Art … (135)
  122. Corral, María de (41)
  123. Corry, John (6)
  124. Cowley, Malcolm (25)
  125. Crehan, Hubert (1)
  126. Curtis Freed (45)
  127. Dallas Museum of Art (7)
  128. David McKee Gallery (13)
  129. De Menil, John (38)
  130. De Montebello, Philippe (102)
  131. Deborah Butterfield (54)
  132. Dee Ardrey (10)
  133. Demenil, Jean (38)
  134. Demetrion, James T. (39)
  135. Des Moines Art Center (17)
  136. Devree, Howard (14)
  137. Diamond, Harold (10)
  138. Diane Still Knox; Diane … (555)
  139. Dickinson, Sidney E. (7)
  140. Dobrzynski, Judith H. (25)
  141. Dodds, III, Robert J. (19)
  142. Doolittle, R. William (22)
  143. Dotremont, Phillippe (2)
  144. Douglas G. Schultz (46)
  145. Douglas MacAgy (50)
  146. Dreyfuss, Carol (52)
  147. Dugmore, Edward (14)
  148. Duncan Macguigan (18)
  149. Edgar Berman (45)
  150. Edward M. Corbett; Edwar … (44)
  151. Elderfield, John (7)
  152. Elfvin, Peggy (22)
  153. Elizabeth Bissel Boocock … (75)
  154. Elliott, James H. (83)
  155. Ellison, Ralph (48)
  156. Ellsworth Kelly (2)
  157. Erle Loran (1)
  158. Ethel Moore; Ethel Moore … (26)
  159. Falkenstein, Claire (125)
  160. Felicia Geffen (20)
  161. Ferris, Philip (36)
  162. Fischer, Harry (19)
  163. Flickinger, Genevieve (22)
  164. Francis, Sam (14)
  165. Frank Lloyd (105)
  166. Frank Perls Gallery (4)
  167. Frankenthaler, Helen (28)
  168. Franklin, John C. (24)
  169. Franklin, Ruth Stephan (40)
  170. Freed, Curt R. (45)
  171. Freed, Nancy Steeper (45)
  172. Freed, Penny C. (45)
  173. Freeman, Betty (65)
  174. Freeman, Stanley (65)
  175. Friedman, B.H. (29)
  176. Friedman, Bernard Harper … (29)
  177. Friedman, Martin (16)
  178. Gachnang, Johannes (18)
  179. Gagosian Gallery (17)
  180. Gagosian, Larry (17)
  181. Gallichio, Mariol (19)
  182. Garske Freed, Joyce (45)
  183. Garske, Patricia Alice (21)
  184. Garske, Patricia; Patric … (40)
  185. Garske, Patricia; Patr … (4099)
  186. Gaw, William A. (1)
  187. Geffen, Felicia (20)
  188. Geldzahler, Henry (7)
  189. George Abend; George A A … (50)
  190. Gerald Nordland (24)
  191. Ghent, Henri (55)
  192. Gibson, Ann (5)
  193. Glueck, Grace (211)
  194. Goldberg, Eli (3)
  195. Goldberg, Gary (3)
  196. Goodrich, Lloyd (42)
  197. Gordon Smith (116)
  198. Governor Nelson A. Rockef … (5)
  199. Grace Hartigan (26)
  200. Greenberg, Clement (24)
  201. Greenberg, Ronald K. (3)
  202. Guggenheim Museum (80)
  203. Guggenheim, Marguerite; … (27)
  204. Guggenheim, Peggy (27)
  205. Haas, Evelyn (60)
  206. Hammer, Armand (12)
  207. Hans Namuth (1)
  208. Harnack, Curtis (80)
  209. Harold Rosenberg (9)
  210. Harry N. Abrams (9)
  211. Harry N. Abrams, Inc. (16)
  212. Hartigan, Grace (26)
  213. Hartigan, Lynda Rosco (39)
  214. Hartzler, Byron (17)
  215. Hausman, Jerome J. (4)
  216. Hearst Corporation (4)
  217. Helen Frankenthaler (28)
  218. Heller, Ben (65)
  219. Heller, Benjamin; Ben He … (65)
  220. Henderson, Harriet (54)
  221. Henry T. Hopkins (242)
  222. Hess, Phillip (4)
  223. Hess, Thomas B. (122)
  224. Hibbs, Jr., Henry H. (Hen … (1)
  225. Hildreth, Alice (7)
  226. Hillebrand, Terrell (8)
  227. Hilton Kramer (112)
  228. Hirshhorn Museum and Scu … (25)
  229. Hirshhorn, Joseph H. (9)
  230. Hitch, Annie (32)
  231. Hobart Lyle Williams (23)
  232. Hoffmann, Uta (7)
  233. Holger Cahill; Bjarnason … (69)
  234. Hopkins, Henry T. (242)
  235. Hopps, Walter (3)
  236. Horizon Magazine (3)
  237. Hoving, Thomas (11)
  238. Hunk Anderson (39)
  239. Hunter, Sam (9)
  240. Institute of Contemporar … (35)
  241. J. Benjamin Townsend; Ja … (22)
  242. Jack Franklin (24)
  243. Jackson Pollock (11)
  244. James R. Mellow (34)
  245. James T. Demetrion (39)
  246. Janis, Harriet Grossman (90)
  247. Janis, Sidney (90)
  248. Jean Read (39)
  249. Jean Reeves (20)
  250. Jeffers, Wendy (3)
  251. Jeffrey H. Loria (50)
  252. Jennifer Small (21)
  253. Jennings, Martin G. (41)
  254. Jermayne MacAgy; Jerry M … (50)
  255. Joffe, Sue (20)
  256. John Russell (72)
  257. John Simon Guggenheim Mem … (2)
  258. Jon R. Schueler (80)
  259. Joseph H. Hirshhorn Muse … (25)
  260. Joshua C. Taylor; Joshua … (39)
  261. Kasper Koenig (11)
  262. Katharine Kuh (171)
  263. Katzen, Lila (13)
  264. Katzenbach, Lois (23)
  265. Katzenbach, William E. (23)
  266. Kazin, Alfred (25)
  267. Keener, Paul (48)
  268. Kellein, Thomas (53)
  269. Kelly, Ellsworth (2)
  270. Kimmelman, Michael (25)
  271. Kinney, Ann (17)
  272. Kinney, Gilbert H. (17)
  273. Knox II, Seymour H. (144)
  274. Knox, Diane Still (555)
  275. Knox, Jean (39)
  276. Knox, Morris B. (58)
  277. Knox, Northrup (39)
  278. Kootz, Samuel Melvin (7)
  279. Koshalek, Richard (6)
  280. Kramer, Hilton (112)
  281. Krasner, Lee (41)
  282. Krasner, Lenore; Krasner … (41)
  283. Krens, Thomas (5)
  284. Kuh, Katharine (171)
  285. Kunsthalle Basel (27)
  286. Kynaston McShine (1)
  287. König, Kasper (11)
  288. La Follette, Maryly (72)
  289. Laisner, George (5)
  290. Lamarr, Hedy (4)
  291. Lane, John R. (21)
  292. Lannan, J. Patrick (Josep … (7)
  293. Larousse (Firm) (1)
  294. Laurie, Janice (22)
  295. Lawrence Alloway (35)
  296. Lawrence, Sophie (23)
  297. Leake, Eugene (146)
  298. Lee, Sheila (32)
  299. Levai, Pierre (29)
  300. Levin, Audrey (44)
  301. Levin, Sam (44)
  302. Lieberman, William S. (50)
  303. Life (14)
  304. Life Magazine (14)
  305. Lippes, Gerald S. (22)
  306. Lloyd, Francis (105)
  307. Lloyd, Gilbert (19)
  308. Lockwood, Monica (52)
  309. Lockwood, Roy (1)
  310. Lohwasser, Beverly (20)
  311. Lois P. Adelson (2)
  312. Loran, Erle (1)
  313. Loria, Jeffrey H. (50)
  314. Los Angeles County Museu … (83)
  315. Los Angeles Museum of Con … (6)
  316. Low, Markus (19)
  317. Lund Humphries (14)
  318. Lyons, Florine E. (39)
  319. M. Knoedler & Co. (41)
  320. M. Knoedler and Co.; M. … (41)
  321. MacAgy, Douglas (50)
  322. MacAgy, Jermayne (50)
  323. Macguigan, Duncan (18)
  324. Macomber, William B. (3)
  325. Maggie Mills (48)
  326. Malamud, Bernard (25)
  327. Marioni, Joseph (163)
  328. Marks, Randolph A. (22)
  329. Marlborough Fine Art Ltd … (19)
  330. Marlborough Gallery (184)
  331. Marlborough Gallery, In … (183)
  332. Marlborough-Gerson Gall … (184)
  333. Martha Baer (10)
  334. Mary Boone Gallery (10)
  335. Maryland Institute, Col … (112)
  336. Masatomo Akai (7)
  337. Mayer, Musa (1)
  338. Mayo, Alberta (60)
  339. McCandless, Judith (6)
  340. McCray, Porter (13)
  341. McKee, David (32)
  342. McKinney, Donald M. (32)
  343. McMaugh, Alison E. (46)
  344. McShine, Kynaston (1)
  345. Megrew, Alden F. (31)
  346. Mellow, James R. (34)
  347. Memorial Sloan-Kettering … (4)
  348. Metropolitan Museum of … (185)
  349. Meyerhoff, Robert and Jan … (3)
  350. Michael Auping (24)
  351. Millard, Charles W. (8)
  352. Miller, Dorothy C. (69)
  353. Miller, Dorothy Canning; … (69)
  354. Miller, Richard N. (10)
  355. Mills, Margaret (48)
  356. Molotsky, Irvin (39)
  357. MoMA (226)
  358. Mondale, Joan (7)
  359. Moore, Ethel (26)
  360. Morris, Richard Allen (1)
  361. Mortimer Brandt Gallery (1)
  362. Motherwell, Robert (44)
  363. Motherwell, Robert Burns … (44)
  364. Mrs. John T. Elfvin (22)
  365. Mrs. Peter B Flickinger (22)
  366. Museo Nacional Centro de … (55)
  367. Museum Ludwig (5)
  368. Museum of Fine Arts, Hous … (6)
  369. Museum of Modern Art, N … (226)
  370. Namuth, Hans (1)
  371. Nash, Steven A. (7)
  372. National Collection of F … (41)
  373. National Gallery of Art (58)
  374. Neagoe, Peter (4)
  375. Neff, John Hallmark (4)
  376. Neufville, Baroness Gene … (56)
  377. Neuhaus, Robert (3)
  378. New York Art Gazette (9)
  379. New York Herald Tribune … (100)
  380. New York Magazine (100)
  381. New York State Council o … (17)
  382. New York State Museum (5)
  383. New York Times (1287)
  384. New York Times, The (1287)
  385. New Yorker (71)
  386. Newhouse, Samuel Iriving (19)
  387. Newman, Barnett (64)
  388. News American (13)
  389. Newsweek, Inc. (344)
  390. Nicolò Panepinto (1)
  391. Nordland, Gerald (24)
  392. Ohio State University (4)
  393. Onnasch, Reinhard (18)
  394. Ossel, Annabel (23)
  395. Ossorio, Alfonso A. (85)
  396. Pace Gallery (4)
  397. Pace, Eric (6)
  398. Panepinto, Nicolò (1)
  399. Parker, Wilma (4)
  400. Parkhurst, Charles (51)
  401. Parsons, Betty (52)
  402. Parsons, Betty Bierne; B … (52)
  403. Philippe De Montebello; … (102)
  404. Phillips, Laughlin (3)
  405. Phillips, Marjorie (3)
  406. Pincus, David (2)
  407. Polcari, Stephen (28)
  408. Polley, Robert L. (4)
  409. Pollock, Jackson (11)
  410. Potter, Frank F. (1)
  411. Powell, Earl A. (1)
  412. Power, Alan (4)
  413. Price, Dr. Winston (9)
  414. Price, Vincent (4)
  415. Rand, Harry (39)
  416. Regan, Kate (80)
  417. Reina Sofia Art Center; … (55)
  418. Richmond Professional Ins … (1)
  419. Rickey, George (12)
  420. Righter, Jim (1)
  421. Riordan, Kathy (37)
  422. Roach, Karen (22)
  423. Robert Elkon Gallery (12)
  424. Robert T. Buck (18)
  425. Rose, Barbara (14)
  426. Rosen, Dr. Israel (9)
  427. Rosenberg, Harold (9)
  428. Rothko, Mark (107)
  429. Rothkowitz, Marcus Yako … (107)
  430. Royal Academy of Arts (23)
  431. Rubin, Lawrence Edward (41)
  432. Rubin, William (23)
  433. Rudlinger, Arnold (28)
  434. Russell, John (72)
  435. Salvesen, Magda (80)
  436. Sam Francis (14)
  437. Sam Hunter (9)
  438. San Francisco Art Associ … (14)
  439. San Francisco Art Instit … (65)
  440. San Francisco Chronicle (305)
  441. San Francisco Chronicle … (305)
  442. San Francisco Museum of … (12)
  443. San Francisco Museum of … (228)
  444. Sandberg, Robert (9)
  445. Sanders, Jacquin (8)
  446. Sandra L. Still Campbel … (443)
  447. Sandra Still Campbell (1)
  448. Saul, Andrew and Denise (2)
  449. Sawyer, Kenneth (67)
  450. Schjeldahl, Peter (20)
  451. Schueler, Elise (80)
  452. Schueler, Jon R. (80)
  453. Schultz, Douglas G. (46)
  454. Scull, Robert C. and Ethe … (4)
  455. Seymour H. Knox II; Kno … (144)
  456. SFMOMA; San Francisco M … (240)
  457. Shank, J. William (10)
  458. Sharpless, Ti-Grace (44)
  459. Shirey, David (8)
  460. Shore Studio Galleries (2)
  461. Short, Kenneth D. (60)
  462. Sidney Janis (90)
  463. Sidney Janis Gallery (53)
  464. Sims, Lowery (42)
  465. Small, Jennifer (21)
  466. Smith, Gordon (116)
  467. Smith, Hassel (94)
  468. Solomon R. Guggenheim Mu … (80)
  469. Speyer, A. James (13)
  470. Stack, Elizabeth (39)
  471. Stalfort, Frederick H. a … (70)
  472. Stamos, Theodoros (10)
  473. Stanley, Helen Ferris (65)
  474. Stephan, Ineko (58)
  475. Stephan, John J. (110)
  476. Stephan, John Walter (148)
  477. Stephen Polcari (28)
  478. Steven A. Nash (7)
  479. Stevens, Elisabeth (20)
  480. Still, Clyfford (5238)
  481. Still, Lillian Augusta Ba … (2)
  482. Still, Patricia (17)
  483. Still, Patricia A. (21)
  484. Still, Patricia Alice … (4122)
  485. Stille, Alexander (21)
  486. Stroud, Daisy (23)
  487. Sunday Sun (236)
  488. Sury, Rose M (29)
  489. Tapié, Michel (75)
  490. Tapié de Céleyran, Miche … (75)
  491. Tarshis, Jerome (20)
  492. Taschen (Firm) (5)
  493. Taschen Verlag aus Köln; … (5)
  494. Taylor, Joshua Charles (39)
  495. Temko, Allan (4)
  496. The American Academy and … (80)
  497. The Greenberg Gallery (3)
  498. The Nation (3)
  499. The Pace Gallery (4)
  500. The Sun (64)
  501. Theodoros Stamos (10)
  502. Thomas Albright (125)
  503. Thomas B. Hess (122)
  504. Thomas Gibson Fine Art L … (12)
  505. Thomas Hoving (11)
  506. Thomas Kellein (53)
  507. Thomas Krens (5)
  508. Time (159)
  509. Time Magazine (159)
  510. Time, Inc. (265)
  511. Tomlin, Bradley Walker (3)
  512. Townsend, J. Benjamin (22)
  513. Tuchman, Barbara W. (27)
  514. Tuchman, Maurice (83)
  515. United States. Governmen … (13)
  516. University of Colorado, … (31)
  517. University of Pennsylvan … (35)
  518. Uta Hoffman (7)
  519. Van Devanter, Ann C. (39)
  520. Virginia Commonwealth Uni … (1)
  521. Virginia Museum of Fine … (10)
  522. Vogue Magazine (118)
  523. Volkmann, Mark (2)
  524. Walker Art Center (16)
  525. Wall Street Journal (Fir … (91)
  526. Walter Hopps (3)
  527. Washington Post (92)
  528. Washington State Universi … (5)
  529. Weisman, Frederick R. (146)
  530. Weisman, Marcia Simon (94)
  531. Welch, Stuart Cary (26)
  532. White, John (1)
  533. Whitney Museum of Americ … (80)
  534. William R. Acquavella (18)
  535. Williams, Andy (5)
  536. Williams, Hobart Lyle (23)
  537. Wolfe, Mary T. (1)
  538. Wolk, Marion (13)
  539. Yaddo (Artists' colony) (25)
  540. Yarrow, Andrew (25)

Browse All : ink

151-200 of 6,978
  2 3 4 5 6  
Postcard from Mrs. C. H...
1909 July 28
Work Type
Postcard from Mrs. C. H. Weisbecket to Mrs. E. Still, with image of a farm being harvested
Creation Date
1909 July 28
Postcard from Mrs. C. H...
1909 July 28
Work Type
Postcard from Mrs. C. H. Weisbecket to Mrs. E. Still, with image of a farm being harvested
Creation Date
1909 July 28
Postcard with image of ...
circa 1915 to circa 195...
Work Type
Postcard with image of Rowena Loops on the Columbia River Highway in Oregon
Creation Date
circa 1915 to circa 1950
Postcard with image of ...
circa 1915 to circa 195...
Work Type
Postcard with image of Rowena Loops on the Columbia River Highway in Oregon
Creation Date
circa 1915 to circa 1950
Postcard with image of ...
between 1920 to 1940
Work Type
Postcard with image of farmers working with a thresher on the Still family farm in Bow Island, Alberta
Creation Date
between 1920 to 1940
Postcard with image of ...
between 1920 to 1940
Work Type
Postcard with image of farmers working with a thresher on the Still family farm in Bow Island, Alberta
Creation Date
between 1920 to 1940
[sketch, preliminary sk...
Still, Clyfford
[Untitled sketch, PDX-3...
circa 1937
Work Type
[sketch, preliminary sketch]
Work Creator Name
Still, Clyfford
[Untitled sketch, PDX-304]
Creation Date
circa 1937
[sketch, preliminary sk...
Still, Clyfford
[Untitled sketch, PDX-3...
circa 1945
Work Type
[sketch, preliminary sketch]
Work Creator Name
Still, Clyfford
[Untitled sketch, PDX-320]
Creation Date
circa 1945
[sketch, thumbnail sket...
Still, Clyfford
[PAX-2.118, PDX-404]
circa 1950s
Work Type
[sketch, thumbnail sketch]
Work Creator Name
Still, Clyfford
[PAX-2.118, PDX-404]
Creation Date
circa 1950s
[sketch, thumbnail sket...
Still, Clyfford
[PAX-2.127, PDX-413]
circa 1950s
Work Type
[sketch, thumbnail sketch]
Work Creator Name
Still, Clyfford
[PAX-2.127, PDX-413]
Creation Date
circa 1950s
Still, Clyfford
[PAX-1.79.1, PDX-202 re...
between 1923 and 1933
Work Type
Work Creator Name
Still, Clyfford
[PAX-1.79.1, PDX-202 recto, PDX-202.1]
Creation Date
between 1923 and 1933
[floor plans, exhibitio...
Gallery floor plan with...
Work Type
[floor plans, exhibition records]
Gallery floor plan with diagrams indicating the placement of artworks exhibited in "Paintings by Clyfford Still", Metart Gallery, San Francisco, June 17-July 14, 1950
Creation Date
Still, Clyfford
Advanced Drawing Notes
between 1933 and 1941
Work Type
Work Creator Name
Still, Clyfford
Advanced Drawing Notes
Creation Date
between 1933 and 1941
color slides
Slide of the painting M...
[1487, circa 1935 to 19...
Work Type
color slides
Slide of the painting Madonna of the Small Trees by Giovanni Bellini
Creation Date
[1487, circa 1935 to 1970]
color slides
Slide of the painting T...
[1475, circa 1935 to 19...
Work Type
color slides
Slide of the painting The Adoration of the Magi by Hieronymus Bosch
Creation Date
[1475, circa 1935 to 1970]
color slides
Slide of the painting B...
[1485, circa 1935 to 19...
Work Type
color slides
Slide of the painting Birth of Venus by Sandro Botticelli
Creation Date
[1485, circa 1935 to 1970]
color slides
Slide of the painting M...
[1500, circa 1935 to 19...
Work Type
color slides
Slide of the painting Mystic Nativity by Sandro Botticelli
Creation Date
[1500, circa 1935 to 1970]
color slides
Slide of the painting T...
[1565, circa 1935 to 19...
Work Type
color slides
Slide of the painting The Harvesters (detail) by Pieter Brueghel I
Creation Date
[1565, circa 1935 to 1970]
color slides
Slide of the painting L...
[1912, circa 1935 to 19...
Work Type
color slides
Slide of the painting Landscape with the Fall of Icarus by Pieter Brueghel I
Creation Date
[1912, circa 1935 to 1970]
color slides
Slide of the painting C...
[circa 1508 to 1512, ci...
Work Type
color slides
Slide of the painting Creation of Adam (ceiling detail) in the Sistine Chapel by Michelangelo Buonarroti
Creation Date
[circa 1508 to 1512, circa 1935 to 1970]
color slides
Slide of the painting J...
[circa 1508 to 1512, ci...
Work Type
color slides
Slide of the painting Jeremiah (ceiling detail) in the Sistine Chapel by Michelangelo Buonarroti
Creation Date
[circa 1508 to 1512, circa 1935 to 1970]
black-and-white slides
Slide of the Sistine Ch...
[circa 1508 to 1512, ci...
Work Type
black-and-white slides
Slide of the Sistine Chapel ceiling (detail) by Michelangelo Buonarroti
Creation Date
[circa 1508 to 1512, circa 1935 to 1970]
color slides
Slide of the painting D...
[circa 1508 to 1512, ci...
Work Type
color slides
Slide of the painting Delphic Sibyl (ceiling detail) in the Sistine Chapel by Michelangelo Buonarroti
Creation Date
[circa 1508 to 1512, circa 1935 to 1970]
color slides
Slide of the painting N...
[1934, circa 1935 to 19...
Work Type
color slides
Slide of the painting November Evening by Charles Ephraim Burchfield
Creation Date
[1934, circa 1935 to 1970]
color slides
Slide of the painting S...
[circa 1895 to 1898, ci...
Work Type
color slides
Slide of the painting Still Life with Apples by Paul Cézanne
Creation Date
[circa 1895 to 1898, circa 1935 to 1970]
color slides
Slide of the painting Y...
[circa 1633 to 1645, ci...
Work Type
color slides
Slide of the painting Young Man with a Sword by the Circle of Rembrandt van Rijn
Creation Date
[circa 1633 to 1645, circa 1961 June]
color slides
Slide of the painting T...
[1861, circa 1935 to 19...
Work Type
color slides
Slide of the painting The Lake by Jean Baptiste Camille Corot
Creation Date
[1861, circa 1935 to 1970]
color slides
Slide of the painting P...
[1935, circa 1935 to 19...
Work Type
color slides
Slide of the painting Portrait of Gala by Salvador Dali
Creation Date
[1935, circa 1935 to 1970]
color slides
Slide of the painting T...
[circa 1308 to 1311, ci...
Work Type
color slides
Slide of the painting The Three Marys at the Tomb by Duccio
Creation Date
[circa 1308 to 1311, circa 1935 to 1970]
color slides
Slide of the painting P...
[1526, circa 1935 to 19...
Work Type
color slides
Slide of the painting Portrait of Hieronymus Holzschuher by Albrecht Dürer
Creation Date
[1526, circa 1935 to 1970]
color slides
Slide of the painting S...
[1498, circa 1935 to 19...
Work Type
color slides
Slide of the painting Self Portrait by Albrecht Dürer
Creation Date
[1498, circa 1935 to 1970]
color slides
Slide of the painting M...
[circa 1935 to 1970, 16...
Work Type
color slides
Slide of the painting Marchesa Elena Grimaldi Cattaneo by Anthony van Dyck
Creation Date
[circa 1935 to 1970, 1623]
color slides
Slide of the painting A...
[circa 1935 to 1970, 14...
Work Type
color slides
Slide of the painting Adoration of the Mystic Lamb by Jan van Eyck
Creation Date
[circa 1935 to 1970, 1432]
color slides
Slide of the painting T...
[circa 1935 to 1970, 14...
Work Type
color slides
Slide of the painting The Virgin and Child Reading by Jan van Eyck
Creation Date
[circa 1935 to 1970, 1433]
color slides
Slide of the painting T...
[circa 1935 to 1970, 14...
Work Type
color slides
Slide of the painting The Arnolfini Portrait by Jan van Eyck
Creation Date
[circa 1935 to 1970, 1434]
color slides
Slide of the painting T...
[circa 1935 to 1970, ci...
Work Type
color slides
Slide of the painting The Honorable Mrs. Graham by Thomas Gainsborough
Creation Date
[circa 1935 to 1970, circa 1775 to 1777]
color slides
Slide of the painting S...
[circa 1935 to 1970, 18...
Work Type
color slides
Slide of the painting Spirit of the Dead Watching by Paul Gauguin
Creation Date
[circa 1935 to 1970, 1892]
color slides
Slide of the painting L...
[circa 1935 to 1970, ci...
Work Type
color slides
Slide of the painting Lamentation (Detail) by Giotto
Creation Date
[circa 1935 to 1970, circa 1304 to 1306]
color slides
Slide of the painting F...
[circa 1935 to 1970, ci...
Work Type
color slides
Slide of the painting Flight into Egypt by Giotto
Creation Date
[circa 1935 to 1970, circa 1304 to 1306]
color slides
Slide of the painting L...
[circa 1935 to 1970, ci...
Work Type
color slides
Slide of the painting Lamentation by Giotto
Creation Date
[circa 1935 to 1970, circa 1304 to 1306]
color slides
Slide of the painting T...
[circa 1935 to 1970, 18...
Work Type
color slides
Slide of the painting The Night Café by Vincent van Gogh
Creation Date
[circa 1935 to 1970, 1888]
color slides
Slide of the painting T...
[circa 1935 to 1970, ci...
Work Type
color slides
Slide of the painting The Forge by Francisco de Goya
Creation Date
[circa 1935 to 1970, circa 1815 to 1820]
color slides
Slide of the painting T...
[circa 1935 to 1970, ci...
Work Type
color slides
Slide of the painting The Naked Maja by Francisco de Goya
Creation Date
[circa 1935 to 1970, circa 1795 to 1800]
color slides
Slide of the painting P...
[circa 1935 to 1970, 16...
Work Type
color slides
Slide of the painting Pentecost by El Greco
Creation Date
[circa 1935 to 1970, 1600]
color slides
Slide of the painting C...
[circa 1935 to 1970, ci...
Work Type
color slides
Slide of the painting Crucifixion by Matthias Grünewald
Creation Date
[circa 1935 to 1970, circa 1512 to 1516]
color slides
Slide of the painting T...
[circa 1935 to 1970, ci...
Work Type
color slides
Slide of the painting The Shrimp Girl by William Hogarth
Creation Date
[circa 1935 to 1970, circa 1740 to 1745]
color slides
Slide of the painting P...
[circa 1935 to 1970, 18...
Work Type
color slides
Slide of the painting Portrait of Marie-Françoise Rivière by Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres
Creation Date
[circa 1935 to 1970, 1805]
color slides
Slide of the painting B...
[circa 1935 to 1970, 19...
Work Type
color slides
Slide of the painting Black Lines by Vasily Kandinsky
Creation Date
[circa 1935 to 1970, 1913]
color slides
Slide of the painting P...
[circa 1935 to 1970, 14...
Work Type
color slides
Slide of the painting Pair of Ducks under Hibiscus Flowers by Li I-Ho
Creation Date
[circa 1935 to 1970, 14th century]
color slides
Slide of the painting O...
[circa 1935 to 1970, 18...
Work Type
color slides
Slide of the painting Olympia by Edouard Manet
Creation Date
[circa 1935 to 1970, 1863]
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