Anderson, Jeremy
Architectural Digest
Armstrong III, Thomas N.
Art Institute of Chicago
Arthur Tooth & Sons, Ltd
Baltimore Sun
Banta, Lucy
Beyeler, Ernst
Bice, Jack
Brown, J. Carter (John C
Burden, William A. M. (W
Butterfield, Jan
C&M Arts (Gallery)
California School of Fin
Campbell, Sandra L. Sti
Chicago Art Institute
Clement Greenberg
Clyfford Still; Still,
Cohen, Norman
Corbett, Edward M.
Corcoran Gallery of Art
Corcoran Gallery of Art,
Corral, María de
De Menil, John
De Montebello, Philippe
Demenil, Jean
Diane Still Knox; Diane
Dugmore, Edward
Edward M. Corbett; Edwar
Elderfield, John
Elliott, James H.
Friedman, Martin
Garske, Patricia; Patr
Geldzahler, Henry
Gibson, Ann
Goodrich, Lloyd
Greenberg, Clement
Guggenheim Museum
Hammer, Armand
Hartzler, Byron
Henry T. Hopkins
Hess, Thomas B.
Hirshhorn Museum and Scul
Hopkins, Henry T.
Hoving, Thomas
Institute of Contemporar
J. Benjamin Townsend; Ja
Jackson Pollock
Jeffers, Wendy
Jeffrey H. Loria
Jennings, Martin G.
John Simon Guggenheim Mem
Joseph H. Hirshhorn Museu
Kasper Koenig
Katharine Kuh
Katzenbach, Lois
Katzenbach, William E.
Kinney, Ann
Kinney, Gilbert H.
Knox, Diane Still
Krens, Thomas
Kuh, Katharine
Kunsthalle Basel
König, Kasper
Laisner, George
Lamarr, Hedy
Lannan, J. Patrick (Josep
Lieberman, William S.
Loria, Jeffrey H.
Los Angeles County Museu
M. Knoedler & Co.
M. Knoedler and Co.; M.
Macomber, William B.
Marioni, Joseph
McCray, Porter
Metropolitan Museum of A
Miller, Richard N.
Mondale, Joan
Morris, Richard Allen
Museo Nacional Centro de
Museum of Modern Art, Ne
National Gallery of Art
New York Times
New York Times, The
Newsweek, Inc.
Parkhurst, Charles
Philippe De Montebello;
Phillips, Laughlin
Phillips, Marjorie
Pincus, David
Polcari, Stephen
Polley, Robert L.
Pollock, Jackson
Price, Vincent
Reina Sofia Art Center;
Rosen, Dr. Israel
Rothko, Mark
Rothkowitz, Marcus Yakov
Rubin, Lawrence Edward
Rubin, William
Rudlinger, Arnold
San Francisco Art Associ
San Francisco Art Instit
San Francisco Museum of
Sandberg, Robert
Sandra L. Still Campbel
Saul, Andrew and Denise
Sawyer, Kenneth
Scull, Robert C. and Ethe
SFMOMA; San Francisco Mu
Sharpless, Ti-Grace
Sidney Janis Gallery
Sims, Lowery
Smith, Hassel
Solomon R. Guggenheim Mu
Speyer, A. James
Stanley, Helen Ferris
Stephan, Ineko
Stephan, John J.
Stephan, John Walter
Stephen Polcari
Still, Clyfford
Still, Patricia Alice
Sunday Sun
The Nation
Thomas B. Hess
Thomas Gibson Fine Art L
Thomas Hoving
Thomas Krens
Time, Inc.
Tomlin, Bradley Walker
Townsend, J. Benjamin
Tuchman, Maurice
University of Pennsylvan
Virginia Museum of Fine
Vogue Magazine
Volkmann, Mark
Walker Art Center
Wall Street Journal (Fir
Washington Post
Washington State Universi
Weisman, Frederick R.
Weisman, Marcia Simon
Whitney Museum of Americ
Williams, Andy
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ink and correspondence
Work Creator Name
[Still, Patricia Alice Garske, Jeffers, Wendy]
Work Creator Name
[Still, Patricia Alice Garske, Jeffers, Wendy]
Work Creator Name
[Still, Patricia Alice Garske, Jeffers, Wendy]
Work Type
[correspondence, catalogs (documents)]
Work Creator Name
[Still, Patricia Alice Garske, König, Kasper]
Creation Date
1975 March 11 to 1975 April 4
Work Type
[correspondence, catalogs (documents)]
Work Creator Name
[Still, Patricia Alice Garske, König, Kasper]
Creation Date
1975 March 11 to 1975 April 4
Work Type
[correspondence, catalogs (documents)]
Work Creator Name
[Still, Patricia Alice Garske, König, Kasper]
Creation Date
1975 March 11 to 1975 April 4
Work Type
[correspondence, catalogs (documents)]
Work Creator Name
[Still, Patricia Alice Garske, König, Kasper]
Creation Date
1975 March 11 to 1975 April 4
Work Type
[correspondence, catalogs (documents)]
Work Creator Name
[Still, Patricia Alice Garske, König, Kasper]
Creation Date
1975 March 11 to 1975 April 4
Work Type
[correspondence, catalogs (documents)]
Work Creator Name
[Still, Patricia Alice Garske, König, Kasper]
Creation Date
1975 March 11 to 1975 April 4