1. Aiken, South Carolina (12)
  2. airplanes (2)
  3. animals (1)
  4. arbors (1)
  5. artists (visual artists) (34)
  6. atmospheric perspective (7)
  7. automobiles (48)
  8. autumn (4)
  9. banks (landforms) (9)
  10. barbed wire (1)
  11. barns (29)
  12. barriers (14)
  13. baseball (field sport) (2)
  14. beards (5)
  15. benches (furniture) (10)
  16. berets (2)
  17. birds (animals) (2)
  18. black-and-white film (104)
  19. black-and-white negative … (12)
  20. blood (animal material) (2)
  21. blouses (main garments) (1)
  22. blue (color) (1)
  23. bone (material) (1)
  24. boys (10)
  25. branches (plant componen … (19)
  26. brick (clay product) (3)
  27. bridges (built works) (2)
  28. brown (color) (1)
  29. buildings (structures) (41)
  30. bushes (80)
  31. Chevrolet Corvair automob … (1)
  32. children (2)
  33. churches (buildings) (1)
  34. close-up views (2)
  35. clouds (29)
  36. coats (garments) (17)
  37. color film (film) (134)
  38. colors (hues or tints) (2)
  39. columns (architectural el … (1)
  40. combines (3)
  41. commencements (1)
  42. concrete block (26)
  43. cornstalk (9)
  44. cows (animals) (2)
  45. cranes (equipment) (5)
  46. daughters (4)
  47. domes (architectural elem … (2)
  48. doors (9)
  49. driveways (9)
  50. erosion (1)
  51. exterior views (167)
  52. eyeglasses (9)
  53. factories (structures) (1)
  54. families (kinship groups) (1)
  55. farmers (13)
  56. farmers (people in agricu … (4)
  57. farmhouses (30)
  58. farming (16)
  59. farming (activity or syst … (3)
  60. farming (function) (1)
  61. farms (153)
  62. farmyards (4)
  63. fathers (2)
  64. fedoras (4)
  65. fences (27)
  66. fences (site elements) (18)
  67. figures (4)
  68. figures (representations) (3)
  69. flags (1)
  70. flower (plant material) (4)
  71. Ford Fairmont automobile (2)
  72. Ford Pinto automobile (1)
  73. forests (plant communiti … (47)
  74. freight cars (14)
  75. fronts (architectural) (2)
  76. garages (9)
  77. gardens (open spaces) (16)
  78. geometric patterns (7)
  79. gloves (3)
  80. goats (animals) (1)
  81. grain elevators (5)
  82. graphite pencils (2)
  83. green (13)
  84. group portraits (4)
  85. groves (plant communities … (6)
  86. hands (animal or human co … (1)
  87. hats (19)
  88. hay (material) (1)
  89. highways (3)
  90. hills (29)
  91. horizon line (38)
  92. horses (animals) (26)
  93. houses (31)
  94. ink (4)
  95. interior views (2)
  96. Jaguar Mark series automo … (3)
  97. labor (1)
  98. ladders (2)
  99. lamps (lighting devices) (2)
  100. landscapes (representat … (123)
  101. landscaping (9)
  102. leaves (plant components) (9)
  103. license plates (3)
  104. Lincoln Continental autom … (6)
  105. machinery (24)
  106. men (male humans) (61)
  107. models (representations) (1)
  108. motifs (1)
  109. moustaches (4)
  110. neckties (10)
  111. neighborhoods (4)
  112. nudes (representations) (1)
  113. oil paint (paint) (12)
  114. oil pastels (2)
  115. overalls (main garments) (3)
  116. Ovis (genus) (1)
  117. painting equipment (1)
  118. paintings (visual works) (11)
  119. parks (recreation areas) (1)
  120. partial views (3)
  121. paths (2)
  122. pens (drawing and writing … (6)
  123. pigs (1)
  124. pillars (1)
  125. pipes (smoking equipment) (1)
  126. plants (98)
  127. plaques (flat objects) (1)
  128. platforms (general) (2)
  129. plows (agricultural equi … (15)
  130. polo (field sport) (12)
  131. polo fields (12)
  132. porches (4)
  133. portraits (50)
  134. postcards (4)
  135. profiles (figures) (10)
  136. purses (ladies' accessori … (1)
  137. quarries (extracting comp … (1)
  138. rabbits (1)
  139. railroad yard (2)
  140. railroads (16)
  141. rails (transit system el … (13)
  142. reapers (2)
  143. reflections (perceived pr … (2)
  144. replicas (1)
  145. rifles (long guns) (7)
  146. rivers (2)
  147. roads (50)
  148. rock (13)
  149. rocks (inorganic material … (3)
  150. rooftops (5)
  151. rubbish (10)
  152. scaffolds (2)
  153. scarves (costume accessor … (4)
  154. shadows (18)
  155. sheds (storage structure … (21)
  156. sheep farms (1)
  157. sidewalks (2)
  158. signs (declatory or adver … (9)
  159. silhouettes (7)
  160. silver gelatin (31)
  161. sitting (5)
  162. skirts (garments) (1)
  163. sky (123)
  164. smoke (material) (1)
  165. snow (precipitation) (24)
  166. soil (20)
  167. spouses (2)
  168. spring (season) (1)
  169. stained glass (material) (1)
  170. stairs (2)
  171. streams (riverine bodies … (2)
  172. stretchers (framing and m … (2)
  173. studios (work spaces) (57)
  174. suits (main garments) (3)
  175. sunglasses (2)
  176. sunlight (23)
  177. suns (1)
  178. three-quarter views (6)
  179. threshing machines (7)
  180. tie clasps (5)
  181. tools (4)
  182. towers (building division … (4)
  183. towers (single built work … (1)
  184. townscapes (representatio … (2)
  185. toys (recreational artifa … (1)
  186. tractors (agricultural e … (21)
  187. trains (vehicle grouping … (18)
  188. trees (221)
  189. trucks (9)
  190. uniforms (7)
  191. utility poles (39)
  192. Visual Works (hierarchy … (265)
  193. Visual works (hierarchy … (14)
  194. wagons (cargo vehicles) (3)
  195. water (3)
  196. wax crayons (2)
  197. wells (structures) (2)
  198. wheat (7)
  199. wheels (components) (8)
  200. windows (21)
  201. winter (15)
  202. wire (1)
  203. women (8)
  204. women (female humans) (1)
  205. wood (5)
  206. wood products (10)
  207. woods (plant communities … (35)
  208. workers (9)
  209. wrecks (sites) (11)
  210. wrist watches (3)
  211. Yaddo (1)
  212. yards (areas) (63)
  213. yellow (color) (1)

Browse All : Images by MacAgy, Douglas from 1947

251-285 of 285
  4 5 6
color negatives
Still, Patricia Alice G...
Color negative of the f...
Work Type
color negatives
Work Creator Name
Still, Patricia Alice Garske
Color negative of the field near where Clyfford Still's studio used to stand near Westminster, Maryland
Creation Date
color negatives
Still, Patricia Alice G...
Color negative of the f...
Work Type
color negatives
Work Creator Name
Still, Patricia Alice Garske
Color negative of the field where Clyfford Still's barn studio used to stand near Westminster, Maryland
Creation Date
color negatives
Still, Patricia Alice G...
Color negative of the g...
Work Type
color negatives
Work Creator Name
Still, Patricia Alice Garske
Color negative of the grass and trees where Clyfford Still's studio used to stand near Westminster, Maryland
Creation Date
color negatives
Still, Patricia Alice G...
Color negative of the g...
Work Type
color negatives
Work Creator Name
Still, Patricia Alice Garske
Color negative of the grass and trees where Clyfford Still's studio used to stand near Westminster, Maryland
Creation Date
color negatives
Still, Patricia Alice G...
Color negative of the g...
Work Type
color negatives
Work Creator Name
Still, Patricia Alice Garske
Color negative of the grass field where Clyfford Still's studio used to stand near Westminster, Maryland
Creation Date
color negatives
Still, Patricia Alice G...
Color negative of the g...
Work Type
color negatives
Work Creator Name
Still, Patricia Alice Garske
Color negative of the grass where Clyfford Still's barn studio used to stand near Westminster, Maryland
Creation Date
color negatives
Still, Patricia Alice G...
Color negative of the g...
Work Type
color negatives
Work Creator Name
Still, Patricia Alice Garske
Color negative of the grassy field and trees where Clyfford Still's barn studio used to stand near Westminster, Maryland
Creation Date
color negatives
Still, Patricia Alice G...
Color negative of the g...
Work Type
color negatives
Work Creator Name
Still, Patricia Alice Garske
Color negative of the grassy field where Clyfford Still's barn studio used to stand with an automobile in the background near Westminster, Maryland
Creation Date
color negatives
Still, Patricia Alice G...
Color negative of the g...
Work Type
color negatives
Work Creator Name
Still, Patricia Alice Garske
Color negative of the grassy field where Clyfford Stills' barn studio used to stand covered in fallen leaves near Westminster, Maryland
Creation Date
color negatives
Still, Patricia Alice G...
Color negative of the l...
Work Type
color negatives
Work Creator Name
Still, Patricia Alice Garske
Color negative of the lawn and trees where Clyfford Still's barn studio used to stand near Westminster Maryland
Creation Date
color negatives
Still, Patricia Alice G...
Color negative of the g...
Work Type
color negatives
Work Creator Name
Still, Patricia Alice Garske
Color negative of the grass where Clyfford Still's barn studio used to stand near Westminster, Maryland
Creation Date
color negatives
Still, Patricia Alice G...
Color negative of the r...
Work Type
color negatives
Work Creator Name
Still, Patricia Alice Garske
Color negative of the road coming up the the Still's Westminster property in Maryland
Creation Date
color negatives
Still, Patricia Alice G...
Color negative of the t...
Work Type
color negatives
Work Creator Name
Still, Patricia Alice Garske
Color negative of the tree lined road near the Still's property near Westminster, Maryland
Creation Date
color negatives
Still, Patricia Alice G...
Color negative of the t...
Work Type
color negatives
Work Creator Name
Still, Patricia Alice Garske
Color negative of the trees along the road next to where Clyfford Still's barn studio used to stand near Westminster, Maryland
Creation Date
color negatives
Still, Patricia Alice G...
Color negative of the t...
Work Type
color negatives
Work Creator Name
Still, Patricia Alice Garske
Color negative of the trees and field where Clyfford Still's barn studio used to stand near Westminster, Maryland
Creation Date
color negatives
Still, Patricia Alice G...
Color negative of two t...
Work Type
color negatives
Work Creator Name
Still, Patricia Alice Garske
Color negative of two trees in front of the grass where Clyfford Still's barn studio used to stand near Westminster, Maryland
Creation Date
color negatives
Still, Patricia Alice G...
Color photograph of the...
Work Type
color negatives
Work Creator Name
Still, Patricia Alice Garske
Color photograph of the grassy field and trees where Clyfford Still's barn studio used to stand near Westminster, Maryland
Creation Date
color negatives
Still, Patricia Alice G...
Color photograph of the...
Work Type
color negatives
Work Creator Name
Still, Patricia Alice Garske
Color photograph of the grassy field and trees with a parked automobile where Clyfford Still's barn studio used to stand near Westminster, Maryland
Creation Date
color negatives
Still, Patricia Alice G...
Color negative of a gar...
Work Type
color negatives
Work Creator Name
Still, Patricia Alice Garske
Color negative of a garden and flowers along the driveway of 312 Church Street in New Windsor, Maryland
color negatives
Still, Patricia Alice G...
Color negative of the b...
Work Type
color negatives
Work Creator Name
Still, Patricia Alice Garske
Color negative of the back fence at 312 Church Street in New Windsor, Maryland
color negatives
Still, Patricia Alice G...
Color negative of the b...
Work Type
color negatives
Work Creator Name
Still, Patricia Alice Garske
Color negative of the back fence at 312 Church Street in New Windsor, Maryland
color negatives
Still, Patricia Alice G...
Color negative of the b...
Work Type
color negatives
Work Creator Name
Still, Patricia Alice Garske
Color negative of the back fence at 312 Church Street in New Windsor, Maryland with a cherry blossom tree, gardens, and lawn
color negatives
Still, Patricia Alice G...
Color negative of the b...
Work Type
color negatives
Work Creator Name
Still, Patricia Alice Garske
Color negative of the back fence at 312 Church Street in New Windsor, Maryland with a cherry blossom tree, gardens, and lawn
color negatives
Still, Patricia Alice G...
Color negative of the b...
Work Type
color negatives
Work Creator Name
Still, Patricia Alice Garske
Color negative of the back fence at 312 Church Street in New Windsor, Maryland with a cherry blossom tree, gardens, and lawn
color negatives
Still, Patricia Alice G...
Color negative of the b...
Work Type
color negatives
Work Creator Name
Still, Patricia Alice Garske
Color negative of the back garden at 312 Church Street in New Windsor, Maryland with the back fence in the background
color negatives
Still, Patricia Alice G...
Color negative of the b...
Work Type
color negatives
Work Creator Name
Still, Patricia Alice Garske
Color negative of the back lawn and fence at 312 Church Street in New Windsor, Maryland
color negatives
Still, Patricia Alice G...
Color negative of the b...
Work Type
color negatives
Work Creator Name
Still, Patricia Alice Garske
Color negative of the back lawn at 312 Church Street in New Windsor, Maryland
color negatives
Still, Patricia Alice G...
Color negative of the b...
Work Type
color negatives
Work Creator Name
Still, Patricia Alice Garske
Color negative of the back lawn, garden, and fence at 312 Church Street in New Windsor, Maryland
color negatives
Still, Patricia Alice G...
Color negative of the f...
Work Type
color negatives
Work Creator Name
Still, Patricia Alice Garske
Color negative of the fence and cherry blossom tree in the back of 312 Church Street in New Windsor, Maryland
color negatives
Still, Patricia Alice G...
Color negative of the f...
Work Type
color negatives
Work Creator Name
Still, Patricia Alice Garske
Color negative of the fence and cherry blossom tree in the back of 312 Church Street in New Windsor, Maryland
color negatives
Still, Patricia Alice G...
Color negative of the f...
Work Type
color negatives
Work Creator Name
Still, Patricia Alice Garske
Color negative of the fence in the back of 312 Church Street in New Windsor, Maryland
color negatives
Still, Patricia Alice G...
Color negative of the g...
Work Type
color negatives
Work Creator Name
Still, Patricia Alice Garske
Color negative of the garden, trees, and lawn of the back of 312 Church Street in New Windsor, Maryland
black-and-white negativ...
Still, Clyfford
Black and white photogr...
between 1929 - 1960
Work Type
black-and-white negatives
Work Creator Name
Still, Clyfford
Black and white photograph of sheep grazing on a grassy field near a farm
Creation Date
between 1929 - 1960
photographs (visual wor...
Still, Clyfford
Landscape view of Clyff...
between 1920 - 1930
Work Type
photographs (visual works)
Work Creator Name
Still, Clyfford
Landscape view of Clyfford Still's land in Killam, Alberta
Creation Date
between 1920 - 1930
black-and-white negativ...
Still, Clyfford
Black and white negativ...
Work Type
black-and-white negatives
Work Creator Name
Still, Clyfford
Black and white negative of Lillian Still standing in a grove of trees behind a wire fence
Creation Date
251-285 of 285
  4 5 6