Aaron Copland
Abadie, Daniel
Adley, James
Adley, Jim; James Adley
Albany Mall (Albany, N.Y.
Albright Art Gallery
Albright, Thomas
Albright-Knox Art Galle
Alfonso A. Ossorio
Alison E. McMaugh
Alloway, Lawrence
American Academy of Arts
Anderson, Earl
Anderson, Harry W.
Armstrong III, Thomas N.
Art Digest Inc.
Art in America
Art Now
Ashton, Dore
Atkinson, Ti-Grace
Balliett, Whitney
Baltimore Museum of Art
Baltimore Sun
Bannon, Anthony
Banta, Charles
Barbara Rose
Barnett Newman
Barre, Jean B.
Benezra, Neal David
Berkeley Daily Gazette (
Berman, Edgar
Betty Parsons Gallery
Bice, Jack
Blew Neuhaus, Maryly LaF
Blew, Earle
Breeskin, Adelyn Dohme
Brenson, Michael
Breuer, Mala
Briggs, Ernest
Brown, Chelsea
Brown, J. Carter (John C
Brown, Mariyln
Buck, Robert T.
Bud Leake
Buffalo Evening News
Buffalo Fine Arts Acade
Butterfield, Deborah
Butterfield, Jan
Cahill, Holger
California School of Fin
Campbell, Robert R.
Campbell, Sandra L. Sti
Canaday, John
Carroll County Times
Catalano, Laura
Catlin, Stanton L.
Cheever, John
Christian Science Monito
Christian Science Monito
Clarkson, Madeleine
Clarkson, Max B. E.
Clyfford Still
Clyfford Still Estate
Clyfford Still; Still,
Coe, Joe Ann
Contemporary Arts Associ
Contemporary Arts Museum
Copland, Aaron
Corbett, Edward M.
Corcoran Gallery of Art
Corcoran Gallery of Art,
Crehan, Hubert
David McKee Gallery
Dayton Art Institute
De Montebello, Philippe
Deborah Butterfield
Demetrion, James T.
Des Moines Art Center
Diane Still Knox
Diane Still Knox; Diane
Dodds, III, Robert J.
Douglas MacAgy
Dreyfuss, Carol
Edgar Berman
Edward M. Corbett; Edwar
Ellison, Ralph
Erle Loran
Ethel Moore; Ethel Moore
Falkenstein, Claire
Felicia Geffen
Fischer, Harry
Frank Lloyd
Frank Perls Gallery
Frankenthaler, Helen
Franklin, Ruth Stephan
Freeman, Betty
Freeman, Stanley
Friedman, Martin
Gachnang, Johannes
Gagosian Gallery
Gagosian, Larry
Gallichio, Mariol
Garske, Alice Patricia
Garske, Patricia Alice
Garske, Patricia; Patric
Garske, Patricia; Patr
Geffen, Felicia
Gerald Nordland
Glueck, Grace
Godfrey, Thomas Barham A
Goodrich, Lloyd
Gordon Smith
Governor Nelson A. Rockef
Grace Hartigan
Greenberg, Ronald K.
Haas, Evelyn
Harold Rosenberg
Hartigan, Grace
Hartigan, Lynda Rosco
Helen Frankenthaler
Heller, Ben
Heller, Benjamin; Ben He
Henderson, Harriet
Henry T. Hopkins
Hess, Thomas B.
Hilton Kramer
Hirshhorn Museum and Scu
Hitch, Annie
Hobart Lyle Williams
Holger Cahill; Bjarnason
Hopkins, Henry T.
Hunk Anderson
Hunter, Sam
J. Benjamin Townsend; Ja
Jackson Pollock
James R. Mellow
James T. Demetrion
Janis, Harriet Grossman
Janis, Sidney
Jean Read
Jean Reeves
Jennifer Small
Jennings, Martin G.
Jermayne MacAgy; Jerry M
Joffe, Sue
John Russell
Jon R. Schueler
Joseph H. Hirshhorn Muse
Joshua C. Taylor; Joshua
Kasper Koenig
Katharine Kuh
Katzenbach, Lois
Katzenbach, William E.
Keener, Paul
Kinney, Ann
Kinney, Gilbert H.
Knox II, Seymour H.
Knox, Avery F.
Knox, Diane Still
Knox, Jean
Knox, Northrup
Koshalek, Richard
Kramer, Hilton
Krens, Thomas
Kuh, Katharine
Kunsthalle Basel
Kynaston McShine
König, Kasper
La Follette, Maryly
Lane, John R.
Lawrence Alloway
Lawrence, Sophie
Leake, Eugene
Lee, Sheila
Levai, Pierre
Life Magazine
Lloyd, Francis
Lloyd, Gilbert
Lockwood, Monica
Loran, Erle
Los Angeles Museum of Con
Low, Markus
Lyons, Florine E.
M. Knoedler & Co.
M. Knoedler and Co.; M.
MacAgy, Douglas
MacAgy, Jermayne
Macomber, William B.
Maggie Mills
Marioni, Joseph
Marlborough Fine Art Ltd
Marlborough Gallery
Marlborough Gallery, Inc
Marlborough-Gerson Gall
Martha Baer
Mary Boone Gallery
Maryland Institute, Coll
Mayo, Alberta
McCandless, Judith
McKee, David
McKinney, Donald M.
McMaugh, Alison E.
McShine, Kynaston
Mellow, James R.
Metropolitan Museum of A
Millard, Charles W.
Miller, Dorothy C.
Miller, Dorothy Canning;
Mills, Margaret
Molotsky, Irvin
Moore, Ethel
Motherwell, Robert
Motherwell, Robert Burns
Museo Nacional Centro de
Museum Ludwig
Museum of Fine Arts, Hous
Museum of Modern Art, N
National Collection of F
National Gallery of Art
Neal David Benezra; Neal
Neuhaus, Robert
New York Art Gazette
New York State Council o
New York State Museum
New York Times
New York Times, The
New Yorker
Newman, Barnett
Newsweek, Inc.
Nordland, Gerald
Onnasch, Reinhard
Ossel, Annabel
Ossorio, Alfonso A.
Parkhurst, Charles
Parsons, Betty
Parsons, Betty Bierne; B
Philippe De Montebello;
Pollock, Jackson
Powell, Earl A.
Power, Alan
Price, Dr. Winston
Rand, Harry
Regan, Kate
Reina Sofia Art Center;
Rickey, George
Riordan, Kathy
Robert Elkon Gallery
Robert T. Buck
Rose, Barbara
Rosen, Dr. Israel
Rosenberg, Harold
Royal Academy of Arts
Rubin, Lawrence Edward
Rubin, William
Rudlinger, Arnold
Russell, John
Salvesen, Magda
Sam Hunter
San Francisco Art Instit
San Francisco Chronicle
San Francisco Chronicle
San Francisco Examiner
San Francisco Museum of
Sanders, Jacquin
Sandra L. Still Campbel
Sandra Still
Sandra Still Campbell
Sawyer, Kenneth
Schjeldahl, Peter
Schueler, Elise
Schueler, Jon R.
Seymour H. Knox II; Kno
SFMOMA; San Francisco M
Sharpless, Ti-Grace
Shirey, David
Shore Studio Galleries
Short, Kenneth D.
Sidney Janis
Sidney Janis Gallery
Siskind, Aaron
Small, Jennifer
Smith, Gordon
Smith, Hassel
Stack, Elizabeth
Stamos, Theodoros
Stanley, Helen Ferris
Stephan, John Walter
Stevens, Elisabeth
Still, A. Patricia
Still, Clyfford
Still, Clyfford, Myers,
Still, Patricia
Still, Patricia A.
Still, Patricia Alice
Stille, Alexander
Stroud, Daisy
Sunami, Soichi
Sunday Sun
Sury, Rose M
Tapié, Michel
Tapié de Céleyran, Miche
Tarshis, Jerome
Taschen (Firm)
Taschen Verlag aus Köln;
Taylor, Joshua Charles
The American Academy and
The Greenberg Gallery
The Sun
Theodoros Stamos
Thomas Albright
Thomas B. Hess
Thomas Krens
Thomas, Frank J.
Time Magazine
Time, Inc.
Townsend, J. Benjamin
Tuchman, Barbara W.
Van Devanter, Ann C.
Vogue Magazine
Walker Art Center
Wall Street Journal (Fir
Ward, Eleanor
Washington Post
Whitney Museum of Americ
Williams, Hobart Lyle
Browse All
exhibitions (events)
Work Type
[correspondence, postcards, exhibition catalogs (object)]
Work Creator Name
[Falkenstein, Claire, Still, Patricia Alice Garske, Still, Clyfford]
Falkenstein, Claire
Work Type
[correspondence, postcards, exhibition catalogs (object)]
Work Creator Name
[Falkenstein, Claire, Still, Patricia Alice Garske, Still, Clyfford]
Falkenstein, Claire
Work Type
[correspondence, postcards, exhibition catalogs (object)]
Work Creator Name
[Falkenstein, Claire, Still, Patricia Alice Garske, Still, Clyfford]
Falkenstein, Claire
Work Type
[correspondence, postcards, exhibition catalogs (object)]
Work Creator Name
[Falkenstein, Claire, Still, Patricia Alice Garske, Still, Clyfford]
Falkenstein, Claire
Work Type
[correspondence, postcards, exhibition catalogs (object)]
Work Creator Name
[Falkenstein, Claire, Still, Patricia Alice Garske, Still, Clyfford]
Falkenstein, Claire
Work Type
[correspondence, postcards, exhibition catalogs (object)]
Work Creator Name
[Falkenstein, Claire, Still, Patricia Alice Garske, Still, Clyfford]
Falkenstein, Claire
Work Type
[correspondence, postcards, exhibition catalogs (object)]
Work Creator Name
[Falkenstein, Claire, Still, Patricia Alice Garske, Still, Clyfford]
Falkenstein, Claire
Work Type
[correspondence, postcards, exhibition catalogs (object)]
Work Creator Name
[Falkenstein, Claire, Still, Patricia Alice Garske, Still, Clyfford]
Falkenstein, Claire
Work Type
[correspondence, postcards, exhibition catalogs (object)]
Work Creator Name
[Falkenstein, Claire, Still, Patricia Alice Garske, Still, Clyfford]
Falkenstein, Claire
Work Type
[correspondence, postcards, exhibition catalogs (object)]
Work Creator Name
[Falkenstein, Claire, Still, Patricia Alice Garske, Still, Clyfford]
Falkenstein, Claire
Work Type
[correspondence, postcards, exhibition catalogs (object)]
Work Creator Name
[Falkenstein, Claire, Still, Patricia Alice Garske, Still, Clyfford]
Falkenstein, Claire
Work Type
[correspondence, postcards, exhibition catalogs (object)]
Work Creator Name
[Falkenstein, Claire, Still, Patricia Alice Garske, Still, Clyfford]
Falkenstein, Claire
Work Type
[correspondence, postcards, exhibition catalogs (object)]
Work Creator Name
[Falkenstein, Claire, Still, Patricia Alice Garske, Still, Clyfford]
Falkenstein, Claire
Work Type
[correspondence, postcards, exhibition catalogs (object)]
Work Creator Name
[Falkenstein, Claire, Still, Patricia Alice Garske, Still, Clyfford]
Falkenstein, Claire
Work Type
[correspondence, postcards, exhibition catalogs (object)]
Work Creator Name
[Falkenstein, Claire, Still, Patricia Alice Garske, Still, Clyfford]
Falkenstein, Claire
Work Type
[correspondence, postcards, exhibition catalogs (object)]
Work Creator Name
[Falkenstein, Claire, Still, Patricia Alice Garske, Still, Clyfford]
Falkenstein, Claire
Work Type
[correspondence, postcards, exhibition catalogs (object)]
Work Creator Name
[Falkenstein, Claire, Still, Patricia Alice Garske, Still, Clyfford]
Falkenstein, Claire
Work Type
[correspondence, postcards, exhibition catalogs (object)]
Work Creator Name
[Falkenstein, Claire, Still, Patricia Alice Garske, Still, Clyfford]
Falkenstein, Claire
Work Type
[correspondence, postcards, exhibition catalogs (object)]
Work Creator Name
[Falkenstein, Claire, Still, Patricia Alice Garske, Still, Clyfford]
Falkenstein, Claire