1. art museums (2)
  2. artists (visual artists) (3)
  3. artists' materials (2)
  4. atriums (interior spaces) (2)
  5. automobiles (1)
  6. backdrops (10)
  7. baseball (field sport) (1)
  8. beards (2)
  9. black-and-white film (13)
  10. bow ties (10)
  11. boys (15)
  12. brick (clay product) (1)
  13. bridges (built works) (1)
  14. buildings (structures) (1)
  15. bushes (2)
  16. cardigans (1)
  17. chairs (furniture forms) (1)
  18. coats (garments) (1)
  19. color film (film) (2)
  20. columns (architectural el … (2)
  21. curtains (window hangings … (2)
  22. daughters (3)
  23. doors (2)
  24. doorways (2)
  25. dresses (garments) (1)
  26. exterior views (1)
  27. eyeglasses (3)
  28. floral patterns (1)
  29. fountains (2)
  30. geometric patterns (4)
  31. girls (1)
  32. grandchildren (2)
  33. group portraits (1)
  34. hats (1)
  35. infants (2)
  36. jackets (garments) (2)
  37. men (male humans) (5)
  38. neckties (1)
  39. nephews (2)
  40. painting (image making) (2)
  41. painting equipment (2)
  42. paintings (visual works) (2)
  43. parking lots (1)
  44. pianos (1)
  45. plants (1)
  46. portraits (15)
  47. profiles (figures) (3)
  48. reflections (perceived pr … (2)
  49. rivers (1)
  50. roads (1)
  51. rugs (textiles) (11)
  52. scarves (costume accessor … (1)
  53. shadows (3)
  54. sitting (7)
  55. sky (1)
  56. smocks (protective wear) (2)
  57. spatulas (artists' tools) (2)
  58. stools (seating furniture … (9)
  59. studies (visual works) (2)
  60. studio portraits (10)
  61. studios (work spaces) (3)
  62. suits (main garments) (1)
  63. sunlight (5)
  64. tables (support furniture … (2)
  65. three-quarter views (5)
  66. toys (recreational artifa … (2)
  67. trees (1)
  68. viewers (observers) (2)
  69. Visual Works (hierarchy … (15)
  70. windows (3)
  71. women (5)
  72. wood products (1)
  73. woods (plant communities) (1)

Browse All : faces and farms and blue and gray from 1935 and 1920

1-15 of 15
contact sheets
Campbell, Sandra L. Sti...
Contact sheet with twen...
Work Type
contact sheets
Work Creator Name
Campbell, Sandra L. Still
Contact sheet with twenty-four images of Clyfford Still posing at his West 23rd Street studio in New York City, Clyfford Still with Diane Still and Sandra Still, an early studio portrait of Clyfford Still as a child, Clyfford Still in East Hampton, Clyffo
photographs (visual wor...
Early portrait of Clyff...
between 1905 - 1907
Work Type
photographs (visual works)
Early portrait of Clyfford Still with wicker rocking chair
Creation Date
between 1905 - 1907
photographs (visual wor...
Early studio portrait o...
between 1907 - 1910
Work Type
photographs (visual works)
Early studio portrait of Clyfford Still
Creation Date
between 1907 - 1910
photographs (visual wor...
Early studio portrait o...
between 1907 - 1910
Work Type
photographs (visual works)
Early studio portrait of Clyfford Still with stool and top
Creation Date
between 1907 - 1910
photographs (visual wor...
Early studio portrait o...
between 1907 - 1910
Work Type
photographs (visual works)
Early studio portrait of Clyfford Still with stool and top, in profile
Creation Date
between 1907 - 1910
photographs (visual wor...
Early studio portrait o...
between 1907 - 1910
Work Type
photographs (visual works)
Early studio portrait of Clyfford Still, seated on stool
Creation Date
between 1907 - 1910
photographs (visual wor...
Early studio portrait o...
between 1907 - 1910
Work Type
photographs (visual works)
Early studio portrait of Clyfford Still, seated on stool
Creation Date
between 1907 - 1910
photographs (visual wor...
Early studio portrait o...
between 1907 - 1910
Work Type
photographs (visual works)
Early studio portrait of Clyfford Still, seated on stool
Creation Date
between 1907 - 1910
photographs (visual wor...
Early studio portrait o...
between 1907 - 1910
Work Type
photographs (visual works)
Early studio portrait of Clyfford Still, seated on stool
Creation Date
between 1907 - 1910
photographs (visual wor...
Early studio portrait o...
between 1907 - 1910
Work Type
photographs (visual works)
Early studio portrait of Clyfford Still, seated on stool
Creation Date
between 1907 - 1910
contact sheets
Campbell, Sandra L. Sti...
Contact sheet with thir...
ca. 1973
Work Type
contact sheets
Work Creator Name
Campbell, Sandra L. Still
Contact sheet with thirty images of Clyfford Still at work in his Westminster studio, and Sandra Still with Gregory Rocha as an infant
Creation Date
ca. 1973
contact sheets
Campbell, Sandra L. Sti...
Contact sheet with thir...
ca. 1973
Work Type
contact sheets
Work Creator Name
Campbell, Sandra L. Still
Contact sheet with thirty images of Clyfford Still at work in his Westminster studio, and Sandra Still with Gregory Rocha as an infant
Creation Date
ca. 1973
photographs (visual wor...
Portrait of Roger Rocha...
ca. 1972
Work Type
photographs (visual works)
Portrait of Roger Rocha posing before a fountain at the National Gallery of Art
Creation Date
ca. 1972
photographs (visual wor...
Portrait of Roger Rocha...
ca. 1972
Work Type
photographs (visual works)
Portrait of Roger Rocha posing before a fountain at the National Gallery of Art
Creation Date
ca. 1972
photographs (visual wor...
Early studio portrait o...
between 1907 - 1910
Work Type
photographs (visual works)
Early studio portrait of Clyfford Still, seated on stool
Creation Date
between 1907 - 1910
1-15 of 15