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photographs (visual wor...
Portrait of Patricia St...
Work Type
photographs (visual works)
Portrait of Patricia Still and an unidentified woman posing before the Albright-Knox Art Gallery
Creation Date
color negatives
Color negative of Clyff...
c. 1959
Work Type
color negatives
Color negative of Clyfford Still sitting outside of his Studio at 128 West 23rd Street in New York City
Creation Date
c. 1959
color negatives
Color negative of Clyff...
c. 1959
Work Type
color negatives
Color negative of Clyfford Still standing next to his self portrait (PH-382)
Creation Date
c. 1959
color negatives
Color negative of Clyff...
c. 1959
Work Type
color negatives
Color negative of Clyfford Still standing outside of his Studio at 128 West 23rd Street in New York City
Creation Date
c. 1959
color negatives
Color negative of Patri...
c. 1959
Work Type
color negatives
Color negative of Patricia Still posing outside of Clyfford Still's studio at 128 West 23rd Street in New York City.
Creation Date
c. 1959
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