1. airplanes (1)
  2. artists (visual artists) (1)
  3. automobiles (1)
  4. backdrops (1)
  5. banks (landforms) (1)
  6. baseball (field sport) (1)
  7. black-and-white film (11)
  8. blouses (main garments) (1)
  9. bow ties (1)
  10. boys (11)
  11. branches (plant component … (1)
  12. brick (clay product) (2)
  13. bridges (built works) (1)
  14. buildings (structures) (1)
  15. bushes (3)
  16. cardigans (1)
  17. children (4)
  18. coats (garments) (10)
  19. curtains (window hangings … (1)
  20. daughters (1)
  21. dresses (garments) (1)
  22. exterior views (2)
  23. eyeglasses (1)
  24. families (kinship groups) (1)
  25. fathers (1)
  26. fedoras (1)
  27. fields (land) (7)
  28. flags (1)
  29. girls (1)
  30. gloves (1)
  31. group portraits (1)
  32. hats (11)
  33. horizon line (7)
  34. horses (animals) (3)
  35. houses (1)
  36. interior views (1)
  37. landscapes (representatio … (7)
  38. men (male humans) (2)
  39. models (representations) (1)
  40. mothers (1)
  41. motifs (1)
  42. neckties (2)
  43. parking lots (1)
  44. plants (11)
  45. porches (1)
  46. portraits (11)
  47. rifles (long guns) (5)
  48. rivers (1)
  49. roads (1)
  50. rugs (textiles) (1)
  51. sitting (1)
  52. skirts (garments) (1)
  53. sky (8)
  54. snow (precipitation) (9)
  55. stairs (1)
  56. stools (seating furniture … (1)
  57. studio portraits (1)
  58. studios (work spaces) (1)
  59. suits (main garments) (2)
  60. towers (single built work … (1)
  61. toys (recreational artifa … (1)
  62. trees (2)
  63. trimming (material) (1)
  64. uniforms (7)
  65. utility poles (1)
  66. Visual Works (hierarchy … (11)
  67. winter (3)
  68. women (2)
  69. woods (plant communities) (2)
  70. woodwork (1)
  71. yards (areas) (1)

Browse All : shadows and sunlight and windows and doors and neighborhoods

1-11 of 11
contact sheets
Campbell, Sandra L. Sti...
Contact sheet with twen...
Work Type
contact sheets
Work Creator Name
Campbell, Sandra L. Still
Contact sheet with twenty-four images of Clyfford Still posing at his West 23rd Street studio in New York City, Clyfford Still with Diane Still and Sandra Still, an early studio portrait of Clyfford Still as a child, Clyfford Still in East Hampton, Clyffo
photographs (visual wor...
Early portrait of Clyff...
between 1912 - 1920
Work Type
photographs (visual works)
Early portrait of Clyfford Still marching with scout's uniform and rifle
Creation Date
between 1912 - 1920
photographs (visual wor...
Early portrait of Clyff...
between 1912 - 1920
Work Type
photographs (visual works)
Early portrait of Clyfford Still on horseback with scout uniform and rifle
Creation Date
between 1912 - 1920
photographs (visual wor...
Early portrait of Clyff...
between 1908 - 1912
Work Type
photographs (visual works)
Early portrait of Clyfford Still with Sarah Johnson Still and John Elmer Still at his childhood home in Spokane
Creation Date
between 1908 - 1912
photographs (visual wor...
Early portrait of Clyff...
between 1912 - 1920
Work Type
photographs (visual works)
Early portrait of Clyfford Still with scout uniform and flag
Creation Date
between 1912 - 1920
photographs (visual wor...
Early portrait of Clyff...
between 1912 - 1920
Work Type
photographs (visual works)
Early portrait of Clyfford Still with scout's uniform and model airplane
Creation Date
between 1912 - 1920
photographs (visual wor...
Early portrait of Clyff...
between 1912 - 1920
Work Type
photographs (visual works)
Early portrait of Clyfford Still with scout's uniform and rifle
Creation Date
between 1912 - 1920
photographs (visual wor...
Early portrait of Clyff...
between 1912 - 1920
Work Type
photographs (visual works)
Early portrait of Clyfford Still with scout's uniform, horse, and rifle
Creation Date
between 1912 - 1920
photographs (visual wor...
Early portrait of Clyff...
between 1912 - 1920
Work Type
photographs (visual works)
Early portrait of Clyfford Still with scout's uniform, horse, and rifle
Creation Date
between 1912 - 1920
photographs (visual wor...
Early portrait of Clyff...
between 1912 - 1916
Work Type
photographs (visual works)
Early portrait of Clyfford Still, outdoors
Creation Date
between 1912 - 1916
photographs (visual wor...
Early portrait of Clyff...
between 1912 - 1916
Work Type
photographs (visual works)
Early portrait of Clyfford Still, outdoors
Creation Date
between 1912 - 1916
1-11 of 11