Browse All : stairs and women and sky and trees and hats from 1949

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photographs (visual wor...
Portrait of Clyfford St...
ca. 1970
Work Type
photographs (visual works)
Portrait of Clyfford Still and Patricia Still at the former site of the Metart Gallery
Creation Date
ca. 1970
photographs (visual wor...
Late portrait of Clyffo...
between 1970 - 1980
Work Type
photographs (visual works)
Late portrait of Clyfford Still outdoors at Church Street with coat, hat, and scarf
Creation Date
between 1970 - 1980
photographs (visual wor...
Late portrait of Clyffo...
between 1970 - 1975
Work Type
photographs (visual works)
Late portrait of Clyfford Still seated before two paintings at 312 Church Street
Creation Date
between 1970 - 1975
photographs (visual wor...
Close-up portrait of Cl...
between 1970 - 1979
Work Type
photographs (visual works)
Close-up portrait of Clyfford Still
Creation Date
between 1970 - 1979
photographs (visual wor...
Signed close-up portrai...
between 1970 - 1979
Work Type
photographs (visual works)
Signed close-up portrait of Clyfford Still
Creation Date
between 1970 - 1979
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