Browse All : gray and soil from 1935

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photographs (visual wor...
Early portrait of Clyff...
between 1912 - 1920
Work Type
photographs (visual works)
Early portrait of Clyfford Still with scout's uniform and model airplane
Creation Date
between 1912 - 1920
Super 8mm film
[Still, Clyfford, Still...
Home movies of Sandra S...
1968 Autumn to 1969 Jun...
Work Type
Super 8mm film
Work Creator Name
[Still, Clyfford, Still, Patricia]
Home movies of Sandra Still’s departure for Europe and Patricia Still’s rose bushes
Creation Date
1968 Autumn to 1969 June
Super 8mm film
[Still, Clyfford, Still...
Home movies of Clyfford...
Circa 1970 September
Work Type
Super 8mm film
Work Creator Name
[Still, Clyfford, Still, Patricia, Knox, Diane Still, Campbell, Sandra L. Still]
Home movies of Clyfford, Patricia, and Sandra Still's visit to San Francisco and painting and landscaping of 312 Church Street New Windsor, MD
Creation Date
Circa 1970 September
Super 8mm film
[Still, Clyfford, Still...
Home movies of Western ...
1972 July
Work Type
Super 8mm film
Work Creator Name
[Still, Clyfford, Still, Patricia, Campbell, Sandra L. Still, Campbell, Sandra L. Still]
Home movies of Western Maryland train wreck and Elias Rocha, Diane Still, and Roger Rocha's visit to Westminster, Maryland.
Creation Date
1972 July
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