1. 20th century (27)
  2. Abstract (fine arts styl … (97)
  3. Abstract Expressionist (162)
  4. acquisition (collections … (1)
  5. African American (55)
  6. American (9)
  7. announcements (21)
  8. art collections (27)
  9. art criticism (subject) (92)
  10. art critics (224)
  11. art dealers (37)
  12. art education (89)
  13. art galleries (instituti … (95)
  14. art handlers (24)
  15. art history (33)
  16. art museums (137)
  17. art sales (44)
  18. articles (35)
  19. artists (visual artists) (14)
  20. artists' statements (79)
  21. authors (64)
  22. Basel, Switzerland (24)
  23. Bauhaus (61)
  24. Bennington, Vermont (24)
  25. biographies (27)
  26. black-and-white photograp … (5)
  27. black-and-white slides (5)
  28. books (13)
  29. Boulder, Colorado (24)
  30. Buffalo, New York (38)
  31. buildings (structures) (24)
  32. calendars (19)
  33. Canada (24)
  34. cards (information artif … (55)
  35. children (19)
  36. civil wars (5)
  37. Cleveland, Ohio (24)
  38. clippings (information a … (44)
  39. collages (visual works) (16)
  40. Cologne, Germany (5)
  41. color slides (5)
  42. conservation (process) (5)
  43. Contemporary (style of a … (10)
  44. correspondence (4)
  45. Cubist (27)
  46. curators (55)
  47. deaths (55)
  48. East Hampton, New York (9)
  49. events (activities) (19)
  50. exhibition announcements (44)
  51. exhibition catalogs (obj … (55)
  52. exhibition catalogs (sub … (59)
  53. exhibitions (events) (152)
  54. fellowships (55)
  55. German Expressionist (mo … (28)
  56. gifts (20)
  57. graphite pencils (171)
  58. health (55)
  59. houses (24)
  60. Hudson River (5)
  61. Hudson River School (5)
  62. Impressionist (style) (37)
  63. Information Forms (hier … (356)
  64. ink (332)
  65. invitations (44)
  66. Italy (27)
  67. jazz (performing arts) ( … (35)
  68. journalists (55)
  69. Kassel, Germany (24)
  70. letters of recommendatio … (55)
  71. letters to the editor (55)
  72. loan (method of acquisiti … (5)
  73. London, England (24)
  74. magazines (55)
  75. museum directors (99)
  76. music (performing arts) … (55)
  77. New York (59)
  78. New York, New York (42)
  79. newspaper columns (44)
  80. Niagara Falls (waterfall … (19)
  81. Niagara Falls, Ontario, C … (5)
  82. painting (14)
  83. paintings (visual works … (184)
  84. Paris, France (14)
  85. philosophy (5)
  86. plates (illustrations) (24)
  87. Pop (fine arts styles) (5)
  88. Post Impressionist (37)
  89. previews (16)
  90. racial discrimination (55)
  91. reproductions (24)
  92. research (9)
  93. reviews (document genre) (55)
  94. reviews (documents) (14)
  95. rolls (preparation for s … (24)
  96. résumés (personnel recor … (55)
  97. San Francisco, Californ … (130)
  98. sculpture (visual works) (24)
  99. Sublime, the (37)
  100. Surrealist (64)
  101. Texas (38)
  102. tours (journeys) (14)
  103. United States (24)
  104. World War II, 1939-1945 (5)
  105. world's fairs (9)

Browse All : Modern (style or period)

351-356 of 356
  6 7 8
[correspondence, exhibi...
[König, Kasper, New Yor...
Cologne International E...
Work Type
[correspondence, exhibition records, clippings (information artifacts)]
Work Creator Name
[König, Kasper, New York Times, Glueck, Grace]
Cologne International Exhibition
Creation Date
[correspondence, exhibi...
[König, Kasper, New Yor...
Cologne International E...
Work Type
[correspondence, exhibition records, clippings (information artifacts)]
Work Creator Name
[König, Kasper, New York Times, Glueck, Grace]
Cologne International Exhibition
Creation Date
[correspondence, exhibi...
[König, Kasper, New Yor...
Cologne International E...
Work Type
[correspondence, exhibition records, clippings (information artifacts)]
Work Creator Name
[König, Kasper, New York Times, Glueck, Grace]
Cologne International Exhibition
Creation Date
[correspondence, exhibi...
[König, Kasper, New Yor...
Cologne International E...
Work Type
[correspondence, exhibition records, clippings (information artifacts)]
Work Creator Name
[König, Kasper, New York Times, Glueck, Grace]
Cologne International Exhibition
Creation Date
[correspondence, exhibi...
[König, Kasper, New Yor...
Cologne International E...
Work Type
[correspondence, exhibition records, clippings (information artifacts)]
Work Creator Name
[König, Kasper, New York Times, Glueck, Grace]
Cologne International Exhibition
Creation Date
Lockwood, Roy
Lockwood, Roy
1953 March 15
Work Type
Work Creator Name
Lockwood, Roy
Lockwood, Roy
Creation Date
1953 March 15
351-356 of 356
  6 7 8