Abeles, Anne L.
Abend, Anna Davis
Abend, George
Acquavella Galleries Inc
Acquavella, William R.
Albany Mall (Albany, N.Y.
Albright Art Gallery
Albright, Thomas
Albright-Knox Art Galler
Alloway, Lawrence
Anna Davis Abend
Anne L. Abeles
Architectural Digest
Art & Auction Magazine
Art Digest Inc.
Art of this Century Gall
Art Students' League
Ashton, Dore
Auping, Michael
Balliett, Whitney
Baltimore Museum of Art
Baltimore Sun
Bannon, Anthony
Banta, Charles
Barbara Rose
Barnett Newman
Barre, Jean B.
Beyeler, Ernst
Breeskin, Adelyn Dohme
Brenson, Michael
Breuer, Mala
Briggs, Ernest
Brooks Adams
Buffalo Evening News
Buffalo Fine Arts Acade
Butterfield, Jan
Campbell, Sandra L. Sti
Canaday, John
Catlin, Stanton L.
Christian Science Monito
Christian Science Monito
Clyfford Still Estate
Clyfford Still; Still,
Corbett, Edward M.
Devree, Howard
Diane Still Knox; Diane
Douglas G. Schultz
Duncan Macguigan
Edward M. Corbett; Edwar
Francis, Sam
Frankenthaler, Helen
Garske, Patricia; Patrici
Garske, Patricia; Patri
George Abend; George A A
Glueck, Grace
Governor Nelson A. Rockef
Grace Hartigan
Guggenheim, Marguerite;
Guggenheim, Peggy
Haas, Evelyn
Harold Rosenberg
Harry N. Abrams, Inc.
Hartigan, Grace
Hartigan, Lynda Rosco
Helen Frankenthaler
Henry T. Hopkins
Hess, Thomas B.
Hillebrand, Terrell
Hilton Kramer
Hoffmann, Uta
Hopkins, Henry T.
Horizon Magazine
Hunter, Sam
Jackson Pollock
Jean Read
Jean Reeves
Jeffers, Wendy
Joffe, Sue
John Russell
Jon R. Schueler
Joshua C. Taylor; Joshua
Katharine Kuh
Kellein, Thomas
Knox II, Seymour H.
Knox, Diane Still
Knox, Jean
Knox, Northrup
Kramer, Hilton
Kuh, Katharine
Kunsthalle Basel
Lawrence Alloway
Life Magazine
Lyons, Florine E.
Macguigan, Duncan
Marioni, Joseph
Marlborough Gallery
Marlborough Gallery, In
Marlborough-Gerson Galler
Maryland Institute, Colle
Mayer, Musa
Mayo, Alberta
Michael Auping
Molotsky, Irvin
Mortimer Brandt Gallery
Motherwell, Robert
Motherwell, Robert Burns
Museum of Modern Art, Ne
National Collection of F
New York Art Gazette
New York Herald Tribune
New York Magazine
New York State Museum
New York Times
New York Times, The
New Yorker
Newman, Barnett
Newsweek, Inc.
Parker, Wilma
Polcari, Stephen
Pollock, Jackson
Rand, Harry
Regan, Kate
Riordan, Kathy
Rose, Barbara
Rosenberg, Harold
Rothko, Mark
Rothkowitz, Marcus Yako
Rubin, William
Russell, John
Salvesen, Magda
Sam Francis
Sam Hunter
San Francisco Chronicle
San Francisco Chronicle
San Francisco Museum of
Sanders, Jacquin
Sandra L. Still Campbel
Schjeldahl, Peter
Schmid, Max
Schueler, Elise
Schueler, Jon R.
Schultz, Douglas G.
Seymour H. Knox II; Knox
SFMOMA; San Francisco Mu
Shirey, David
Short, Kenneth D.
Stack, Elizabeth
Stalfort, Frederick H. a
Stephen Polcari
Stevens, Elisabeth
Still, Clyfford
Still, Patricia
Still, Patricia Alice G
Sunday Sun
Tarshis, Jerome
Taylor, Joshua Charles
Temko, Allan
The Sun
Thomas Albright
Thomas B. Hess
Thomas Kellein
Time Magazine
Time, Inc.
Uta Hoffman
Van Devanter, Ann C.
Vogue Magazine
Wall Street Journal (Fir
William R. Acquavella
Browse All
Abstract Expressionist
Work Type
[correspondence, postcards, note, ephemera (general)]
Work Creator Name
[Briggs, Ernest, Still, Patricia Alice Garske, Still, Clyfford, New York Times]
Work Type
[correspondence, postcards, note, ephemera (general)]
Work Creator Name
[Briggs, Ernest, Still, Patricia Alice Garske, Still, Clyfford, New York Times]
Work Type
[correspondence, postcards, note, ephemera (general)]
Work Creator Name
[Briggs, Ernest, Still, Patricia Alice Garske, Still, Clyfford, New York Times]
Work Type
[correspondence, postcards, note, ephemera (general)]
Work Creator Name
[Briggs, Ernest, Still, Patricia Alice Garske, Still, Clyfford, New York Times]
Work Type
[correspondence, postcards, note, ephemera (general)]
Work Creator Name
[Briggs, Ernest, Still, Patricia Alice Garske, Still, Clyfford, New York Times]
Work Type
[correspondence, postcards, note, ephemera (general)]
Work Creator Name
[Briggs, Ernest, Still, Patricia Alice Garske, Still, Clyfford, New York Times]
Work Type
[correspondence, postcards, note, ephemera (general)]
Work Creator Name
[Briggs, Ernest, Still, Patricia Alice Garske, Still, Clyfford, New York Times]