color slides
[circa 1935 to 1970, circa 1
Slide of the painting Crucif
color slides
[circa 1935 to 1970, circa 1
Slide of the painting The Sh
color slides
[circa 1935 to 1970, 1805]
Slide of the painting Portra
color slides
[circa 1935 to 1970, 1913]
Slide of the painting Black
color slides
[circa 1935 to 1970, 14th ce
Slide of the painting Pair o
color slides
[circa 1935 to 1970, 1863]
Slide of the painting Olympi
color slides
[circa 1935 to 1970, 1425]
Slide of the painting Expuls
color slides
[circa 1935 to 1970, 1425]
Slide of the painting The Tr
color slides
[circa 1935 to 1970, 1475]
Slide of the painting Calvar
color slides
[circa 1935 to 1970, 1907]
Slide of the painting The Wo
color slides
[circa 1935 to 1970, 1932]
Slide of the painting Girl b
color slides
[circa 1935 to 1970, 1932]
Slide of the painting Girl B
color slides
[circa 1935 to 1970, 1921]
Slide of the painting Three
color slides
[circa 1935 to 1970, 1934]
Slide of the painting Secret
color slides
[circa 1935 to 1970, 1911]
Slide of the painting The Wo
color slides
[circa 1935 to 1970, 1648]
Slide of the painting Pilgri
color slides
[circa 1935 to 1970, 1662]
Slide of the painting The Sa
color slides
[circa 1935 to 1970, circa 1
Slide of the painting The Ju
color slides
[circa 1935 to 1970, circa 1
Slide of the painting The Me
color slides
[circa 1935 to 1970, circa 1
Slide of the painting Journe
color slides
[circa 1935 to 1970, circa 1
Slide of the painting Circus
color slides
[circa 1935 to 1970, circa 1
Slide of the painting Armida
color slides
[circa 1935 to 1970, 1575]
Slide of the painting The Or
color slides
[circa 1935 to 1970, 1576]
Slide of the painting Christ
color slides
[circa 1935 to 1970, 1510]
Slide of the painting Portra
color slides
[circa 1935 to 1970, 1555]
Slide of the painting Venus
color slides
[circa 1935 to 1970, circa 1
Slide of the painting The Ba
color slides
[circa 1935 to 1970, 1656]
Slide of the painting Las Me
color slides
[circa 1935 to 1970, circa 1
Slide of the painting Girl w
color slides
[circa 1935 to 1970, circa 1
Slide of the painting A Youn
color slides
[circa 1935 to 1970, 1660]
Slide of the painting The Mi
color slides
[circa 1935 to 1970, 1573]
Slide of the painting Feast
color slides
[circa 1935 to 1970, circa 1
Slide of the painting The Vi
color slides
[circa 1935 to 1970, 8th cen
Slide of the painting Waterf
color slides
[circa 1935 to 1970, 1924]
Slide of the Meetinghouse Ga
color slides
[circa 1935 to 1970, 1450]
Slide of the painting The En
Env 131 (4 of 7)
black-and-white negatives
circa 1935 through circa 194
Still, Clyfford, Myers, Dick
Env 131 (5 of 7)
black-and-white negatives
circa 1935 through circa 193
Still, Clyfford, Myers, Dick
Env 131 (7 of 7)
black-and-white negatives
circa 1935 through circa 193
Still, Clyfford, Myers, Dick
circa 1928
Still, Clyfford
[PAX-1.66, PPX-24]
circa 1930
Still, Clyfford
[PAX-1.32, PDX-169]
circa 1936
Still, Clyfford
[PAX-1.147, PDX-265]
circa 1936
Still, Clyfford
[PAX-1.133, PDX-251]
ca. 1936
Still, Clyfford
[PAX-1.132.2, PDX-250.2]
photographs (visual works)
ca. 1934-35
Still, Clyfford
View from the interior of th
photographs (visual works)
ca. 1934-35
Still, Clyfford
View of the Triuna Islands N
photographs (visual works)
ca. 1934-35
Still, Clyfford
Portrait of Bernard Haggin a
photographs (visual works)
ca. 1934-35
Portrait of Berenice Robinso
photographs (visual works)
ca. 1934-35
Still, Clyfford
View of the gardens at Yaddo
photographs (visual works)
ca. 1934-35
Still, Clyfford
View of the gardens at Yaddo