contact sheets
after 1961
Campbell, Sandra L. Still
Contact sheet with eight ima
photographs (visual works)
between 1907 - 1910
Early group portrait with Sa
photographs (visual works)
ca. 1904
Early portrait of an infant
photographs (visual works)
between 1908 - 1912
Early portrait of Clyfford S
photographs (visual works)
between 1945 - 1948
Family portrait with Clyffor
photographs (visual works)
Group portrait with Clyfford
photographs (visual works)
Portrait of Clyfford Still w
photographs (visual works)
Portrait of Clyfford Still,
photographs (visual works)
1956 April 11
Still, Clyfford
Portrait of Johnnie Stephan,
photographs (visual works)
ca. 1946
Still, Clyfford
Portrait of Lillian Battan S
photographs (visual works)
Still, Clyfford
Portrait of Lillian Battan S
photographs (visual works)
1956 April 11
Stephan, John Walter
Portrait of Patricia Still,
photographs (visual works)
Portrait of Sandra Still at
photographs (visual works)
between 1920 - 1940
Portrait of Susie Still Abbo
photographs (visual works)
[Still, Clyfford, Campbell,
View of a train wreck near a