color negatives
Still, Patricia Alice Garske
Color negative of a tree on
color negatives
Still, Patricia Alice Garske
Color negative of a tree wit
color negatives
Still, Patricia Alice Garske
Color negative of the field
color negatives
Still, Patricia Alice Garske
Color negative of the field
color negatives
Still, Patricia Alice Garske
Color negative of the grass
color negatives
Still, Patricia Alice Garske
Color negative of the grass
color negatives
Still, Patricia Alice Garske
Color negative of the grass
color negatives
Still, Patricia Alice Garske
Color negative of the grass
color negatives
Still, Patricia Alice Garske
Color negative of the grassy
color negatives
Still, Patricia Alice Garske
Color negative of the grassy
color negatives
Still, Patricia Alice Garske
Color negative of the grassy
color negatives
Still, Patricia Alice Garske
Color negative of the lawn a
color negatives
Still, Patricia Alice Garske
Color negative of the grass
color negatives
Still, Patricia Alice Garske
Color negative of the road c
color negatives
Still, Patricia Alice Garske
Color negative of the tree l
color negatives
Still, Patricia Alice Garske
Color negative of the trees
color negatives
Still, Patricia Alice Garske
Color negative of the trees
color negatives
Still, Patricia Alice Garske
Color negative of two trees
color negatives
Still, Patricia Alice Garske
Color photograph of the gras
color negatives
Still, Patricia Alice Garske
Color photograph of the gras
color negatives
1993 August
Still, Patricia Alice Garske
Color negative of the trees
color negatives
1993 August
Still, Patricia Alice Garske
Color negative of the trees
color negatives
1993 August
Still, Patricia Alice Garske
Color negative of the trees
color negatives
Still, Patricia Alice Garske
Color negative of a garden a
color negatives
Still, Patricia Alice Garske
Color negative of the back f
color negatives
Still, Patricia Alice Garske
Color negative of the back f
color negatives
Still, Patricia Alice Garske
Color negative of the back f
color negatives
Still, Patricia Alice Garske
Color negative of the back f
color negatives
Still, Patricia Alice Garske
Color negative of the back f
color negatives
Still, Patricia Alice Garske
Color negative of the back g
color negatives
Still, Patricia Alice Garske
Color negative of the back l
color negatives
Still, Patricia Alice Garske
Color negative of the back l
color negatives
Still, Patricia Alice Garske
Color negative of the back l
color negatives
Still, Patricia Alice Garske
Color negative of the fence
color negatives
Still, Patricia Alice Garske
Color negative of the fence
color negatives
Still, Patricia Alice Garske
Color negative of the fence
color negatives
Still, Patricia Alice Garske
Color negative of the garden
black-and-white negatives
Campbell, Sandra L. Still
Black and white negative of
black-and-white negatives
Campbell, Sandra L. Still
Black and white negative of
black-and-white negatives
between 1929 - 1960
Still, Clyfford
A black and white negative o
black-and-white negatives
between 1929 - 1960
Still, Clyfford
Black and white negative of
black-and-white negatives
between 1929 - 1960
Still, Clyfford
Black and white negative of
black-and-white negatives
Between 1940 and 1960
Still, Clyfford
Black and white negative of
black-and-white negatives
between 1929 - 1960
Still, Clyfford
Black and white negative of
black-and-white negatives
between 1929 - 1960
Still, Clyfford
Black and white negative of
black-and-white negatives
between 1929 - 1960
Still, Clyfford
Black and white negative of
black-and-white negatives
Still, Clyfford
Black and white negative of
black-and-white negatives
between 1929 - 1960
Still, Clyfford
Black and white negative of
black-and-white negatives
between 1929 - 1960
Still, Clyfford
Black and white photographs
black-and-white negatives
[Still, Clyfford, MacAgy, Do
Black and white negative of