photographs (visual works)
ca. 1936 - 1937
Still, Clyfford
Close-up view of the Grand C
photographs (visual works)
circa 1930 July 16
Still, Clyfford
Landscape view of Lake Louis
photographs (visual works)
ca. 1936 - 1937
Still, Clyfford
Landscape view of the Grand
photographs (visual works)
ca. 1936 - 1937
Still, Clyfford
Landscape view of the Grand
photographs (visual works)
ca. 1936 - 1937
Still, Clyfford
Landscape view of the Grand
photographs (visual works)
ca. 1936 - 1937
Still, Clyfford
View of the Grand Coulee Dam
photographs (visual works)
between circa 1929 and circa
Still, Clyfford
Landscape view of a field, c
photographs (visual works)
between circa 1929 and circa
Still, Clyfford
Landscape view of a field, c
photographs (visual works)
circa 1930 July 16
Still, Clyfford
Landscape view of Lake Louis