photographs (visual works)
circa 1949
Portrait of Clyfford Still a
photographs (visual works)
Still, Clyfford
Portrait of Douglas MacAgy a
Slides of the Still family's
color slides
circa 1964 September
[Still, Patricia, Still, Cly
Slides of the Maryland lands
color slides
circa 1972 November
[Still, Patricia, Still, Cly
Slides of PH-1024 in Clyffor
color slides
1976 October 5-8
[Still, Patricia, Still, Cly
Slides of Clyfford and Patri
color slides
circa 1978 October
[Still, Patricia, Still, Cly
photographs (visual works)
Campbell, Sandra L. Still
Portrait of Clyfford Still p
photographs (visual works)
Campbell, Sandra L. Still
Portrait of Clyfford Still p
photographs (visual works)
Campbell, Sandra L. Still
Portrait of Clyfford Still p
photographs (visual works)
Portrait of Clyfford Still p
photographs (visual works)
ca. 1934-35
Portrait of Berenice Robinso