color negatives
1989 May
Still, Patricia Alice Garske
Color negatives of red and y
black-and-white negatives
c. 1956
[Still, Clyfford, Still, Pat
Black and white negative of
black-and-white negatives
1956 April 11
[Still, Clyfford, Still, Pat
Black and white negative of
black-and-white negatives
c. 1956
[Still, Clyfford, Still, Pat
Black and white negative of
black-and-white negatives
c. 1956
[Still, Clyfford, Still, Pat
Black and white negative of
photographs (visual works)
between 1920 - 1930
Still, Clyfford
Landscape view of Clyfford S
photographs (visual works)
after 1966
Side view of Clyfford Still'
black-and-white negatives
circa 1942
Still, Clyfford
Black and white negative of