color negatives
Still, Patricia Alice Garske
Color negative of PH-419, a
color negatives
Still, Patricia Alice Garske
Color negative of PH-419, a
color negatives
Still, Patricia Alice Garske
Color negative of PH-655, a
color negatives
Still, Patricia Alice Garske
Color negative of PH-655, a
color negatives
Still, Patricia Alice Garske
Color negative of the farmla
color negatives
Still, Patricia Alice Garske
Color negative of the landsc
color negatives
Still, Patricia Alice Garske
Color negative of the landsc
color negatives
Still, Patricia Alice Garske
Color negative of the landsc
color negatives
Still, Patricia Alice Garske
Color negative of the landsc
Metropolitan Museum of Art,
[correspondence, exhibition
Metropolitan Museum of Art
Metropolitan Museum of Art,
[correspondence, exhibition
Metropolitan Museum of Art
Metropolitan Museum of Art,
[correspondence, exhibition
Metropolitan Museum of Art
Metropolitan Museum of Art,
[correspondence, exhibition
Metropolitan Museum of Art
Metropolitan Museum of Art,
[correspondence, exhibition
Metropolitan Museum of Art
Metropolitan Museum of Art,
[correspondence, exhibition
Metropolitan Museum of Art
Metropolitan Museum of Art,
[correspondence, exhibition
Metropolitan Museum of Art
Metropolitan Museum of Art,
[correspondence, exhibition
Metropolitan Museum of Art
Metropolitan Museum of Art,
[correspondence, exhibition
Metropolitan Museum of Art
Metropolitan Museum of Art,
[correspondence, exhibition
Metropolitan Museum of Art
Metropolitan Museum of Art,
[correspondence, exhibition
Metropolitan Museum of Art
Metropolitan Museum of Art,
[correspondence, exhibition
Metropolitan Museum of Art
Metropolitan Museum of Art,
[correspondence, exhibition
Metropolitan Museum of Art
Metropolitan Museum of Art,
[correspondence, exhibition
Metropolitan Museum of Art
Metropolitan Museum of Art,
[correspondence, exhibition
Metropolitan Museum of Art
Metropolitan Museum of Art,
[correspondence, exhibition
Metropolitan Museum of Art
color negatives
Still, Patricia Alice Garske
Color negative of Still's pa
color negatives
Still, Patricia Alice Garske
Color negative of Still's pa
color negatives
Still, Patricia Alice Garske
Color negative of Still's pa
color negatives
Still, Patricia Alice Garske
Color negative of Still's pa
color negatives
Still, Patricia Alice Garske
Color negative of Still's pa
color negatives
Still, Patricia Alice Garske
Color negative of Still's pa
color negatives
Still, Patricia Alice Garske
Color negative of Still's pa
color negatives
Still, Patricia Alice Garske
Color negative of Still's pa
color negatives
Still, Patricia Alice Garske
Color negative of Still's pa
color negatives
Still, Patricia Alice Garske
Color negative of Still's pa
color negatives
Still, Patricia Alice Garske
Color negative of Still's pa
color negatives
Still, Patricia Alice Garske
Color negative of Still's pa
color negatives
Still, Patricia Alice Garske
Color negative of Still's pa
color negatives
Still, Patricia Alice Garske
Color negative of Still's pa
color negatives
Still, Patricia Alice Garske
Color negative of Still's pa
color negatives
Still, Patricia Alice Garske
Color negative of Still's pa
color negatives
circa late 1960s
Still, Patricia Alice Garske
Color negative of Clyfford S
color negatives
circa late 1960s
Still, Patricia Alice Garske
Color negative of PH-15 hang
color negatives
circa late 1960s
Still, Patricia Alice Garske
Color negative of PH-776 han
color negatives
circa late 1960s
Still, Patricia Alice Garske
Color negative of PH-776 han
color negatives
circa late 1960s
Still, Patricia Alice Garske
Color negative of PH-776 han
color negatives
circa late 1960s
Still, Patricia Alice Garske
Color negative of PH-776 han
color negatives
circa late 1960s
Still, Patricia Alice Garske
Color negative of PH-776 han
color negatives
Still, Patricia Alice Garske
Color negative of PH-776 han
photographs (visual works)
1969 January
Campbell, Sandra L. Still
Close-up portrait of Clyffor