Stephan, John & Ruth
Creation Date:
Work Creator Name:
Stephan, John J.
Work Creator Name:
Franklin, Ruth Stephan
Work Creator Name:
Still, Clyfford
Work Creator Name:
Still, Patricia Alice Garske
Work Material Support Name:
Current Work Location Name:
Clyfford Still Museum
Creation Location:
Creation Location:
Creation Location:
San Francisco, California
Creation Location:
Greenwich, Connecticut
Creation Location:
Spokane, Washington
Creation Location:
128 W. 23rd St., New York, New York
Creation Location:
Creation Location:
1445 Old Westminster Road, Warfieldsburg, Maryland
Work Description:
This file contains correspondence between John and Ruth Stephan and Clyfford and Patricia Still. It opens with John Stephan writing Clyfford Still wishing Still well and hoping the painting is going well, Stephan applauds Still on his courage and hopes that New York is not too tough. Stephan is enjoying Rome, but he misses New York. Stephan tells Still that he has some studio space for Stephan's painting and is happy to be back in the United States. In 1953, Still writes the Stephans about his painting in San Francisco and his frustrations with Betty Parsons due to her "lust for money." Stephan agrees with Still about Parsons, Stephan invites Still to Tucson Arizona to paint. Still writes Stephan about his painting and productivity. John Stephan writes with optimism about his paintings and his hopes for the final product. Still writes about the potential closing of the California School of Fine arts in 1954. Both Still and Stephan discuss their frustrations in their mobile way of life as Still is traveling between San Francisco and New York and Stephan is moving between Chicago and Tucson. In 1956 Still writes about his frustrations with Spokane and his plans to get back to New York. In 1957-1958 Still and Stephan discuss their frustrations in their friendship. In 1959 the Museum of Modern Art asks Still for three paintings for a show, Still suggests they use the black painting Stephan owns, of which Stephan feels that the MoMA's contemporary shows are bad, but will comply. John tell Still that the painting looks fantastic in the show. Stephan forwards a letter he sent to Betty Freeman about the black monster in which she asked to purchase it, but Stephan is unwilling to part ways with it. In 1962, Still tells Stephan that he knows Betty Freeman is not trustworthy. Still tells Stephan that he is excited that the black monster has a home in Chicago and that the $10,000 still owed for the painting will be paid by the Art Institute.
Image Creator Name:
Hadley Kluber
Image Type Format:
Image Holding Institution:
Clyfford Still Museum
Image Collection Name:
Clyfford Still Archives - Subject Files
Image Rights Statement:
Image Capture Hardware:
Epson Expression 10000 XL
Image Capture Operating System:
Mac OS X 10.10.5
Image Cataloger Name:
Hadley Kluber
Image Cataloger Role:
Contract Digitization Specialist