Smith, Hassel
Creation Date:
Work Creator Name:
Smith, Hassel
Work Creator Name:
Still, Clyfford
Work Creator Name:
Still, Patricia Alice Garske
Work Material Medium Name:
Work Material Support Name:
Current Work Location Name:
Clyfford Still Museum
Creation Location:
Creation Location:
48 Cooper Square, New York, New York
Creation Location:
San Francisco, California
Creation Location:
128 W. 23rd St., New York, New York
Creation Location:
Los Angeles, California
Creation Location:
1445 Old Westminster Road, Warfieldsburg, Maryland
Creation Location:
Bristol, England
Creation Location:
312 Church Street, New Windsor, Maryland
Work Description:
This file contains correspondence between artist Hassel Smith and Clyfford and Patricia Still. It opens with a letter form Smith to Clyford Still about how much Smith looks forward to seeing Clyfford Still and Smith writes about how powerful he finds Still's paintings. The correspondence picks up a few years later with Still writing Smith about his time in New York, Still's frustrations with the museums and galleries and how they ask him to compromise his conscious. Smith writes positively of Dorothy Miller, specifically about how highly they speak of Still. Smith forwards his resignation from the California School of Fine Arts in 1952 or many of he same reasons Still left the school - oversight, interference, bad policies, and finances. Still refuses to be a reference for Smith, which results in Patricia Still threatening legal action, Smith apologizes and the Stills accept his apology. Smith sends catalogs and invitations for exhibitions. Later, in 1965, Smith notifies Still that his is loaning Still's painting PH-15 to that Pasadena Museum so all can see it. Smith notifies Still that he is moving to Bristol, England to teach at the England College of Art and that PH-15 is going to the Oakland Museum. Still writes Smith to let him know that he has the right to display PH-15 as he sees fit, and complains about the state of art in the United States as Still decides to attempt to withdraw completely from the scene. Smith notifies Still that he is giving a talk at Candiff College of Art in Wales about Still's artwork and requests color slides to display Still's artwork, which Still complies with and sends 40 slides for Smith to use. In the 1970s Still and Smith exchange pleasantries and updates about their work including Smith sending ephemera of his exhibitions. Smith notifies Still that the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art is displaying PH-15 without checking with Smith in advance. Smith sends Still his response to critic Alfred Frankenstein, who Smith does not respect. Still enjoys Smith's response to Frankenstein and respects Smith's distaste for critics. Smith writes Still about bringing his family to the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art to see the Still exhibition in 1978 and discusses how magnificent the paintings are and the impact it had on Smith and his family, especially PH-968, PH-920, and PH-919. Still congratulates Smith on his Los Angeles show and appreciates his feedback on the SFMoMA show. Smith talks about children reacting to Still's work at the SFMoMA and how much they are able to understand Still's work, and then he discusses taking his students to the Metropolitan Museum of Art show and how all of them appreciated the work. Patricia Still updates Smith on Still's health, and finally Smith sends condolences upon Still's death.
Image Creator Name:
Hadley Kluber
Image Type Format:
Image Holding Institution:
Clyfford Still Museum
Image Collection Name:
Clyfford Still Archives - Subject Files
Image Rights Statement:
Image Capture Hardware:
Epson Expression 10000 XL
Image Capture Operating System:
Mac OS X 10.10.5
Image Cataloger Name:
Hadley Kluber
Image Cataloger Role:
Contract Digitization Specialist