Work Type:
Creation Date:
Work Creator Name:
Still, Clyfford
Work Display Measurement:
113 x 146 in. (287.0 x 370.8 cm)
Work Material Name:
oil paint
Work Material Support Name:
Work Style Period:
Abstract Expressionist
Current Work Location Name:
Clyfford Still Museum
Creation Location:
New York, New York
Work Inscription:
Work Description:
A grouping of jagged, irregularly-shaped forms fill the upper right quadrant of this otherwise bare, horizontally-oriented canvas. The largest forms are black, which surround and divide four smaller colored forms. The largest of the colored forms is red, which sits below a very small green form. These are both located just right of canvas center. A small yellow form is visible at the top edge, just above a larger dagger-shaped orange form. A blue form resides along the left edge of the canvas just above the center line, and another tiny form is located at the bottom edge near the lower right corner. A very thin, white lifeline runs from top edge to bottom and splits the composition just left of center.
Clyfford Still, PH-1165, 1960. Oil on canvas, 113 x 146 in. (287.0 x 370.8 cm). Clyfford Still Museum, Denver, CO.
Work Rights Statement:
© City and County of Denver / ARS, NY