Work Type:
Creation Date:
Work Creator Name:
Still, Clyfford
Work Display Measurement:
89 3/4 x 68 1/4 in. (228.1 x 173.5 cm)
Work Material Name:
oil paint
Work Material Support Name:
Current Work Location Name:
Clyfford Still Museum
Creation Location:
New York, New York
Work Inscription:
Clyfford 1959
Work Inscription:
89 x 68
Work Inscription:
Clyfford 1959, 89 x 68, PH-1100
Work Inscription Author:
Still, Clyfford
Work Inscription Author:
Still, Clyfford
Work Inscription Author:
Still, Clyfford
Work Description:
Flickering black shapes fill the left half, bottom and right fourth of the canvas, leaving the top right corner bare along with various smaller areas scattered throughout the black. A small red form floats in the bare canvas at top right, directly to the left of a white lifeline that enters the scene from the top edge and runs vertically down before ending just above the black pigment near the bottom. A tiny burst of yellow sits at the right edge below center, several tiny blue streaks are located amidst the black at top left, and a small white form hovers at the top left corner. A burst of white pigment erupts in the bottom left corner, and this photograph shows the badly yellowing varnish painted over this white pigment.
Clyfford Still, PH-1100, 1959. Oil on canvas, 89 3/4 x 68 1/4 inches (228 x 173.4 cm). Clyfford Still Museum, Denver, CO.
Work Rights Statement:
© City and County of Denver / ARS, NY
Image Holding Institution:
Clyfford Still Museum
Image Collection Name:
CSM Art Collection: Objects
Image Rights Statement:
Photo: Gary Regester, courtesy the Clyfford Still Museum