Detail View: Art Collection:

Work Type: 
Creation Date: 
Work Creator Name: 
Still, Clyfford
Work Display Measurement: 
82 x 69 1/4 in. (208.3 x 176.0 cm)
Work Material Name: 
oil paint
Work Material Support Name: 
Current Work Location Name: 
Clyfford Still Museum
Creation Location: 
131 West 23rd St., New York, New York
Creation Location: 
New York, New York
Work Inscription: 
P-30 (circled)
Work Description: 
This composition is filled with forms that fit together like jigsaw puzzle pieces. A large, smoky blue form fills the left half of the work, running alongside a larger black form which fills the right half. Smaller black forms enter the composition from the bottom left corner and top left edge, an orange form fills the top right corner, and a sliver of yellow runs along the top left edge.
Clyfford Still, PH-30, 1955. Oil on canvas, 82 x 69 1/4 inches (208.3 x 176.0 cm). Clyfford Still Museum, Denver, CO.
Work Rights Statement: 
© City and County of Denver / ARS, NY
Image Holding Institution: 
Clyfford Still Museum
Image Collection Name: 
CSM Art Collection: Objects
Image Rights Statement: 
Photo: Gary Regester, courtesy the Clyfford Still Museum